My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 80: Little fish teases Mr. Lu

Yuyou stayed at the domestication base to treat the marine animals, and Lu Jingyi also called his technical team to officially build a virtual aquarium.

The original several connected pavilions are all integrated together, and the area is equivalent to a football field. It is divided into four areas according to the Eastern Ocean, the Southern Ocean, the Western Cloud Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, but these four areas can be connected. With the change of seasons, the virtual ocean will also change accordingly. Ocean currents, tides, waves and even natural disasters such as storm surge, sea ice, and sea fog are all planned contents of the virtual ocean.

Lu Jingyi is mainly responsible for program design and equipment installation, while Yuyou is responsible for collecting abundant materials, and then handing them over to professionals for 3D design. In contrast, the latter is more work. For ordinary people, it would be difficult to complete such a huge material library in five or six years, and the money required is inestimable unless old and repeated materials are used.

Naturally, Yuyou wouldn't do this. She could turn around the four oceans in minutes. Collecting materials was just a matter of time. What she is worried about is not that there are not enough materials and that they are not new enough, but that the storage space of the virtual system is not large enough to support the huge amount of data.

"You don't have to worry." Lu Jingyi said, "I have installed the most advanced system. As long as I regularly upgrade and maintain it, there will be no overload situation." The value of this system alone is ten times more than that of this aquarium. more than.

Lu Jingyi originally just wanted to make Xiaoyu happy, but after evaluation, he decided to treat it as an important project and complete it regardless of cost. Because of the existence of small fish, it is likely to become a unique and unrepeatable miracle in the world.

However, before that, Lu's executives, including Lu Jingyi's technical team, were not very optimistic about this project, and generally believed that the expenses were far greater than the benefits, and the gains outweighed the losses. This is not a small project of 10 to 20 million yuan, but one billion yuan at every turn, and the follow-up expenditure is even more bottomless. Lu Jingyi did not get the company's investment, and simply signed a contract with the company in his own name. The company only provides technical support and does not accept share, and Lu Jingyi pays 8000W.

Not long after this decision, all shareholders regretted that their bowels were green, and 8000W gave up a cornucopia of daily gold. At that time, as long as you strive for a 10% share, you can get no less than a hundred times the profit, and it is still sustainable.

During the day, Yu You followed Lu Jingyi as his assistant and learned technical experience.

Lu Jingyi is serious and rigorous in his work, and his guidance is also very attentive.

While the other technicians work, they watch them show their affection, and then they have an egg...

"There is a problem here, start over." Lu Jingyi deleted the fruits of Yuyou's half-hour labor with one click.

"The action is too slow, this kind of efficiency is not as good as that of a small technician." The tone was full of disgust.

"It's not done yet? Did you just stand there in a daze?" As an assistant, it's too unqualified!

Once someone enters the working state, it is like becoming another person, and the six relatives do not recognize it.

Audience: Mr. Lu is worthy of being a model of my generation's ability to be single.

Yuyou worked hard and didn't care. She has a solid foundation and patience, but her hands are not fast enough to keep up with Lu Jingyi's rhythm.

Lu Jingyi was like a demon possessed, he roared happily, and when he was done with his work, he saw Xiaoyu's stained fingers and sweat on his forehead, and he was relieved immediately.

When eating, Yuyou stretches out his hand, and Lu Jingyi pours the tea; Yuyou picks up his chopsticks, and Lu Jingyi holds the bowl; Yuyou bows his head, and Lu Jingyi delivers the paper; Yuyou raises his eyes, and Lu Jingyi serves the food... Meticulous service, considerate service, and judgment at work If there are two people, everyone's jaws will drop.

After dinner, Yuyou dropped Lu Jingyi and checked the condition of the marine animals with other breeders.

The sea lion is the most seriously ill. Although it can run and jump, it suffers from pain every day.

When the fish came to look at it, it was rolling on the ground, trying to relieve the itch. Doing so would only make the situation worse, but he is so fat and strong that several staff members can't stop him unless he is injected with anesthesia.

It wasn't until Yuyou arrived that it stopped tossing around, lying beside her obediently, letting her check.

Although I have seen Yuyou's methods before, the staff still feel very magical.

After the inspection, Yuyou recorded the symptoms of the sea lion in detail, established a file, and formulated a treatment plan.

In the evening, she opened a rescue channel on the official website of the aquarium, intercepted several videos and posted it online, publicized the progress of the treatment, and then shared the URL on Weibo and several other public welfare forums.

Yuyou has the most Weibo fans. After she shared it, many people clicked on this website.

The first video is the sea lion round.

In the past, Yuyou's videos were all about beautiful, cute, funny, and stupid marine animals, but this time it was completely different.

The sea lion in the video is covered with large and small plaques, cloudy eyes, and pus in the teeth, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. After reading the introduction, they knew that this was a seriously ill sea lion, and that the Fantasy Aquarium had established a help base to take in and rescue those abandoned or sick marine animals.

The first minute of the video is mainly about the current physical condition of the sea lion, and the second minute, the style of painting has changed. A breeder was about to help him check his body, but he suddenly burst out and almost bit the breeder's nose off. The breeder fled in panic, and it chased after it desperately, and a tragic "help" came from the screen.

[It's not my fault for tailgating: Hahaha, poor breeder. 】

[Sesame dumplings: The 100-meter speed of the breeder's brother is only 10 seconds, and he can enter the national team. 】

[Not being able to eat fish is a bit square: Yuanyuan Chong, biting shit, this **** human! 】

[My brother's tail will discharge: Don't be afraid, little brother breeder, if you are bitten, it will definitely be a work injury, and the aquarium will pay for your treatment, you just need to lie down. 】

At this time, several staff members came around fully armed, ready to restrain the runaway sea lion. When they were nervous, they suddenly heard a whistle sound. The sea lion seemed to have received some instructions, giving up chasing the breeder and turning around. And ran to the other side, and then fell into the arms of a girl.

The video ends here.

[Eight-faced: I'll go! Next, I want to see below! 】

[Xiaoji tweeted: Don't guess, that back must belong to our pavilion owner. 】

[My brother's tail will discharge: When did the museum owner work part-time as a sea lion trainer? That whistle was too coquettish! 】

[Creating a human in the future: No, look at the introduction, this sea lion was transported from out of town two days ago, and he is not familiar with the museum owner at all. 】

[Women's clothing boss Medusa: I have been following the museum owner's Weibo for many years, and I have never heard of her raising sea lions. 】

[Enima: The pavilion master is specialized in domestication skills, don’t you know? 】

[Ting Lang's voice: I want to see the owner of the museum interact with Yuanyuan ah ah ah ah! 】

[It's not my fault for tailgating: This video is only the first episode. It seems that it should be filmed until the end of the treatment. I hope the baby sea lion can recover as soon as possible. 】

Next, netizens watched the videos of two dolphins and a money shark respectively. Through the text introduction, they roughly understood their conditions.

[Civevet: The situation of these marine animals is not very optimistic, especially the sea lion, the probability of being cured is not high, and the museum owner takes a great risk in accepting them. 】

[I am an unrestrained goose: I heard that not many bases are willing to accept these marine animals. Once they die, it will bring a lot of trouble to the receiving unit. It takes ten days and a half months to review the program alone. . 】

[Crazy Doudou: I have followed, and come to sign in every day. 】

[Urban Flowers Shao: Museum owner, I will donate 10W every time you cure one in the future, and I will post it as proof. 】

[Enima: Surprised local tyrants! 】

[One star: I am not as rich as I spend less, so I donate 10,000 yuan. 】

The following group donated, ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands. Although the number is not large, it is a love for marine animals and a kind of support for public welfare undertakings.

This is also one of the original intentions of Yuyou's video release. Only by gathering everyone's strength can we save more marine animals and convey this awareness of protection subtly.

For several days in a row, Lu Jingyi and Yu You were busy. The difference is that Lu Jingyi doesn't care when he is busy, while Yuyou knows how to combine work and rest.

"Jing Yi, it's almost 10 o'clock, why don't you go back to the hotel to rest?" Yu You found Lu Jingyi in the control center.

The other technicians are gone, only he is still working like crazy.

"You go back first, I'll be back later." Lu Jingyi replied without raising his head.

If it had been a few days ago, Yu You would have really believed in his evil. He asked her to go back early, but he didn't come back all night. The next day, he appeared in front of her with two dark circles under his eyes. He tried to rub her with his chin full of stubble, but of course she was dragged back to make up for sleep. .

"Give you ten minutes." Yuyou gave him a time limit.

"Ten minutes is not enough."

"You only have ten minutes." Yu You turned and left without giving him a chance to protest.

Ten minutes later, Lu Jingyi was still addicted to his work and couldn't help himself.

【stand up! People who don't want to be slaves! ] At 10 minutes and 1 second, a high-pitched bell rang in the silent room, causing Lu Jingyi to shake his fingers and almost pierce the tablet.

Quickly turning off the bell, Lu Jingyi looked at the door with a heavy expression, but the door was empty and no one was there.

At this moment, the phone vibrated, and then Yuyou's voice came: [I'm on the second basement floor, if you don't arrive within three minutes, I'll drown myself. 】

A photo appeared on the screen: Yuyou's head in the water.

Lu Jingyi quickly sorted out his things and strode towards the second basement floor.

On the second basement floor is a circular exhibition hall. On both sides of the meandering glass passage, there are all kinds of colorful marine life.

Lu Jingyi walked slowly and swept them one by one. At this moment, a group of manta rays passed in front of him, their wide pectoral fins spread out like wings. Between them, a slender figure passed lightly, long black hair fluttered in the water, and the fair skin shone with brilliant water under the light.

Yuyou was wearing a bikini, and her beautiful figure was unobstructed in the water.

She crossed the swarm of manta rays and came to Lu Jingyi, with her hands on the glass, her long hair fluttering, her eyes clear and bright, and a person's shadow reflected in her pupils.

Lu Jingyi raised his hand, matched hers with both palms, and looked at her pulse.

Yuyou smiled and said silently, "Come and pick me up."

With that, she slid sideways and swam to the other side, picking up a string of bubbles in the water.

Lu Jingyi quickly caught up, rushed to the exit, grabbed the little fish that stretched out his hand towards him, and pulled her into his arms with all his might, crushing her to the ground. The two fiery bodies are intertwined and intimate. Lu Jingyi's clothes were all wet, but they were not messy, but Yuyou was without an inch of thread.

An hour later, Lu Jingyi took Ovie back to the hotel. After taking a shower, he slept peacefully until dawn.

When he woke up, Lu Jingyi saw Aowei wearing a refreshing sports suit, standing in front of the mirror to clean up his appearance, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why don't you come back?"

"Today is yoga day." Ovie came to the bed and leaned over to kiss him on the forehead.

Lu Jingyi kept his face calm and did not dodge.

"How long are you going to practice?"

"It depends on the situation." Ovie calculated silently, "This method is still somewhat effective. I can change back half an hour after I transformed yesterday. But..."

"But what?"

Ovie glanced at him: "Is your masculine aura getting stronger and stronger? Before the time was over, I couldn't control it, I almost..."

Lu Jingyi's face froze, and some discordant images popped up in his mind unconsciously. He was so passionate last night that he seemed to have done something that broke the lower limit.

"Okay, I'll talk about this later, I'll go first." Ovie waved to him and walked out of the room.

Lu Jingyi stared at the closed door, his eyes darkened.

Leaving the hotel, Ovie called a car and went straight to the yoga studio.

He didn't say anything just now. If Lu Jingyi's aura continued to grow, the problem of him being forced to transform would probably be difficult to solve. Take one in and one out, and never try to reach the ideal state.