My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

v1 Chapter 264: The arrogant 9 Youtian Emperor

   Forever dark, the back of the nine days.

Since    is the back, it means that the two are actually one person, and the front and the back are like two persons.

   The positive nine days of kindness, gentleness, pride, simplicity...

   "Wife, let it be kind and gentle, forget it."

   Chen Che couldn't help but speak.

   Jiutian shouted angrily: "Where is this palace not gentle or kind?"

   Chen Lei was speechless.

   Look at how gentle you are now being threatened by Yuzu's face.

   Kindness or something...


   Forget it, let’s just expose it.

   Nine days coldly hummed and continued: "The positive main palace is gentle and kind, lovely and simple, proud and beautiful..."

   "The main palace on the back is just the opposite. It not only possesses the power of eternal darkness, but also has a very evil character, dark, cold, like killing..."


  The power of eternal darkness does not belong to the nine days, but belongs to the ancient world.

   The reason why Jiutian chose to control and protect the ancient world was because of the eternal dark power that enveloped the ancient world.

   She was curious about the strange power and wanted to take it for herself.

   However, Yongan is more troublesome than imagined.

   At first, it was very smooth to possess the power of Eternal Darkness. With the growth of the nine tribes in the ancient world, the light was opened up, and Eternal Darkness was restrained and forced to retreat.

   With this, she successfully suppressed the power of Eternal Darkness and slowly took control of it.

But all this is just her wishful thinking. In fact, it is not easy to control the power of Eternal Darkness. In the control and confrontation with the power of Eternal Darkness, she was eroded partly by Eternal Darkness without knowing it, and in Eternal Darkness. Born his own back.

   That is another self, another self with the power of the true god.

   The opponent is evil and powerful, and at the beginning of her birth, she wanted to completely erode and drown her.

   Had she not been kind enough and proud, she would have been conquered long ago.

   However, even if it is not completely submerged, it will not end well.

   In the face of unknown forces, there is always a price to be paid for rash possession.

  , she had no choice but to abandon the power of the eternal darkness and let the self in the eternal darkness be suppressed and sealed.

   It is not easy to suppress the seal, but fortunately, the abyss has come.

   With the help of the power of the abyss, she and the abyss succeeded in suppressing the seal of Eternal Darkness.

   But this can only solve the temporary problem, even if it is her and the abyss, there is no way to solve the problem completely.

   Yongan gave birth to her, and the problem can not be solved by simply erasing it.

   In fact, the power of Eternal Darkness is endless, even the true God cannot erase it, not to mention the born God of Eternal Darkness also possesses the power of true God.

   The true **** is immortal, and cannot be erased.

   There is no way, Jiutian can only suffer from the consequences and bear all this by himself.

   But everything will eventually come to an end.

   The true God of Yongan is about to wake up, because the other party has a heart-to-heart connection with her, and when he notices the appearance of Chen Cha, he will definitely wake up and fight with her to fight for Chen Cha's heart-wrenching treasure.

   "Grab me?"

   Chen Cha unknowingly pinched Nine Tian’s calf, and unexpectedly said: "Am I really a baby? It can make your heart soft, and it will make Yongan not hesitate to wake up."

   Yeah, I missed it.

   Jiutian hummed softly, "You have heard something wrong."

   Chen Li smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you are all greedy for my body."

   Jiutian didn't pretend at all, and said: "Since you know this, then prepare yourself obediently and serve the palace at any time."

   Chen Crack is naturally no problem, and said: "It's really only because of my appearance that Eternal Darkness will wake up?"

   Jiu Tiandao: "Your appearance can allow Yong Anming to replace this palace in a righteous manner."

   Chen Li thoughtfully, said: "I see some memories, so am I the only main god, or the warrior who challenges the only main god?"

   "Is it so precious because of this?"

   The only main god?

   Nine days said indifferently: "No, you are just a lucky guy. There are many lucky guys like you, but only you have grown to the point where you have successfully inherited the mysterious power of the only main god."

real or fake…

   Chen Li suspiciously said, "What about the other lucky ones?"

   Jiutian said lazily: "Failed, no more."

   Is it really just lucky...

   General Chen Crack believed and doubted, and said: "Just because of the mysterious power of the only Lord God, you are so precious to me, even loving me?"

   Jiutian took it for granted: "Otherwise, for this palace and other true gods, the power of mystery is the source of all power. If you can grow to this level, you are qualified to make you cheaper."

   Chen Li pondered: "Who is that person who challenged the Lord God, he is so powerful, you won't make him cheap too, right?"

   After a pause for nine days, he said, "I don't know."

  It's a matter of innocence, how can I not know.

   Chen crack does not believe it.

   It is definitely not an ordinary person who dares to challenge the existence of the only main god, maybe he will become the opponent's successor.

   No, no, it must be understood.

   Chen Crack is very upset.

   Nine days of no good air said: "This palace and other true gods have nothing to do with each other, you don't have to worry about anything, since your birth, you are also the first person to be so close to this palace."

   "Hmph, you think everyone else is as **** as you."

  嗐, this is what I said.

   Chen Chai gave a dry cough, and said, "That person is so powerful, do you really have nothing to do with each other?"

   Nine days proudly said: "No matter how powerful it is, it's just an elm knot with only success or failure."

Hearing this, Chen Cha paused and said, "So I am the reincarnation of that person. Because I was not interested in the active appearance of your true gods before, or even disdain, so now you all greet me one by one. Body, wanting revenge makes me addicted to your beauty and cannot help myself."

   Jiutiandao: "You just look a bit like him, not him."

   Then you guessed it right.

Chen Che suddenly enlightened, and automatically skipped the second half of the nine days's sentence, and said: "So I did defeat the only main **** in my previous life, but I also died, and after reincarnated, I succeeded in inheriting and seizing the mysterious power of the only true god. "

   Jiutiandao: "You are also a bit like the only main god."

   Chen Chai said, "Am I the child born by that person and the only god?"

   Those two are men...

   Chen Chai couldn't accept it.

   Jiutian grinned and said, "Maybe, I can't see clearly about your identity anyway. Maybe you are just an ordinary lucky guy. Fortunately, you have inherited the mysterious powers of the two of them and have grown to this point."

   "But neither the Lord God nor the other person is a good thing, or you are the cutest, I am very satisfied."

   is the cutest...

   Chen Chai contemptuously said: "It seems that it is not only that person who dislikes you, but even the one and only God who dislikes you as true gods."

   Jiutian stepped on Chen Chai with one foot and hummed, "They don't understand what love is."

   Chen Cha was stepped down without resisting, lying lazily, and said: "Don't worry, they disdain you at the beginning, I will compensate you a hundred times."

   Sell it first, eat some soft rice, wait for the skills to grow up, and then decide whether to become a scumbag.

   "What kind of compensation, don't make my house say as if no one wants it."

   Nine Heavens Jade Foot landed on Chen Cha's chest, pointing and pointing: "You are the plaything of this palace, and your task is to serve this palace well, do you understand?"

   Chen Lei said clearly: "I understand, I understand, then my goddess, let's talk about how to solve your eternal darkness completely."

   Nine Heavens Road: "Eternal Darkness is endless, whether it is the eternal Darkness in the ancient world or the eternal Darkness under the Nine Heavens, there is no end, and it is impossible to destroy the eternal Darkness by dispelling her."

   "If you are caught by her, you will be cleaned by her, imprisoned and suppressed by her forever, and become her own toy."

   "The only way is for this palace to completely control the power of Eternal Darkness, turn her into her own, and reintegrate with me."

   sounds a little troublesome.

   Chen Li sat up and said, "How can we help you completely control the power of Eternal Darkness and let you merge with her?"

   Nine Heavens Road: "The void has no boundaries, and the eternal darkness has no boundaries. The only way is for this palace to become the only main **** to achieve this."

   Doesn’t this mean that I didn’t say it.

   Chen Cha said helplessly: "Is there the only way."

   Nine Heavens whispered: "Maybe your mysterious power becomes stronger, and you can also help this palace after you become a true god."

   That's as far away.

   The highest level of the skills is only a **** level, two levels short of the true god.

   Chen Li scratched his head and said, "The only way?"

   Nine days of going to bed lazily and lying down, said: "Her essence is a mysterious spirit, you can eat her and turn it into your own."

   True God level mysterious spirit, can't eat it.

   Only if you have grown to a true **** level.

   Chen Crack feels a headache.

   Sure enough, even the true **** can't solve the trouble, he can't solve it.

   Helpless, he could only prepare early and asked: "How long will you have to wake up in the dark forever?"

   Jiu Tiandao: "If you serve the palace again, she will wake up."

   Then I can't sleep anymore.

   Chen Crack feels sorry.

   [Record: Your blood dragon screams endlessly, and all the skills feel sorry for it. 】

   If you sleep again, you will wake up. If you don’t sleep, you won’t wake up.

  Chen Lie heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Since Yong An cannot be resolved for the time being, let's help you solve the traitors of the nine races, and the Nine You Tiandi who escaped into the eternal darkness."

   yawned for nine days and said, "Take the ancient world as a bait, and you can catch them all in one go."

There is a problem.

   Chen Chai sat on the side of the bed and said, "Forever secretly sheltering them, how can I catch them all at once?"

   There is Yongan who can escape, he really can't help those people, otherwise he won't let Jiuyou Tiandi escape.

   It’s dangerous to enter the land of Eternal Darkness.

   "The scorching sun can burn away forever."

   Jiutian disdainfully said: "And that so-called shelter is just their wishful thinking."

   "As for how to set a trap and kill those people in one go, it depends on your ability."

   "The palace does not care about their challenges and existence."

   doesn't care yet, obviously still stiff mouth.

   Chen Lei got up and came to the window. He sighed in his heart and saw the endless eternal darkness beyond the Nine Heavens and Earth.

   Yongan has completely surrounded the land of Nine Heavens, and it is only a matter of time to be submerged. This shows how severe the erosion of the Nine Heavens by the True God of Eternal Darkness is.

  Because of this, the nine days before, when facing the monsters after the fusion of the nine races, he seemed a little tired and reluctant.

   It's not that the monsters after the fusion of the nine races are too strong, but that they have eroded too much power and become weak for nine days.

Because of this, the power of heaven and earth in the ancient world is gradually weakening, and the ancient world has to be given up, and has to accept the requirements of the world. Otherwise, as a true god, Jiu Tian will not easily accompany you to sleep, let alone challenge those who challenge the true god. The mighty ants exist.

   In any case, Jiutian is her own woman.

   The threats of the traitors of the nine races and the Emperor Jiuyou must be eliminated.

  The ancient world can indeed be used as a bait.

   Nine races traitors and Jiuyou Tiandi will definitely not give up the ancient world.

   Compared to directly attacking the Land of Nine Heavens, it is undoubtedly easier to further weaken the power of the True God of Nine Heavens through the ancient world.

  How can the traitors of the Nine Races and the Nine You Tiandi be brought into the trap and be wiped out...

   After his thoughts drifted away, he realized that his existence was the only obstacle preventing the enemy from entering the trap.

   Hide and pretend to disappear?


   People are not stupid, how can they be fooled.

   must face to face to let the enemy know that he is indeed powerless to prevent the opponent from occupying the ancient world.

   To achieve this, he must enter the eternal darkness and pretend to be corroded and suppressed by the eternal darkness.

   Chen Chai thought of a way in an instant.


   "If we don't sleep anymore, you will never wake up in the dark?"

   Chen split his head and asked without looking back.

   Nine days seemed to fall asleep completely, without answering.

It's ok.

Try it, and then you'll know.

   If it is really dangerous, other wives will not sit back and watch.


   Chen Lei's figure moved, and then disappeared in the palace, carrying invincible power directly to break through the sky, and came to the eternal darkness that surrounded the land of nine heavens.

   After waiting for a while, the demon head who had appeared before and tried to challenge the majesty of the nine gods slowly emerged again.

   "The outsider."

   The huge demon head formed by the fusion of the ancestors of the nine races is terrifying, and the sound is like thunder, saying: "Why can you enter the land of the nine heavens?"

   Chen Qian had no expression on his face, and said lightly: "Just you are bullying my wife."

   The demon head danced wildly, sneered and said: "Outsiders, you are very bold."

   The face of the demon's head kept changing, and he opened his mouth one after another.

   "It's arrogant to even dare to claim to be the husband of the Nine Heavens God."

   "Dare to come alone, looking for death."

   "The Nine Heavens God Mother is our mother, our favorite, and it is the great existence that we can possess."

   "Outsider, who are you?"

   "No need to talk to him, kill him."

   "Yes, no one except me is worthy of being compared with the Nine Heavens Goddess."


   In the words, the magic flame is overwhelming, sweeping the entire eternal dark sky.

   Seeing this, Chen Lao stood proudly and said: "You have all remembered for me, I, Jiuyou Tiandi, are back."

   "Eternal darkness belongs to me, and the nine heavens belong to me."

   "I am the emperor of the eternal dark The nine days are my concubine, you better kneel down and beg for mercy, if not, I will let you never turn back."

   arrogant, too arrogant.

   The demon head is furious.

   "You, Jiuyou Tiandi? I'm pooh."

   "What about the Emperor Jiuyou, he is still alive, and he dared to survive and seek death!"

   "Nine days are ours, you are looking for death."

   "Jiuyou Tiandi, hum, just a loser."

   "Fuck him!"

   "Dare to steal our home, the sin is unforgivable."



   The demon flame is overwhelming the world, and the endless magic hair stretches out from the eternal darkness, turning into endless eternal darkness tentacles attacking.

   "Huh, a bunch of rubbish."

   The Sky Mark Sword appeared in Chen Li's hand, and said, "Let me tell you what is invincible."

   "Magic Sword Thousand Blades!"

   [Record: Your demon disintegration sword technique can't help but correct it, this trick is called Magic Sword Thousand Blades. 】

   [Record: Your public skill is called "sword" more in line with...]



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