My Omega is a Little Hot

Chapter 33

I was very surprised and asked: "Wan Boyun, what's wrong with you, you are so swollen all of a sudden, have you been beaten?"

"It's not because of your gift that you think about how I became such a careful and serious memory." Wan Baiyun saw that she was still innocent, and his angry brows were twisted into locks.

After the susceptible period, Alpha can remember everything that happened during the susceptible period, so Wan Baiyun is very confident that Qin Zhaoci can remember it.

Qin Zhaoci naturally did not disappoint her. Being reminded by Wan Baiyun, she also found that what she was lying in was not her room but Ye Lianyin's.

No wonder she always felt that the smell of the bed was different from her own last night. The quilt naturally had a lemon scent that made her feel very comfortable. It turned out that she was no longer in her room.

How did she get to Ye Lianyin's room? Qin Zhaoci lowered his eyes and raised such a question in his heart.

Then from the moment she came home yesterday and entered the door, she recalled that she first cooked the meal very early, Ye Lianyin came back very late, she saw that there was plenty of time, so she made another pot of green oranges Lemon juice, Ye Lianyin and she were very happy to eat.

Then Ye Lianyin went back to the room and she was going to go back to the room to go up the stairs. She fell and was susceptible to her.

The memory after recalling Qin Zhao's words flooded up like a flood, all of which came to mind.

Watching Qin Zhaoci's changing face, Wan Baiyun also knew that this guy should remember what she did to him.

Immediately cooperated with a cold snort: "Hmph, you labeled me like this, so there is nothing to express?"

Qin Zhaoci frowned, thinking that Ye Lianyin finally helped him last night, ignoring her words, pursed her lips and asked, "Ye Lianyin helped me yesterday, is she okay? "

"What can I do, what can I do by my side, she just injects you with pheromones, it doesn't affect her at all, the most influential is me, it's me, you Look at my injury!" Wan Baiyun was stunned by Qin Zhao's words.

Qin Zhaoci was relieved when he heard that Ye Lianyin was not hurt by himself, and turned his attention to Wan Baiyun's bruised face.

Then sighed: "I didn't expect you to fight back at all. In fact, you can fight back next time, and I won't blame you."

Wan Boyun instantly felt a breath in her throat, did she not want to fight back? That's basically no chance to fight back. Your punch is faster than Nezha's three heads and six arms. Only if she can catch it is a ghost.

Although Wan Baiyun scolded Qin Zhao in her heart, she still wanted face, and said biting herself, "I don't want to hurt my sister's feelings, well, what do you say? Compensate me, beat me like this, at least compensate me?"

"Then I will cover all your medical expenses. You said that we are good sisters. Don't care about these details." went in.

She said that if she was afraid that Wan Baiyun would not believe it, she turned on the brain and transferred a sum of money to Wan Baiyun, enough for her to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Wan Boyun, who was originally not short of money, but was sent away by money, felt that he was stuck in his heart and couldn't go up, but he couldn't do anything about Qin Zhao's words.

The suffocation made her sigh and take a deep breath. Wan Baiyun wanted to say something, but Qin Zhaoci rolled over and got out of bed, walked past her in a dashing manner, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Wan Baiyun looked down at his hand that was wrapped into a zongzi, and felt that the injury from last night was all in vain.

Fortunately, Qin Zhaoci did not make Wan Baiyun wait too long. After washing up, Qin Zhaoci came out of the bathroom and looked at Wan Baiyun, who was sitting here doubting his life.


Wan Boyun turned his head and glanced at Qin Zhaoci, and immediately understood: "You suddenly feel uncomfortable after losing your memory?"

Qin Zhaoci did not hide it, and nodded: "I am very uncomfortable with this thing, and it... I find it annoying."

Wan Baiyun couldn't help laughing after listening to it: "It's annoying, this is the first time I've heard this kind of evaluation. Other A's will think that you have a sick mind."

"Oh, you have lost your memory, you are indeed sick."

After laughing, Wan Baiyun quickly restrained his smile and explained seriously: "This thing you keep talking about, the scientific name is gland organ, for A, it is related to lifelong happiness, and having children in the future But its help is indispensable.”

"As for how you adapt, in fact, after the differentiation started, I was very uncomfortable, but it didn't appear all the time, and I gradually got used to it. After all, female A is this kind of physiological structure , we have to learn to adapt to our own bodies.”

"Female A is this kind of body structure," Qin Zhaoci frowned, and immediately understood that this was a fixed theory. The people of the empire received a stereotyped gender structure education since childhood. Time exists in everyone's mind, and everyone regards it as a very normal concept.

The gender education she received on earth is different from here, so she is so unsuitable for change.

Qin Zhaoci finally found his crux.

Then what she needs to do now is to completely engrave the gender education and gender cognition of the world into her mind. Only when she truly believes in it can she adapt to the changes and accept herself as she is now.

After Qin Zhao thought about his words, he suddenly became enlightened.

Wan Boyun also found that she had figured it out, she moved her eyes slightly in her eye sockets, took out her light brain, clicked several times, and said, "I sent you an educational video, you remember Find someone to look at when no one is there, and you'll get used to it by then."

"Oh, good," Qin Zhaoci didn't read it, "Then I'll go downstairs to make breakfast first, so I'll thank you and Shan Pan for coming to help me tonight."

"Just make breakfast," Wan Boyun was a little upset, but he didn't stop Qin Zhaoci from going downstairs.

After Qin Zhao finished speaking, Wan Baiyun also moved his steps and limped to wash up.

When Qin Zhaoci finished breakfast, Shan Pan and Ye Lianyin didn't get up.

Because of Qin Zhaoci's incident last night, both of them were exhausted physically and mentally, and Qin Zhaoci understood it, so he knocked on the door and woke them up.

Because Qin Zhaoci didn't know how to face Ye Lianyin about what happened last night, so she knocked on Shan Pan's door first.

After Shan Pan came over to open the door, she said, "Have breakfast, remember to ask Ye Lianyin to come with me, I'll go downstairs to prepare."

"Who," Ye Lianyin got up and came to open the door, Shan Pan said, "Qin Zhaoci just asked us to go downstairs for breakfast."

"Oh," Ye Lianyin glanced behind Shan Pan, but did not see Qin Zhaoci's figure, and a trace of loss flashed in her eyes, "Okay, I'll go wash up."

"Well," Shan Pan hadn't fully woken up from drowsiness, and he didn't notice Ye Lianyin's momentary absence, so he yawned and turned back to wash up.

In order to thank several people, Qin Zhaoci made a very rich breakfast tonight, including xiaolongbao, steamed dumplings, fried buns, scallion pancakes, chicken soup buns, fried dough sticks, and tea eggs.

In such a short period of time, Qin Zhaoci was of course unable to do so much. Some of the fast food she used directly from the earth was taken into the space by her ransacking the supermarket.


Such mutant space abilities have always been Qin Zhaoci's strength to fight wits and courage with others in the last days.

She originally thought that when she came here, she should not eat these fast food, but she didn't expect that because of the tight time, she still took it to make a living.

Shan Pan went downstairs and looked at the table full of breakfast and was shocked, and after sitting down, he looked at Qin Zhaoci in amazement: "You have done a lot, do you wake up early? "

Qin Zhaoci shook his head and glanced at Wan Baiyun: "Whenever she wakes up, I will do it whenever, I prepared these in advance, this time I took them out and ate them all at once, You're welcome, eat, thank you for coming to help me last night."

"Sorry, we didn't help you much," Shan Pan waved, "Yinyin helped you yesterday."

When she heard Shan Pan mention Ye Lianyin, Qin Zhao paused for a moment, then glanced at Ye Lianyin who was sitting next to her, and started to eat breakfast calmly.

Hesitating for a while, he began to speak slowly: "Yesterday, I really thank you yesterday, if you didn't help me, Wan Baiyun would be miserable."

"Well, I don't want to worry about Panpan either," Ye Lianyin nodded and accepted Qin Zhao's thank you, "Next time, remember to prepare for the susceptible period in advance, you The room was basically smashed by you and there is no good thing."

"It should take a day for the housework robot to restore your room to its original state. Why haven't you understood the physiological knowledge well yet?"

Qin Zhaoci was also helpless: "I've seen it, but the theory and practice are still different, and I haven't experienced it. I really don't know how to deal with it."

"You know, I don't even remember when my last susceptible period was. If I knew, I would definitely be ready."

"Mmmm," Ye Lianyin believed Qin Zhaoci's words for a while, "Anyway, you remember yesterday's day, and you should give it to you next month. You have to be ready when the time comes. I won't help you any more, I crossed the line yesterday."

"Um, sorry," Qin Zhaoci recalled the last night Ye Lianyin said softly in his ear, don't move around, for a while, he was a little suspicious of today's Ye Lianyin and yesterday's Ye Lianyin, is it the same person?

Yesterday she was very gentle to her, and it didn't hurt to bite, and it was quite comfortable.

It is also strange, after Ye Lianyin bit her, her original irritability and anger disappeared at that moment, and the whole person was exhausted except for exhaustion, and she fell asleep directly when she couldn't resist.

The author has this to say:

Qin Zhao's words: "I'm so good~"

Ye Lianyin: "I am Meng A"