My Omega is a Little Hot

Chapter 32

"You also know that the direct extraction of Omega pheromone requires professional equipment, and the extraction speed can't be too fast. I can't help you extract it. If you are not careful, it will cause permanent damage to the structure of the gland. It's too delicate and too fragile."

"But you have to be careful because I haven't heard of A willing to be bitten by O, she may struggle and hurt you."

Ye Lianyin frowned, she understood what Shan Pan meant and understood that this was the best solution she could think of at the moment.

After all, Wan Baiyun invited her to help, she couldn't watch her being beaten so badly by Qin Zhaoci, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Lianyin sighed: "What should I do to not be affected by the pheromone of Qin Zhaoci's words, and she is now irrational, and she can't control herself at all."

Shan Pan frowned and listened to 007 continuing to broadcast how Qin Zhaoci beat Wan Baiyun, and in an emergency situation, he had an idea: "007, please tell Yunyun for me, and ask her if she can If you find an opportunity to control Qin Zhaoci, it is best to tie her hands and control her so that Yinyin can find a chance to enter her room."

007 immediately repeated Shan Pan's words to Wan Baiyun, and after listening to Wan Baiyun, his eyes quickly scanned the clothes thrown on the ground by Qin Zhaoci and quickly found a belt.

He looked up at the iron shelf beside Qin Zhaoci's bed, which seemed to last for a while.

Immediately replied: "007, I can, you can always monitor, let Ye Lianyin wait at the door now, I will find an opportunity to unlock the lock later, I see the opportunity to make Qin Zhao's words Just let her come in quickly."

007 repeated what Wan Baiyun said to Shan Pan and Ye Lianyin.

Shan Pan immediately understood what she meant, opened Ye Lianyin's drawer, took out an Omega inhibitor, and stuffed it into her hand.

"The inhibitor can buy two minutes so that you will not be affected by the pheromone of Qin Zhaoci, you must hurry up."

"Well," Ye Lianyin frowned, clenched the inhibitor in her hand, turned to leave her room, and stopped at the door of Qin Zhaoci's room.

Not long after they walked there, Ye Lianyin heard a click, and the lock of the room was opened, followed by the sound of Wan Baiyun being knocked to the ground by Qin Zhaoci again.

Wan Baiyun in the room heard 007 say that Ye Lianyin was ready, and immediately before Qin Zhao's words fell, a carp flipped up and pulled out the belt on the ground. With all his strength, Qin Zhaoci's two hands were tied to the iron frame at the head of the bed.

After Qin Zhaoci was tied, he immediately struggled hard, and his scarlet eyes became even deeper.

Wan Baiyun knew that the belt could not control Qin Zhao's words for too long, and immediately said loudly, "Come in."

Ye Lianyin quickly pushed the inhibitor into her arm, pushed open the door, quickly found the location of Qin Zhaoci and ran over.

Squat down and approach Qin Zhaoci's neck and whisper, "Qin Zhaoci, be nice and don't move."

Qin Zhaoci seemed to understand Ye Lianyin's words, the struggling movement stopped for a while, and turned to look at Ye Lianyin, the red in his eyes gradually faded, and his eyes were full of tears.

Ye Lianyin looked into her eyes, her heart ached for some reason, and her movements stopped instantly.

Wan Boyun, who was on the sidelines, became more sensible and understood that Qin Zhaoci had only regained his sanity temporarily, but he still could not control his pheromones.

Wan Boxu, who was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, saw her wiser response when she saw Ye Lianyin coming in, and cursed in the bottom of her heart that this guy was beating his friends.

In the end, she reminded: "Hurry up and bite her, her reason won't last long."

Ye Lianyin turned her head and glanced at Wan Baiyun, Wan Baiyun immediately understood what she meant, and turned away from them.

Ye Lianyin quickly mobilized her pheromone and gathered the pheromone in her mouth. In the mouth, the gland teeth dedicated to the S-class Omega gradually grew. Ye Lianyin licked it with the tip of her tongue and found that Length is enough.

He looked down at Qin Zhaoci's red glands due to the susceptible period, opened his mouth, and bit down without hesitation.

"Hmm~," Qin Zhao groaned, without struggling or resisting, his body slackened instantly, his eyes slowly closed, and the tears in his eyes just now closed along with her. The movement of the eyes flowed down from the corners of his eyes and dripped onto the clothes on Ye Lianyin's shoulders.

Ye Lianyin is the first time to taste the taste of alpha pheromones. Taste, a little sweet, but mostly sour.

Ye Lianyin did not reject this taste, feeling that Qin Zhaoci in front of her had completely stopped struggling, and when she leaned on her body, Ye Lianyin understood that it was okay.

I instantly released her mouth, and the mobilized gland teeth slowly returned to her usual appearance as she retracted the pheromone.

Wan Baiyun, who turned his back to them, also found that the pheromone belonging to Qin Zhaoci in the room was quickly discharged by the air conversion system, and no new pheromone appeared, he immediately understood that Qin Zhaoci had been Ye Lianyin's pheromone calmed down.

"I didn't expect an S-class Omega to have this kind of ability. You know that Qin Zhaoci has been guarding her body for so many years. Why don't you ask an S-class Omega to help her," Wan Baiyun couldn't bear it Live with a sigh.

Wan Baiyun shrugged: "It doesn't matter, Qin Zhaoci doesn't remember the past, and there is nothing to say about the past, she can be subdued now."

"Hey, next time, you can help her directly. Anyway, she didn't resist when you bit her just now, and there is no need for artificially synthesized Omega pheromones. Where can there be natural ones? The effect is good, your pheromone matching rate is so high." Although Wan Boyun was beaten, his speech was still as bad as ever.

Ye Lianyin subconsciously licked the place where the gland teeth appeared just now, and then realized what Wan Baiyun meant, shook her head and refused: "No, Qin Zhaoci and I are just roommates living together, wait. She wakes up tomorrow, you just tell her how to spend the susceptible period in the future."

"Also, she punched you so much, how can you still talk, it seems that I should wait and come in again, she strikes too lightly."

Wan Baiyun, whose nose was bruised and swollen, looked at Ye Lianyin who was crossing the river and demolishing the bridge speechlessly.

Shan Pan, who learned from 007 that the problem had been solved, also came to Qin Zhaoci's room at this time. Smacking his lips: "Tsk tsk, it really deserves to be an S-rank A, its destructive power is amazing."

"Beat our family to the point of being unable to fight back."

This added sentence instantly hurt Wan Baiyun's self-esteem, she immediately retorted: "I, I have no power to fight back, isn't she bound by me, I am Save your strength and prepare to do it all, if I hadn't tied her up, how could Ye Lianyin come in."

"Mmmmmm, you're the best," Shan Pan came over and looked at Wan Boyun's face, his tone a little perfunctory to deal with Wan Boyun, "Fortunately, it's all some skin trauma, sound Yin, do you have a medicine cabinet at home? I want to help her get medicine."

"Yes," Ye Lianyin nodded, then looked down at Qin Zhaoci, who had fallen asleep, and pursed her lips: "But now you have to help me take her to my room , I shouldn't be able to sleep in this room today."

"I'll come and send the Buddha to the west," Wan Baiyun volunteered, took Qin Zhaoci's arm, took her to Ye Lianyin's room, and rudely threw her thrown on the bed.

Ye Lianyin helped her cover the quilt, turned around and left the room with Shan Pan and the others, and went to the living room to help Shan Pan get the medicine box.

"You gave your room to Qin Zhaoci, where do you sleep at night?" Shan Pan was a little worried while helping Wan Baiyun with medicine.

Ye Lianyin replied: "I just asked the housekeeping robot to clean up the guest room, you should rest here at night, so late, Qin Zhaoci's room should not be sorted out tonight. Well, it's quick to clean up the room."

"Okay, I'm a little tired too," Shan Pan tied Wan Baiyun with a bandage and wrapped his right hand, nodded and agreed, "Let's go, Yunyun, let's go to rest."

"Well," Wan Baiyun took out the mirror and looked at himself with a bruised nose and a swollen face in front of him, "I have to sleep here for one night, and tomorrow I have to find Qin Zhaoci for compensation. In this way, I won't be surnamed Wan if I don't **** her off."

"It should be," Ye Lianyin nodded, "You were beaten like this, it's really unreasonable not to compensate."

"Cut," Wan Baiyun, who heard the sarcasm in Ye Lianyin's words, pouted, pulled Shan Pan and prepared to go upstairs to rest.

Ye Lianyin was also very tired, yawned, and went to rest in another room prepared by the housekeeping robot.

Night has fallen, and after a fierce farce passed, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Zhaoci was finally woken up by Wan Baiyun. To be precise, he was awakened maliciously.

And Wan Baiyun was woken up by the pain in his whole body this morning.

Because she was unilaterally beaten by Qin Zhaoci last night, she turned over this morning and felt as if her whole body had been run over by a car. Her limbs were stiff and unable to move.

She woke up in pain, but she didn't dare to wake up Shan Pan next to her.

After trying to get up from the bed, Wan Baiyun moved to the door of Ye Lianyin's room, pushed the door open, clenched his fists, and slammed the small table on the bedside table.

Qin Zhaoci was awakened by the intense sound, frowned and sat up from the bed, seeing Wan Boyun, whose face was already swollen, he didn't recognize it for a while, and was scared to go She shrank back a long way and said defensively, "Who are you?"

Wan Boyun's face was cold, looking at her innocent face after waking up, gritted her back molars, and said word by word: "Who do you say I am? Look carefully Look, look carefully."

Listening to the familiar voice and threatening tone, Qin Zhaoci frowned, leaned over and carefully observed Wan Baiyun in front of him before he recognized it.