My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 606: Preparations between the parties (third

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In the remaining two days.

Naruto is not going to waste it.

As the moon that once sealed the ten-tailed body, an outgoing golem, and still seals the goddess of Uo, Otsuki Teruya, Naruto believes that he must be able to gain something in this place, which is worth a visit. It is mentioned that Sheren’s corpse was also collected by Naruto. After preparation, it was buried in the tomb where all the Datongmu clan were buried. Although as the descendants of Yucun’s descendants with the purest blood, Sheren’s corpse possessed The research value is not low, but after all, people die like a lamp, so I still have to give Hamura a little bit of face.

Don't continue to use other people's corpses as research materials.

Of course, this is also the current level of He Naruto's strength, and it is not necessary to use this method to improve it. If the current Naruto is still a long way away from the six levels, studying the body of Sheren can shorten this distance. , Naruto will definitely not miss this opportunity, maybe to say and do so, it will appear Naruto is a little gloomy and not positive enough.

But sorry.

Naruto never wanted to be a hero.

Just to realize my dreams and justice.

The remaining ones.

Naruto wouldn't care.

Tenderness and kindness in a limited degree.

Naruto will not reject, let alone reject.

But if you can’t even guarantee your own life.

That is not called tenderness and kindness.

And called stupidity and cruelty to oneself.

Naruto never hides this.

Because, in order to survive, this is not a shameful thing.

It should be said that it is the instinct of every human being.

A saint who denies himself.

That's natural!

This cannot be denied.

In any era, in any world, anywhere, there is a probability that those true saints will appear!

These saints are also worthy of respect and admiration.

But not what Naruto wanted to be.


‘I’m just an ordinary mortal! ’

Naruto, who galloped towards the giant metal castle, showed a very determined and determined expression from the depths of his pupils.

Above the moon.

Both Naruto and Neji are working hard for their own purposes.

Above the earth.

The forces of all parties have long been surging.

Let's not mention the organization side for the time being.

It is already the first to enter the six major countries that are tense and stimulating to prepare for war.

Because it is very different from the original work.

Daito did not pretend to be Uchiha Madara to directly announce the launch of the fourth Ninja war against the six major ninja villages, and the number of tail beasts collected by Akatsuki was only about five.

Naturally, the nerves of the Six Kingdoms have not yet tightened to the extreme.

Moreover, the six countries formed a unified opinion and took the initiative to fight against the Xiao organization.

Naturally, there is no need to avoid certain persecutions in advance.

For example, big names from various countries still stay in their own capitals steadily.

The Six Shadows didn't half-forced that they wanted to let the big names take refuge.

Only in terms of armaments, it is a little more eye-catching.

The core countries are naturally concentrated in the three countries of the country of fire, the country of thunder, and the country of snow.

The reason is also very simple!

The six great ninja village.

Konoha and Yunnin are the strongest!

And Snow Ninja Village has three of the four remaining beasts!

The intensity of military operations in the three countries also exceeds that of the three countries of water, soil, and wind.

It's not that the three kingdoms of water, soil, and wind don't care.

Instead, look at it from reality.

Fire, thunder, and snow should be the main force in the matter of the six-nation coalition's extermination of the Akatsuki organization. In fact, this is also the case. Naruto will not mention the Six Shadows who have returned to their own country, except for himself. In addition to having to go to the moon to deal with the rebirth eye, the arrangements for the coalition are very reasonable and compact, almost mobilizing all the main forces in the village, even if there is a little bit of ulterior motives in it. But at least judging from the formation of troops, Snow Country and Snow Ninja Village have worked very hard.

The same goes for Thunder Country and Yunren Village.

After the fourth generation of Raiking returned to the village.

Although deep in my heart, I was very concerned about the conversation with Naruto that ended in the Six Shadows Conference, but on the surface it still did not show any strange expressions, including Darui, Samui, who I trust the most. What are you thinking about without wearing your own Raikage-sama.

Yunren Village is under the order of the fourth generation of Raikage.

It is also all mobilized.

Then the three thousand Yunren gathered in the early stage, under the instruction of the fourth generation of Raiking, are also the most elite part of the village. After the necessary functions are removed, and the defensive force in some key areas cannot be mobilized, four On behalf of Lei Ying, all the ninjas that can be dispatched are added to the pre-mobilized lineup, and the rest are selected from the special ninja to the elite ninja. The reason is very simple. This is not just for the quickest time. Killing the Akatsuki organization and regaining the second tail of his Ninja Village is to boast of the strength and heritage of his Ninja Village in this coalition battle!

Konoha showed weakness and fatigue.

During the period of Xueren Village's strong rise.

The four generations of Raikage clearly recognized that the next Ninja world must change again, especially after the common enemy, the Akatsuki organization, was eliminated!

Plan ahead!

As the head of a village.

The fourth generation of Raikage must make all preparations.

Show off military power!

It is the best way to deal with it!

Then, unlike in the original book, in this life, the fourth generation of Raikage did not choose to let Kirabi, who is a pillar of eight tails, hide first, but incorporate it into the combat system, plus Darui and Samui. Wait, the fourth generation of Raikage has moved out all the military forces that can be used, and what the purpose is, it is already very clear!

Almost at the same time.

Or it should be said that the fifth generation of Naruto who returned to the village of Konoha Shinobi was slightly slower. Tsunade also called the two Naruto consultants and Jiraiya for corresponding strategic consultations, and issued the order of war mobilization to the whole village.

It should be said that at this point, Konoha's goal is also very clear.

Solve the Xiaoxiao organization, and then rebuild the order of the Ninja world.

As the number one super ninja village in the ninja world.

This is what Konoha wants to do.

Don't look like it seems a little thankless.

But in fact, it maintains the order of the Ninja world.

On the contrary, as the boss Konoha should do the most, and it is also the most beneficial thing.

the reason is simple.

The old order itself is a symbol of the interests of these super ninja villages.

Then extend it to the ninja itself.

Jiraiya was even more upset about Akatsuki. The reincarnation eye possessed by its leader was what Jiraiya cared about most.

Because of this.

Tsunade will even give in a little bit in some respects.

Including the previous battle of coalition commanders.

This is true including the confrontation with Naruto on the way back.

In that environment.

Tsunade is actually more than 60% sure that he can infer that something must have happened before.

Especially after returning, when he learned that Danzo had not yet returned to the village, Tsunade's suspicion coefficient for Naruto also increased several points.