My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

v2 Chapter 27: Side-to-side jump


The two parties are fighting against each other. There are no guns, only real swords and real guns.

The history of this world has been slow in the development of firearms and technological weapons. Even in the modern society outside, science and technology are more displayed in life, and the battle is still dominated by cold weapons.

In the current era, although the convenience of life has improved a lot, the battle is still a real sword and gun confrontation, and the long-range means mainly rely on bows and arrows.

Both parties are in the middle.

On one side is the tauren, the leader of the tauren is the most powerful, with one arm holding a beautiful woman in his arms, and the other with a large axe in his hand, causing a lot of casualties.

On the other side is the ghost face, each ghost face has four arms, and the movement speed is very fast.

"Who is him?"

Qin Liying did not recognize Wang Jinzhi.

Chen Qian casually said: "Nuo, that tauren is him."

Qin Liying couldn't believe it, and felt the strangeness.

Chen Che comforted: "You have been dead for more than a hundred years, and the people in Infernal Purgatory have long been completely different. I don't need to find someone to lie to you."

"After this battle is over, you can ask him in person."

In the battlefield.

The beauty in the tauren's arms swayed her silk legs, and the jade hand was waving at will, a large sword light fell, assisting the tauren to kill the enemy.

Qin Liying stopped speaking and watched silently.

After a long time, the battle ended.

The Ghost Face Man was killed and fled away.

The Tauren brothers began to clean the battlefield, and they all laughed very happily.

The tauren leader heaved a sigh of relief, and he carried the giant axe behind him, ordered a giant white horse to be summoned, and left first, holding the beauty in his arms.

There was no one in the wide street, only the sound of horseshoes.

"Those ghost-faced people can't do it, not happy enough."

Wang Jinzhi's voice was rough and dull, and said, "I haven't moved my muscles and bones yet."

Hearing that, Mo Ruyi in a red cheongsam smiled and said: "You are so great, and ordinary people are certainly not your opponents. It doesn't matter if you don't have a good time, they will make you happy when you go back."

Wang Jinzhi laughed and saw two people who appeared in the street at some unknown time.

The horse neighed.

Wang Jinzhi put away his laughter, his eyes fell on the white cheongsam woman after a pause on the young man's face, his eyes stunned.

"Hehe, here again."

Mo Ruyi chuckled.

Wang Jinzhi said calmly, "Who are you?"

Chen Lean lazily leaned on the street lamp without answering.

Qin Liying looked at the familiar eyes on the opposite side earnestly, and said, "Do you remember me, Wang Jinzhi."

Words fall.

Mo Ruyi smiled with interest.

Wang Jinzhi frowned and said, "How do you know it's me?"

Qin Liying's eyes were complicated and said, "It's really you."

Wang Jinzhi sighed and said, "Yes, it's me."

Qin Liying laughed at herself and said, "You look good now."

Wang Jinzhi squeezed the woman in his arms and said, "I'm sorry."

Qin Liying took a deep breath and said, "Do you still love me?"

Wang Jinzhi paused, and said again: "Sorry."

Qin Liying seemed to let go of something, and turned around and said, "I see, I wish you happiness."

Wang Jinzhi was speechless.

Qin Liying came to Chen Chai and said, "By the way, I am also very happy now."

He hugged Chen Cha's arm and smiled back.

Wang Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, that's good."

Qin Liying no longer lingered, and said, "Let's go."

Chen Cha nodded and disappeared out of thin air with the woman.

In the street.

Wang Jinzhi looked up to the sky without a word.

Mo Ruyi said quietly: "It's not so easy to let go of loving someone."

Wang Jinzhi returned to his mind and smiled: "It's enough to have you, she...should let go..."

After leaving the Infernal Purgatory.

Chen Cha continued to eat breakfast and said, "No more confirmation?"

Qin Liying said, "No, it's enough."

Chen Che nodded and said, "Time can change many things. No one is always the only one. Be happy."

Qin Liying suddenly said, "I want to be a human again."

Chen Che said helplessly: "Infernal Purgatory does not have the function of reincarnation."

Qin Liying said: "You must have a way."

The power of the contract is omnipotent, but it can be done.

Chen Chai pondered, and said: "Sign a contract. You will work for me for a year. After it expires, you can reincarnate and forget everything."

Qin Liying's eyes were calm and said, "Okay."

The contract was formed, and the female ghost signed her name without hesitation, and then disappeared.

Chen Cha laughed and shook his head. After a pause, he got upstairs and went to Tang Xiaoya's bedroom. He sat down and said, "Don't love it anymore?"

Tang Xiaoya said quietly: "Love, love you and love him."

The scum girl wanted to hug left and right.

Chen Chan didn't expect that he would be scumbed one day, so he couldn't say with laughter or cry: "I don't care, he can't accept it."

He has no love for the woman in front of him, no possessiveness, as long as he is not greened.

Tang Xiaoya did indeed achieve this, loving Lu Ziche, but keeping a distance from Lu Ziche, on the contrary, he was not ashamed or ashamed of him. It is estimated that he only loves his body.

For Lu Ziche, Tang Xiaoya couldn't do without each other's feelings.

For him, it is inseparable from his body.

Being in it like this can be described as being pulled to death, caught in a dilemma, and none of them want to give up.

But now Lu Ziche gave up. Tang Xiaoya looked open, but was actually very sad. It was not an exaggeration to say that her heart died like a lamp.

There is only one way to keep it alive.

Chen Che was dragged onto the bed by a woman...

the other side.

Tang Mai caught up with Lu Ziche and said, "Brother-in-law."

Lu Ziche said weakly while sitting in the car, "I'm not your brother-in-law."

Tang Mai opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, and said, "Oh, my elder sister is also very embarrassed. She loves you deeply and can't live without you, but at the same time she can't live without her husband's body. What should you do?"

Lu Ziche said, "Long pain is not as good as short pain."

Tang Mai gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will go with you."

Lu Ziche warmed his heart and said, "No, you can stay with her. I don't need anyone to accompany me."

Tang Wheat reluctantly said, "No, I don't want to leave my brother-in-law either."

Lu Ziche sighed and said, "Okay, don't pretend to me, you like him too, don't you?"

Tang Mai thought for a while and said, "No, although it's exciting to be with him, but my brother-in-law can give me gentleness and love."

Lu Ziche shook his head and said: "Go back, I will no longer have any burdens from now on, so I can enjoy the beauty of other women as much as I can without worrying about anything."

Tang Mai's eyes were tearful.

Lu Ziche said mercilessly: "Get off the bus."

In the end, Tang Mai watched the car leaving, went home angrily and kicked the bedroom door open, watching the two people on the bed involuntarily rushing up.

Dog men and women, I want to call SHI and you will avenge brother-in-law...

Seven days.

For seven days, Lu Ziche missed the side of multiple lovers and forgot all his worries. He even ignored the company's affairs and left it to Li Sisi to handle it.

However, no matter how many lovers there are, the emptiness in my heart can't be filled. On the contrary, it is getting lonely and lonely. In the end, I just lose interest in the lover.

Inside Tenglu Building.

Lu Ziche walked into his office with a pale face, and saw a woman wearing a **** dress and looking at the mirror, finishing her makeup.

"Tsk, are you going to go on a date if you look so good?"

Lu Ziche stepped forward, admiring the woman's figure with bright eyes, and couldn't help but hug it.

"Do not touch me."

Li Sisi knocked off the paw on his waist and said, "It's been seven days, and you still know how to come back."

Lu Ziche apologized and said, "Hi, I'm playing."

Li Sisi coldly snorted: "Why don't you keep playing?"

Lu Ziche sighed, and said, "It's boring, I don't feel like doing anything."

Li Sisi looked strangely in his eyes: "Now you are nothing like you before. Now you are like a homeless stray dog. Nothing can be achieved. Life is full of failure, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence. disappear."

Lu Ziche smiled and said, "Is it so unbearable."

Li Sisi walked forward with her legs staggered, and said: "It's more than unbearable. I don't look like a boss at all. Even being touched by you will make me uncomfortable."

"Lu Ziche, you are no longer the Lu Ziche I like."

"You can use the money to hit other people, but if you continue like this, there will be nothing between us."

"I look down on you like this."


Lu Ziche was silent.

After a while, Li Sisi changed into a light blue slim-fit long-sleeved dress with her slender and straight black silk legs bare. After walking out of the interior, she threw the skirt she was wearing to Lu Ziche, and said, "Throw it for me, you touch it. I've done it, I won't wear it again."

Lu Ziche was upset, clutching his skirt and said, "I am the boss. Is it inappropriate for you to be so lofty and dislike the boss?"

Li Sisi said in his spare time: "So what are you going to do, do you drive me?"

Lu Ziche's expression was gloomy.

Li Sisi smiled and said with disdain: "Why, don't you dare, leave me without self-confidence, can you manage the company well by yourself."

Lu Ziche closed his eyes and said, "Throw it away."

Li Sisi's eyes were even more disappointed, and said, "Keep on playing with you, I'm leaving."

Lu Ziche glanced at the time and said, "Where are you going before it's time to get off work?"

Li Sisi didn't look back, "As you expected, date."

Lu Ziche said, "With whom?"

Li Sisi said: "Chen Crack."

The office door closed.

Lu Ziche grasped the skirt in his hand, angrily in his heart.

Chen Cha is Chen Cha again.

There was a knock on the door.

Lu Ziche replied, "Come in."

In sight, his female secretary Bing Yujie walked in, wearing a shirt and hip skirt very attractive.


There was no fluctuation in Lu Ziche's heart.

Bing Yujie expressionlessly said: "There is a meeting to be held, and Mr. Li has something to leave and needs you to attend."

Lu Ziche snorted coldly: "Call her back for a meeting, appointments during working hours, lawless."

Bing Yujie said: "A date? Didn't Mr. Li go to host Liu Meiyan's wedding?"

Counting the time, today is indeed the wedding day.

Hot search used Liu Meiyan before, so this wedding was held by the Tenglu Group at a high price, so you can't afford to lose it.

Obviously, I was deceived.

Lu Ziche heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I want to go to the wedding too. Let's postpone the meeting."

Bing Yujie nodded and turned to leave.

Lu Ziche suddenly said: "Wait."

Bing Yujie was puzzled.

Lu Ziche said, "Go inside and help me pick my clothes for the wedding."

After a while.

Lu Ziche looked at the expensive clothes in the mirror, but the whole person was very poor, very vain, and said in a daze, "Is this me."

Bing Yujie sighed lightly: "You have indeed changed."

Lu Ziche laughed at himself and said, "It has become very nasty and disdainful, don't you look down on it."

Bing Yujie paused, and said, "A bit, it's completely different from yours before. Even I despise you a bit."

Lu Ziche suddenly had no interest in attending the wedding, and said, "What should I do, I feel like I'm not saved."

Bing Yujie's eyes were complicated and said: "Although I don't know what happened to you, you still need to tie the bell to untie the bell. No matter what happens, evasion will never solve the problem. Only when you face it bravely will you become stronger. "

Lu Ziche was silent and smiled: "Teacher, you are still the same as before."

The female secretary beside him once taught him to learn.

Bing Yujie shook her head slightly and said, "You are just a fan of the authorities."

Lu Ziche took a deep breath and said, "I understand. Sure enough, I can't live without her."

Bing Yujie whispered: "Go, get her back."

Lu Ziche looked firm and turned to leave.

Bing Yujie sighed quietly and said, "It's so good, this kind of love..."

Inside the villa.

Chen Qian looked at the two sisters who were being well-dressed and their complexions were moisturized, and said weakly: "Okay, it's been half an hour."

Tang Xiaoya's eyes were blank, and although her complexion was healthy and ruddy, her whole body was lost and indifferent like a wooden person.

Tang Maimai stood behind her sister, looked at herself and her sister in the mirror, and said without looking back, "What's the hurry."

Chen Crack sighed.

After another half an hour, the two sisters finally packed up, one in a dress, the other in a shirt and skirt, appeared in front of Chen Chai.

"Let's go."

Tang Mai, who had failed to take revenge seven days ago, was still unable to let go, and stared at her husband.

Chen Cha got up and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Go."

The total score is considered to be ready to go.

The door opened, and Lu Ziche, who was about to open the door, came into view.

At this moment, Tang Xiaoya's eyes recovered, and she looked calmly, Yushou took the initiative to hold Chen Chai.

At the same time, Lu Ziche looked in a trance, and then returned to calm. His entire temperament suddenly changed. The person before him came back and said, "I'm here to get something, but I forgot to take it."

Tang Xiaoya said lightly: "Go, husband, let's go, it will be too late if we don't leave."

Don wheat is surprised.

Chen Qian followed the trend.

Lu Ziche turned away and couldn't help saying; "Where are you going?"

Tang Xiaoya said; "Dating."

Lu Ziche said: "Three people?"

Tang Mai's cheeks blushed and said, "Brother-in-law, the day you left, I was also bullied by the young lady's husband."

Lu Ziche was furious.

Chen Che said helplessly: "Let me explain."

Lu Ziche gritted his teeth and said, "I won't listen."

I feel something is wrong with the dialogue...

Chen Che lay flat.

Tang Xiaoya suddenly said: "You take your things, the affairs of the three of us have nothing to do with has fallen.

A good future wife has fallen to this level.

Lu Ziche suddenly lost his breath and said, "Yes, we have broken up."

Chen Che said earnestly: "I sincerely hope you get back together."

Lu Ziche snorted coldly.

In sight, the car stopped.

When the window was lowered, Lin Meilan came into view and said softly, "Get in the car, eh, Mr. Lu is also here."

Lu Ziche couldn't help but said, "Four people are dating?"


Lin Meilan blanked her eyes and said, "What date, we are going to the wedding."

Lu Ziche resolutely said: "I want to go too, just to go together."

Chen crack:...