My Pet Beast is Super Awesome

Chapter 268: Nautical anecdotes (2) ask for tickets

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The ball looked at Shao Zifeng grievously, pointed at the steak, and then at his smooth gums, with the hideous scales on his head drooping, indescribably frustrated.

Shao Zifeng looked at it helplessly, tapped his small head with his fingers, sat down and took a knife to cut his veal into silk.


Aqiu's two small claws grabbed Shao Zifeng's wrists, and his happy eyes narrowed as he watched the steak slowly turning into shredded meat on the plate.

It looked at Shao Zifeng moved, and wiped the tears from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

"Okay, eat."

Shao Zifeng pinched some shredded pork with his hand and passed it to the ball's mouth, watching it open his mouth and eat it.

"Is it tasty?"


"Then eat more."


In the next time, Shao Zifeng feeds and eats the ball.

Time seemed to return to that small rental house, and that's how he feeds the ball to the breadworm.

"Hey!" (Don't think of such disgusting things while eating!)

"Good, good, don't want to, eat more."


The ball licked the corner of his mouth and looked at the smooth dinner plate.

Shao Zifeng looked at it with a smile: "Are you full?"

"Hey~" Qiuqiu hesitated a little, glanced at another dinner plate with erratic eyes, and then nodded firmly.

Seeing it like this, Shao Zifeng suddenly felt the kind of gratification in his old father's mind that his child was sensible. He took out some dragon-type nutritious dry food from his pocket: "There is also this~"

"Hey!" Qiuqiu cheered with bright eyes, and ate on Shao Zifeng's palm.

After eating, Qiuqiu obediently ran into Shao Zifeng's pocket to sleep.

The crowd once again concentrated in the rest area in the center of the hall.

"Where did we talk before?"

Stationmaster Cui stood up on his beer belly and spread out comfortably on the lounge sofa. He held a toothpick in his mouth, and the toothpick seemed to fall off at any time when he spoke.

"Speaking of Antarctica, there are legendary elementary creatures." Tang Tang with two braids raised his hand, like a good student who answered the teacher's question in class.

"Oh, that."

Station Chief Cui took off the toothpick, his eyes became full of vicissitudes in an instant, and he seemed to be an old man who had experienced wind and waves.

"Station master! Can you tell me about the voyage? You are almost telling the story of Antarctica for an afternoon." The tall and thin male voice interrupted.

Station Chief Cui glared at him fiercely: "I'm brewing feelings here, you will kill me with this one."

He said that he didn't have a good temper: "Is it on the voyage?"

"Yes, yes, after far from the mainland, are there many mutant creatures on the high seas?" Tang Tang looked at Station Master Cui eagerly.

Everyone is engaged in related research, except for shallow overseas, mutant creatures in the deep sea are very rare.

It's not because the number is scarce. On the contrary, the number of mutant creatures in the deep sea is definitely beyond people's imagination. It is simply because the deep sea is too dangerous for ordinary people to go, and major organizations are unnecessary.

Station Master Cui laughed and said, "That's not true. The mutant creatures in the deep sea don't really like to surface."

"They live in the deep sea with extremely high pressure, which is basically the same as the pressure in the body. But after leaving the deep sea, because the external pressure is low, the pressure in their body remains unchanged, which causes them to die because their internal organs burst.

"Just like many years ago before the'unknown recovery event' broke out, humans need to wear anti-stress suits to go to outer space."

Hearing what the stationmaster Cui said, Shao Zifeng suddenly felt a little trance.

After getting used to the life here, he will try to look at the problem from a non-scientific perspective.

For example, sailing on the deep sea in his imagination, he should see many interesting mutant creatures, they have magical power to interpret the interesting anecdote of the journey.

But when someone suddenly explained it to him from a scientific point of view, Shao Zifeng couldn't turn his head.

Station Master Cui picked up the cup and found that there was no more drinks, and the young man sitting beside him graciously filled it with him.

At this time someone asked: "Does that mean that on the way to the Antarctic continent, apart from all kinds of severe weather, only the drift ice on the Ross Sea is the most dangerous?"

When Station Master Cui heard this question, his hand holding the cup paused slightly: "Have you heard of the legend of the sea monster?"


Shao Zifeng's expression moved slightly, but he did not speak.

Didn't you talk about science just now? Why suddenly there is a taste of medieval sailing.

It is impossible to wait for a Cthulhu and Steampunk failure.

Seeing no one spoke, Tang Tang raised his hand and hesitated, "Is the sea monster a mermaid?"

"A mermaid is also a kind of siren."

Station Chief Cui stroked his chubby belly, with a reminiscence on his face: "That was what happened during my first voyage to Antarctica ten years ago."

"The icebreakers used at that time were second-hand goods bought from other countries. The facilities are much worse than they are now. Apart from sleeping and eating, we spend most of our time playing cards to kill time every day."

"One night, we finished our meal as usual, because it was too boring to stay in the room all day, so someone suggested going to the deck to blow the sea breeze."

"I still remember that the moonlight was very good that day. A few of us were lying on the railings of the front deck in windbreakers and admiring the moonlight. At this time, a mist suddenly appeared on the sea level."

"While we were arguing about this rare natural phenomenon, the mist slowly thickened. A man named Li Changgeng said that there was a woman singing in the sea mist, and he also said that the woman was smiling at him~ We all joked that he was crazy about his wife, but he turned over and jumped off the boat like a demon."

The hall was quiet, with only the narration of Station Master Cui, and everyone listened as if fascinated.

Chef Wu took off his apron after cleaning up the kitchen table, he looked at the stationmaster Cui and curled his lips.

He remembered that when he went to the Antarctic for the first time, Station Master Cui had used this story to fool himself. When he really believed it, he would suddenly laugh and say that he made up these things.

"It's a low-level evil taste." Chef Wu muttered to himself.

After a busy night, Chef Wu is going to take a look at the viewing area, where there are two-sided floor-to-ceiling windows that can clearly see the vast sea.

This is his rare personal space as a chef.

The narration in the hall continued, and Chef Wu looked at the group of children with sympathetic eyes, and then walked into the viewing area.

Sitting on the chair, Chef Wu tilted Erlang's legs.


This action was a bit difficult for him, and he gave up after thinking about it.

Today is not a good time to view the scenery.

Because it was cloudy, the entire observation deck could only see the searchlights of the icebreaker, illuminating the few areas of the foredeck.

Only when lightning flashes in the sky can you briefly see the rough sea.

But Chef Wu is still happy.

At this time, a blue-violet electric snake swept across again, and Chef Wu's expression was suddenly stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, a little disbelief in his heart, ready to look again when the next lightning strikes.

Not long after, another flash of lightning flashed across, and Chef Wu suddenly stood up with wide-eyed eyes.

His body was trembling slightly, and the words of the stationmaster Cui came in his ears as the whispers of the devil.

Because he really saw the mist on the sea!