My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

v1 Chapter 249: baffling

The thing most people dislike the most is being disturbed while sleeping, especially when they are tired, and being tossed up when they don’t sleep well.

The same is true for Chen Cha.

Because of this, people are more or less a little bit angry.

However, Chen Chai was too tired, and slept so soundly. In his dream, he was playing in the water with a few true gods wearing bikinis, but he was disturbed and woke up, which made him feel more angry after waking up.

The mind returned to the body, and the freezing that was crushed by Nine Tian's bite was synchronized to the body, causing his body to return to the body of a witch after a flash.

The black brocade on her body turned into a black skirt, and her proud figure and a pair of black silk legs were even more revealing.

The good news is that although the goddess nature has not been completely purified, it is almost there, and the divine nature of the holy light has also been awakened, so the effect of the goddess nature on the body has been reduced a lot.

Although he was still wearing black clothes and black silk that was very enchanting and mysterious after recovery, the whole person was the opposite of what he was wearing, giving people a sense of holiness and inviolability.

Black hair turned into white hair, and black pupils turned into silver holy pupils.

When he opened his eyes, accompanied by Chen Chai's irritable waking up, the dazzling holy light completely broke out all over his body, directly propping up a piece of holy light domain from the black beam of light that was shrouded in it.


Chen Chai raised his hand and patted his jade hand back again, angrily said: "Are you annoying, let people not sleep."

In the ear, a familiar woman's voice sounded, and said, "Ah, you hurt others."

Su Suya and Hong Yan were already full of horror in front of all this, they involuntarily bowed their heads, their bodies trembling.

The intuition of fear from the depths of the soul tells them: You can't look up, you can't peek, or you will die.

The true **** cannot look directly at it, even if it is just a hand of the true god.

Compared with the two women, Dijing is undoubtedly stronger, so even if he feels fear, he is still watching the scene in front of him.

As the leader of all this, he thought about many scenes after the true **** descended, but he did not expect that the young man in front of him would have such a close relationship with the true god.

The young man has become a young girl, but he is a **** emperor. Naturally, I can see that the young man's soul is still a young boy, but his body has temporarily become a young girl.

Therefore, a teenager is always a teenager, and will not change because of physical changes.

Listen to the words of the two at this moment.

Facing the true god, there was no respect in the boy's tone, and he was full of irritability and squeamishness.

The most terrifying thing is that the true **** doesn't seem to be angry at all, but is very wronged when facing the boy's anger, and there is no true **** at all.


To be able to get into an intimate relationship with the true **** is really outrageous.

To talk about the possibility, unless the teenager is also a true god...

When the thought fell, Dijing couldn't help but scream, and the whole person was like a falling ice cellar, and his heart was desolate.

You say you are a true god, what kind of pig, what kind of super god?

Damn, why is he so unlucky? I knew that I was facing a true god, and I had knelt down and surrendered before.

It's all right now, it's all over.

"You deserve it."

Chen Cha said angrily, looked around, and suddenly found that the place where he was at the moment was an ancient city full of silence, and frowned, "Where is this?"

By her side, Hong Yan trembled: "Worry-free City."

Perceived in the perception that he was kneeling in the distance, unable to move, with a face of imperial sight.

What's wrong with this man?

Chen Chai yawned and said, "How long have I slept and what happened?"

Hong Yan suddenly snorted and fainted.

The same is true for Su Suya.

Chen Li looked up, looked across the circle and saw the woman who was sitting in the living room on the opposite side, who was playing with the circle. He said in a bad mood, "What are you doing?"

The abyss said pitifully: "People miss you so much, you don't care about them, you are not happy."

Chen Chehehehe said, "If you want me to take care of you, please come down first."

The abyss said with regret: "No way, you succeeded last time, this time I can't let you succeed again."

The hateful woman, made up her mind not to let him explode again, reorganize her body to restore the male body.

Chen Che had no choice but to look at the recorded information.

[Record: This is what happened, Barabara...]

I see.

So all of this was done by Dijing.

After understanding, he glanced at the pitiful-looking Dijing, and said casually: "People sacrifice a whole city to you, and you don't even come down to see others. It's so chilling."

What do you mean, good brother?

Di Jing was not aware of this, but was so touched that he knelt down obediently, and made no secret of his anticipation, like a puppy eagerly awaiting praise from the owner and wagging its tail frantically.

"This world is not under my control."

The abyss said lazily: "Nine days' troubles should be solved by her herself, lest she fights with her again like the last time and makes others exhausted."

Dijing was disappointed, smiled bitterly, and died like a lamp,

Chen Cha didn't care, and said, "Since you don't want to come down, then you can go."

Abyss Jiao said: "It's finally hard to meet again, let's talk again."

Chen Che said mercilessly: "I have nothing to talk about with you, unless you take back the power of the witch."

The abyss said with a good voice: "I don't like it, then can I change it?"

What to change?

Chen Cha didn’t bother to ask, and was too lazy to have any expectations. After pondering the magic circle above his head and the beam of light shrouded in it, the power of the holy light broke out and the purifying power immediately swept the world. Tied up and smoked ten thousand times."

The circle began to collapse, and the black beam of light began to dissipate.

The abyss didn't force it, and he smiled and said: "Okay, wait for you."

When the words fell, the magic circle and the beam of light completely collapsed, and the power of the holy light swept into the surrounding world.

Along with the collapse, there was Dijing who hadn't said a word.

The image of nothingness?


Before leaving, the abyss erased the Emperor Jing. As for the possibility of the other party's resurrection, it depends on whether the abyss has also erased the hidden body.

The huge movement lasted for a long time, and when everything returned to calm, Nuo Da’s Worry-Free City had disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a piece of wreckage and silence.

One of the Nine Heavens and Nine Clan, in the Zhu Nine Clan Alliance camp outside the Tianlong Clan.

In the Temple of Heaven, there is a handsome, handsome, middle-aged man sitting on the throne, with his arms resting on the throne's armrests, his fists supporting his head, his eyes closed, resting, and practicing.

At a certain moment, a spiritual light suddenly appeared in front of him, and then disappeared in the center of the eyebrows.

The divine body shook, the divine emperor slowly woke up and opened his eyes.

"came back."

Tian Xingjun muttered to himself, sighing: "I didn't expect that a clone left by hand would bring such amazing information."

"Sure enough, that Dijing does possess a long-lost magical technique: Jiuyou Ji."

"But compared to this, the appearance of the super **** is even more surprising."

Jun Tianxing paused in his thoughts and frowned slightly.

Although his clone was forcibly sacrificed, his heart and soul were still able to escape, and he had been watching the changes in Wuyou City from a distance.

Dijing used the Jiuyou sacrifice, sacrificed the entire city, and called great horror.

However, because of the existence of the beam of light, his clone knew nothing about what was happening inside the beam of light, and he didn't even hear anything. He only saw Dijing kneeling down sincerely, and it seemed that the true **** had descended.

But why did everything suddenly erupt, and even the Emperor Jing was obliterated?

The clone can feel the terrifying, obliterating power.

If it weren't for running fast, the aura of the clone would also die there and be easily obliterated by others.

With such an abnormal change, did Dijing fail?

Could it be that the sacrifice of a whole city can't satisfy the appetite of the true god...

He thought of the legendary Jiuyou Tiandi.

It is said that the original Jiuyou Tiandi almost sacrificed the entire ancient world to the true foreign god.

In this way, it should be the reason why the sacrifices were not enough, otherwise Dijing would not fail and be obliterated.


His clone has not yet received the magical technique from Dijing: Jiuyou Ji, from now on, this magical technique is afraid that it will be completely lost.

Wait, not necessarily.

Dijing's body that didn't know where it was hidden might still be alive.

Jun Tianxing touched his chin, pondered, and shook his head slightly.

Forget it, Dijing is not important anymore.

Right now that super **** is the most important thing.

At the moment when the magic circle collapsed, his clone felt the collision of two power breaths from it.

One is the invincible power of that super god.

One is as deep as an abyss, and can't feel the stalwart atmosphere at the end.

In this way, it should be the super **** who destroyed the sacrificial circle, which caused the final collapse, and even Di Jing could not get out.

To dare to resist the true **** is worthy of being a super god.

The most terrifying obliteration power should come from the true god, and I don't know whether that super **** is still alive under that obliteration power.

He hoped that the other party was still alive.

Because in this way, he can use the other party to do many things...

Without a word, Tianxingjun's thoughts calmed down.

You have to confirm whether the super **** is still alive, if the other party is still alive, then he can go to cooperate with the nine races before.

The reason why the Nine Clan Alliance wants to kill the Nine Clan is to open the door to the super gods controlled by the Nine Clan and get a way to the outer world.

The ultimate goal is just to super god.

And now a foreign super **** suddenly appeared. It is conceivable that a living super **** has no less temptation than the nine races. Once the news is released, it will definitely cause everyone to besiege.

The Nine Heavens and the Nine Races are happy to see this scene.

After all, this move can divert the attention and sight of the Alliance of the Nine Races, and buy some breathing time for the Nine Races.

And as long as he reached a cooperation with the Nine Races, he could wait for an opportunity to obtain a way to the outer heavens and enter the land of the nine heavens.

If the Nine Clan does not cooperate, then he can only cooperate with that super god.

After all, he was a super god, and he was the only super **** in the ancient world at the moment. As the Alliance of the Nine Races had an opponent, the confidence of killing the Nine Races would be even greater.

In fact, you can choose to cooperate with that super **** from the beginning, but although the nine races are hidden, the hidden background for thousands of years is definitely not small, and it may not be able to defeat a living super god.

As now, facing the siege of the entire ancient world, the Nine Clan still insisted that they could not be defeated.

So how to choose and whom to work with is very important.

Right now, I just hope that Super God and the Nine Clan will not let him down...

Tian Xingjun slowly sighed, and a gap suddenly opened between the eyebrows while the power of his body was running.

The gap opened, and a pale vertical eye opened.

Peep into the sky, open!

Cang Tian's eyes lighted for a while, and then lit up, and his sight instantly spanned a million miles.

This level is far from enough.

Tianxingjun's hands were sealed in front of the vertical eyes, and the next moment, the vertical eyes opened another vertical eye like a doll.

Peep into the sky and see the earth law·Dongluo Grand View Technique, open!

Inside the vertical eyes, the vertical eyes of one doll after another were opened one after another, and the distance that Tianxingjun could see was also continuously extended.

Finally, Wan Cong Mountain Boundary came into view with the familiar western realm of Gulai Jie.

It was another blink of an eye, and the wrecked city of Worry-Free City appeared in sight.

In sight, three women sat on the ground in a huge pit.

Wait, why are three women?

The King of Heaven paused, his eyes fell on the beautiful woman in the middle, and he felt that his heart of Taoism that had been cold for thousands of years was shaken.

The woman in front of her is so beautiful, every part of her body is beautiful to the extreme, and she has both charm and holiness, like a combination of good and evil. The beauty is intoxicating and unable to extricate herself.

From the woman, he felt a familiar breath.

It's the breath of that super god.

So, is the woman in front of me the real body of the super god...

No, it's just that the body has changed, and the spirit still looks like a teenager.

Tian Xingjun sighed with disappointment.

It's a pity that such a woman turned out to be a man, which is really violent.

But the good news is that Super God is still there and his plan can be implemented.

The thoughts flowed by, and there was a soft sound in the ear: "Where are the big eyeballs..."

Inside the ruins of Sanshou City.

Chen Cha looked at the doll's vertical eyes that appeared above his head, feeling that the eye's sleep aid effect was very good, yawned, and raised his hand, the sky mark sword immediately penetrated the vertical eyes out of thin air.


In the main hall, Heaven Xing Monarch lost his supernatural powers for the first time, but he was still a bit slow. After closing the sky eyes between his brows, he left an unrecoverable blood mark.

Very serious.

The Sky Eye can be said to be temporarily abolished, and the remaining destructive power directly reaches the source, making the Sky Eye unable to recover at all, and it has also become a drag, so that he must always seal the destructive power in the Sky Eye.

That sword...

The outer clone was penetrated, and it was also directly injured and the source could not be repaired, and could only wait for death.

Is this super god?

After disintegrating the magic circle and destroying the arrival of the super god, he still has a strong invincible power, and he abolished his celestial eye with every move...

Jun Tianxing was frightened and frightened, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and finally calmed down, leaving a cold hum echoing slowly in the hall.

the other side.

Chen Chai glanced at the dissipated big eyeballs, retracted the Tianhen Sword casually, yawned, and tried to endure exhaustion and awaken the two women.

"Ah, what's the matter."

Su Suya woke up and said in confusion: "Who am I, where am I, what am I doing."

Hong Yan woke up with the same expression.

Chen Che said strangely: "Are you all right?"

Su Suya frowned, " I seem to have forgotten something."

Hong Yan felt deeper and said: "Our memory has been partially erased, and the latest memory remains at the beginning of the sacrifice."

Su Suya looked at Chen Cha and said, "Ah, you are awake, wait, why did you come here? What happened?"

The memory was erased by the abyss...

Chen Che was thoughtful, yawned again, and said, "It's okay, I'm still a little tired. I'll continue to sleep, and you can do it yourself."

After the words fell silent, he came to the land of nine heavens.

In front of him, Jiutian said indifferently: "Come on, this palace grants you the right to sleep in this palace once."


Chen Chai fell asleep...