My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

v1 Chapter 275: Demon Disintegration Knife Technique: Ye

   "Why don't you let the coffin pass by, instead you want the coffin to wait there, waiting for the enemy to be dragged in?"

   In the sleeping place, Blood Dragon Yin looked suspicious and asked a fatal question.

   The bones and sponges palms were speechless, and said: "You are too lazy to run as the opponent is like the master."

   Blood Dragon Yin said disapprovingly: "We have already suppressed him just now, and he is now supplementing himself. He can't run or move. What a good opportunity."

  Hua Bone Cotton Palm was too lazy to explain, and said directly: "Go!"

   The next moment, the chain of bones wrapped around the goddess moved and suddenly began to shorten.

   Immediately afterwards, the black coffin was also pulled by the chains of the bones, came to the heavenly woman out of thin air, and swallowed it directly.


   The coffin lid was formed and closed and closed.

   "Look, isn't this the end?"

  Xielongyin has a smug look on his face, as if I'm very smart.

Hua Bone Palm also knew that the tombstone in his hand could not be finished, so he didn't inscribe it at all. He raised his head and sighed, saying: "That coffin is a cage that seals the true god. It is true that even the true **** can be suppressed, but you won't I really think that neither I nor the Emperor Jiuyou can easily control the power of the cage."

   "Is it possible to seal the cage of the true god, is it something we can grasp at will."

   "It is already the limit to be able to force a little bit of the cage power to seal all existence below the true god. If the opponent breaks through the half-step true god, the little cage force I provoke is simply not enough."

   "Besides, don't forget that Emperor Jiuyou can also arouse a little force of the cage."

   "Even before breaking through, the other party can use the force of the cage to get out of the trap. It can't be sealed at all. It must use external force to cooperate with the black coffin to apply a seal again."

   "Just like the master doesn't run, it's because even if the Emperor Jiuyou arouses the power of the cage, he can't really seal the master."

   "After all, Emperor Jiuyou took the lead in mobilizing the power of the cage, but it was to force us to exert pressure on the other party and create opportunities for complement."


   The black coffin did not move at all.

   Xuelongyin pointed to the black coffin with a face full of disbelief, and said, "You are too modest, don't you think they have been sealed off now, there is no movement at all."

  Husk bones and sponge palms weakly said: "That's because Jiuyou Tiandi was deliberately doing it."

   "Since you are not afraid of being sealed, it doesn't matter whether you are sealed or not."

   "Even if the other party is sealed right now, it helps the other party. After all, sometimes the seal is also a kind of protection. The other party is in the coffin, and we will be in trouble if we want to interfere with its completion."


   Blood Dragon Yin opened his mouth and said, "Then quickly disperse the coffin."

The bone-changing palm supported his forehead and said: "I have said that the Emperor Jiuyou can also arouse the power of the cage, unless you enter the coffin together and continue to interfere with each other, otherwise I will not have the right to control the power of the cage. The slightest meaning."

   Blood Dragon Yin said, "Then why do you want the coffin to pass, you know this, can you just not listen to me?"

   The bones in the palms were covered with black lines, and he said, "Because it doesn't matter if the coffin is not sealed, I will show it to you directly."

   "With that little cage power, the true **** can't be sealed by half a step."

   "Let's look forward to the master's winning method."


   Blood Dragon Yin glanced at Chen Cha, who was drinking An Ran, and muttered: "I think the master is pretending, and in the end, she will definitely want the mistress to come out."

   "We know the roots of the master, how could we not know what the master's winning method is."

   makes sense.

  All the skills all looked at Chen Cha, only the Ninth Turn of Samsara thoughtfully.

   Chen Cha held the blood therapy technique and smiled and said, "It's really a reversal without stopping for a moment."

   Blood Dragon Yin couldn't help but curiously asked: "What reversal?"

   Chen Cha sighed: "I used to think that the strongest among you was the body-building fist, reincarnation, and later I felt that using the sword to practice qi and the sky-mark sword was the strongest, and even the strongest mental impact."

   Hearing the words, he used his sword to practice Qi and his body suddenly leaned back, spreading his hands, with an arrogant look of a big boss, and said proudly, "Isn't it?"

   Mental shock sitting on Chen Li's head and blinking his eyes, very silly and sweet.

   Qiangshenquan stared at the black coffin indifferently.

   Chen Li touched the head of the cat who was practicing Qi with a sword, and said: "Yes, you are still as strong as ever, but for the moment, the strongest is not you."

   practiced qi with a sword and refused to accept it: "It's not a few of us, who else can it be?"

  Bone bones and palms hold fists in meditation.

   Heavenly Demon Disintegration Swordsman stepped out, his tone was low, his expression solemn said: "Yes, it's right here!"

   "Master, have you finally discovered my power?"

   "Hehe, in order to blow the snow, I kept a low profile for too long."

   "I still remember that when I was in the underground world, I was the master's number one thug. I used my own power to break the ninety-level clone of the White King and win the King's Treasury."

   "A single cut can be done, a thousand cuts can be cut."

   "Of course, at that time, Brother Qiangshenquan was also my right-hand man. He cooperated with me to prevent and kill the gods."

   "Now that I think about it, it's really embarrassing."

   "I haven't taken a shot for a long time, and you have forgotten how powerful I was."

   "Well, it's time for you to remember everything again and remember who I was."

   "Then, brothers and sisters, Fuxue Goddess..."

   "Please, look at me well..."

  Blood Dragon Yin and Jian Qi were bluffed, his eyes widened, and he was skeptical.

  The rest of the skills are all curious, surprised, doubtful, expecting, questioning and so on.

   In the face of the gazes of the skills, the demon disintegrated and stepped out of the sword, and came to the black coffin to stop.

   stretched out his hand, and the eighteen swords and blades that were subsequently upgraded to the demigod rank shattered into stars, and gathered into a pitch black magic knife in the palm.

  The magic knife is in his hand, and a beautiful white dress appears on his body.

   Na Liying's face and posture are astonishing, which is quite similar to that of the Fuyuki sisters.

"what is that?"

   Blood Dragon Yin spoke subconsciously.

   Snow-blowing knife technique rarely replied: "That is the true goddess in his heart, representing his ultimate power of a sword."

   Practicing Qidao with a sword: "Isn't that just you?"

  Blowing snow skill meaningfully said: "No, we are just external ministers."

Can not understand.

   Blood Dragon Yin pondered and said: "It feels...not too good..."

   nodded in agreement with the sword, looked at Chen Li and said, "Master, the most powerful thing in your mouth right now is really the dog licking?"

   Chen Le couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "What do you think."

  Blood dragon chanting and scratching his head with sword practice qi.

  Jianglong Jinguang Body couldn't help laughing.

   The bones and the palms can’t show the expression.

   Reincarnation Ninth Turn holding a cake and feeding the blood therapy technique.

   Mental shock yawned.

   Qiangshenquan shook his head slightly.

   Wansijin was busy warming up and pouring wine.

   in sight.

   The black coffin vibrated.

  The devil disintegrated the sword and wore a Liying, holding a thousand-edged magic knife, and then withdrew the magic knife easily, the tip of the sword paused with an oblique finger, and then moved.

   The sword fell lightly, and his posture was numerous, blurry and dreamy.

  Vaguely, everyone seemed to hear singing.

   is a woman's humming.

   Where does the sound come from, so beautiful singing...

  The expressions of all skills stretched out, enjoying the washing of singing.

   Gemei, the sword is also beautiful.

   The light of the knife was finally cut down, and the black coffin was also torn apart in an instant along with the light of the knife, turning into a black aura and returning to the cage that enveloped the black cat.

  Without the black coffin, the Emperor Jiuyou suddenly came into view.

   The completion is complete.

   Jiuyou Tiandi felt his own powerful power, as well as the power of the true **** that can only be felt by the true god, and his mind was extremely agitated.

   opened his eyes, the sword came to him.

Ha ha.

   Weakness is beyond words.

   It turns out that the invincible power below the true **** is nothing more than this, not as good as a feather.

   Under the purple and black emperor robe, Emperor Jiuyou Tian broke up and scattered the endless blade of light when he got up, interrupted Liying's humming, and stood calmly.

   The light of the knife disappeared.

   The devil disintegrated and stood with a knife, saying: "You have become stronger."

   Jiuyou Tiandi laughed and waved casually.

   The power of the true **** fell, and the devil's disintegration sword technique was forced to disintegrate within three seconds before being directly blasted away by the power of this true god, and reunited in front of Chen Chai.

   The change was sudden and caught a lot of skills off guard.

   "Fukiyuki, this is not my real strength."

   The devil disintegrates the sword technique without forgetting the goddess.

   For this, Chen Chai was amused.

  The skills of the crowd understand.

   "Fuck you, lick the dog and startle me."

   Blood Dragon Yin took the lead and couldn't help but said: "I really thought you were the best, but in the end I couldn't resist even a single move."

  I practiced Qi with a sword without heartbeat, and fidgeted: "Master, let's get out soon, I have already felt the threat of death, I am afraid that even the dead mother can't keep us."

   Huagumian palm is shocked.

   Strong body and fist showing desire, muttered to himself: "Is this the power of the half-step true god..."

  The skills of the crowd are tense.

   Chen Cha is still indifferent, not rushing.

   Seeing this, Jiuyou Tiandi said with great interest: "It looks like, what else do you rely on?"

   can resist the half-step dependence of the power of the true god, he doesn't think it exists.

   "The power of the sea king."

   Jiuyou Tiandi learned this from the memory of the goddess, and said with regret: "It's a pity, this place is not your sea area, and your sea king's power cannot be used."

"Ha ha."

   "If you can really use the power of the Sea King, I am afraid that my half-step true **** power is really not your opponent."

   "After all, the power of the sea king is the power of the true god."

   "Even if you have not yet become a true god, you are special enough to use the name of the sea king to display the power of the true god."

"such a pity."

   The power of the sea king.

  The skills look at the crowd.

   He used his sword to practice his gaze, glanced at Chen Li, and said with a flash of inspiration: "I see, it turned out to be..."

   The words stopped.

   Blood Dragon Yin was anxious, and said, "What is it, you just keep talking."

   Practicing qi with a sword, smiling and saying: "You continue to guess."

   Sister Fuxue thoughtfully, said: "That's how it is."

   Mental shock is ignorant.

   Huagu Mianchang said in a relaxed tone: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it."

   Chansi Jin was curious, and leaned close to Qiangshenquan and whispered: "Brother, who is it?"

   Qiangshenquan calmly drank alcohol, and said: "You will know right away."

   Blood Dragon Yin was anxious, and said angrily: "Damn it, you guys love to say nothing, I don't believe it, I can't guess it."

  Jianglong Jinguang Body said helplessly: "Does this still have to be guessed? The answer is already in front of you."

   Blood Dragon Yin said suspiciously: "Is it you?"

  Jianglong Jinguang Body sighed and said: "Forget it, you are too stupid, I will tell you quietly, yes..."

   Blood Dragon Yin opened his eyes wide when he heard it, and said: "How is it possible, she...hiss...that's how it is, that's how it is..."

   "Haha, invincible."


   Blood Dragon Yin's expression changed rapidly, and finally he completely relaxed and laughed arrogantly.

   Jiuyou Tiandi looked strange.

   Chen Lei still sat upright and said, "So what about the girl that day?"

   Jiuyou Tiandi said lightly: "Naturally it was replaced by me."

   Blood Dragon Yin despised: "Old Yinbi knows that you are not so kind, so that you will not lose yourself, even if it is a new self, it is not allowed."

   Jiuyou Tiandi casually quoted, and suddenly took more prison power out of the air to turn into an emperor sword, and said: "Yes, I am indeed not so kind."

   "The birth of a new self is false. From the very beginning, the ego of the goddess is destined to disperse. As for how to do it, it is because I rely on the memory of inheritance to avoid the fusion of mind and consciousness, and still retain the self."

   "The goddess no longer exists."

   "And now, I have also completed it, and you should no longer exist with the goddess."

   "Are you ready, fateful opponent."

   Jiuyou Tiandi smiled and raised his hand, the emperor sword formed by the power of the cage suddenly broke through the air, and in the blink of an eye, he stopped in front of Chen Chai.

   "Do you feel the power in it."

   Jiuyou Tiandi said cheerfully: "Such power is enough to suppress you forever. When I slowly absorb all of your mysterious power, you will become a true **** by then, and you..."

   The result is self-evident.

   "Haha, this fool thought he was invincible."

   Blood Dragon Yin laughed and mocked mercilessly: "He is stupid than me. He didn't realize that he was dead from the beginning. The owner was playing with him after tossing for so long."


   Jiuyou Tiandi was not angry, and said with full interest: "What do you say?"

   Blood Dragon Yin looked at an idiot and said: "You said it yourself, the power of the sea king is the power of the true god, and my master is the sea king."

   The Emperor Sword fell in no hurry.

   Jiuyou Tiandi nodded and said, "But this is not your sea area, and there is already a sea king here."

   Blood Dragon Yin said for granted: "It's not our sea area, then turn this into our sea area."

   "As for the existing Sea King, who is our mistress, and is sleeping, it doesn't matter. Even if this sea area becomes my master's sea area, the mistress will wake up lazily and pay attention."

   makes sense.

   Jiuyou Tiandi said: "So how do you turn this sea area into your own?"

   Blood Dragon Yin smiled and said, "Guess."

   Jiuyou Tiandi looked at the spiritual shock, and said: "Wait for your sea area to be swallowed all the way, it will take a long, long time to occupy this sea area."

   "Any other I can't guess it."

   See here.

   Blood Dragon Yin sighed and said: "You are really too stupid. I have already told you the answer. Turn this sea area into our sea area, and this sea area will become our sea area."

   You... isn't it nonsense...

   Jiuyou Tiandi was speechless.

   Chen Crack is also speechless.

   In fact, the answer is very simple. The strongest skill here is blood therapy, which is even more non-existent.

  The demigod effect of blood therapy is an endless sea of ​​blood.

   The sea of ​​blood is also the sea.

   More importantly, the endless blood sea is not only the useless effect of summoning the Gorefiend King.

   The real hidden effect of the endless sea of ​​blood is that it can erode the sea of ​​mind around you and turn it into a part of the endless sea of ​​blood.

   The endless sea of ​​blood belongs to me.

   In this way, as long as you are in your own sea area, the power of the sea king can be used.

   From the very beginning, he was invincible, and he could use the power of the true **** that the sea king possessed at any time through the endless blood sea of ​​blood therapy.

   And such power is enough to kill everything in a second...



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