My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

v2 Chapter 29: Gifts and Promises from the Killer World

"Xiaoya, don't go..."

In the bedroom, Lu Ziche spoke drunkly, and took the woman's jade hand.

"Brother-in-law, I am not a sister."

Tang Maichi sat down and smiled and said, "My sister is waiting for her husband next door."

Lu Ziche sat up abruptly, his eyes red.

Tang Maiqian said, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing, don't be impulsive."

Lu Ziche cried.

Deceive people too much.

Tang Maimai comforted: "Brother-in-law, look at it, it's a dog bite."

Lu Ziche fell down, weakened and said, "Forget it, I am not qualified, you are the right relationship."

Tang Maimai sighed softly: "In fact, my sister has always had you in her heart. Don't you know how lost your sister is in the past few days when you are away..."

Girls twitter.

The more Lu Ziche listened, the more relieved, but the more heartbroken.

Obviously so sad, but still so happy to roll the sheets with Chen Cha, it is simply dissatisfaction with integrity.

It's horrible!

In the dead of night, the drunk Lu Ziche was sleepless.

The girl had already left and went to the next door. Unwillingly, he listened to the wall for a long time, and found nothing.

After a long time, there was the sound of a door closing next door and the sound of footsteps quickly going away.

Lu Ziche couldn't help it anymore, got up and took a deep breath, came to the next door and paused, then slowly opened the door and walked in.

Walking through the messy living room, he gently opened the bedroom door, and saw through the gap that there was lying on the bed inside, covered with a silk quilt, surrounded by skirts and a little bare skin, and his faces were satisfied with the rosy sisters. There was a sting in his mind.

In the ear, the woman exhaled and said, "Does it look good."

Lu Ziche stiffened.

The bedroom door closed gently, the living room.

Lin Meilan sat with the same ruddy face in her bathrobe, and said with a chuckle: "It's impolite for you to be so sneaky."

Not two, but three.

Lu Ziche felt even more painful, and said, "How can you be so depraved."

Lin Meilan said quietly: "We are also involuntarily."

Lu Ziche took a deep breath and said, "I have a place in your heart."

Lin Meilan's beautiful legs are smooth and staggered, and she said softly: "Your position in our hearts has never changed. To him, we just love his body and don't have too deep feelings."

"He is the same to us."

"For you, we still have feelings and moved our hearts."

It's fine if you don't have feelings, so you can give up completely.

Lu Ziche felt exhausted, got up and left.

Lin Meilan watched it all in her spare time and said, "Don't you want to stay?"

Lu Ziche paused, and continued to move forward, without looking back: "No, I am not him. I don't have the preference of possessing other people's girlfriends."

Lin Meilan chuckled: "We are not his girlfriend, but yours."

Lu Ziche refused to be a tauren and left quickly.

Pushing the door open, he walked in desperately, and then saw a couple of dog men and women in the living room.


Lu Ziche instantly realized that he had gone to the wrong room, took a deep look at the pair of dog men and women, and turned away without saying a word.

Very good, the women around me have been swept away by a single net, and I have gained a lot tonight, and I can sleep at ease...

The night was deep, and the castle was quiet.

In a balcony garden, Chen Cha yawned and went out to blow the air. After a while, he saw Lu Ziche who was sitting on the fence. He stepped forward and said, "Are you ready to commit suicide?"

Lu Ziche said: "Yeah."

Chen Chai expressed his understanding and said, "Being Cao Cao is not what I want, but it is really cruel to you, but it is inappropriate for you to die here."


Liu Meiyan's wedding scene is dead, but something big will happen.

Lu Ziche also hesitated about this, so the cold wind blew for most of the day, and the heat in his heart and the drunkenness in his head disappeared.

"Actually, it's useless if you die."

Chen Che frankly said: "After death, people will go to Infernal Purgatory, and I control Infernal Purgatory, you still can't escape from my shadow."

Lu Ziche said coldly: "So I must live and then defeat you."

Chen Che nodded and said, "Yes, I wish you success in defeating me."

Lu Ziche was silent.

It's easier said than done.

How can I defeat it if I don't even have a weakness.

Chen Chai suddenly said, "Someone is coming."

Talking to hide the figure of the two people casually, looking at the person coming.

in the dark.

A moving figure came and sat down on a chair in the garden.

Xiao Ying'er...

Chen Qian looked at the beautiful woman in a black gauze skirt with great interest.

Lu Ziche also looked over, a flash of stunning color flashed in his eyes, and then slapped himself.

Damn it, when are you still tempted by other women...

Xiao Ying'er sat casually, a pair of slender and round black silk legs exposed between the slits of the skirt, and the red-soled high heels on the silk feet were exquisite and sexy, and she seemed to be waiting for something.

After a while, footsteps came again.

Immediately afterwards, an old white-haired western-looking man appeared in his sight, walking fast, came to the beautiful woman, and smiled: "My Queen, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so touching."

Xiao Ying'er said in a lazy tone: "You are also strong and healthy too."

[Record: Found anomalies, Guen Jones, the owner of the castle. 】

Chen Cha accidentally.

Frankly speaking, he never thought that the owner of the castle would be an anomaly. There are more rich people in this world, and there are more tricks to play. It is people's freedom to spend tens of billions to build an island to play.

But now it seems that Gunn’s freedom originated from anomalies.

In front of him, the notebook opened.

[Target: Gunn Jones]

[Exception: Talent of the Son of Finance. 】

[Seal method: only to be aware of, unspoken possession of the other party's queen. 】

This is simple, and now I have strengthened Xiao Ying'er face to face!

Chen Li closed his notebook and watched silently.

On the side, Lu Ziche also got down from the fence and kept watching inadvertently.

He didn't expect that one day he would peep with Chen Chai.

Life is so ridiculous...

"My Lady Queen, your servant misses you very much."

Gu En humbled to his knees, with a crazy and hot expression: "Pray for your reward."

Xiao Ying'er looked disgusted and disdainful, raised her silk-footed heels and stepped on the old man's face, and ravaged at will: "How about what I want you to do."

Gu En trembled and seemed to be satisfied. He gasped and breathed obsessively. He slowly stepped back and said on his stomach: "It's done. We bought a home appliance competition club. Everything is ready. You can go anytime. Participate in this year's eSports World Championship."

Xiao Ying'er said with satisfaction: "Good job, let's go."

"Yes, Lord Queen."

Gu Enyi reluctantly got up and left.

On the chair, Xiao Ying'er flicked the high heels that had stepped on the old man's face and said, "It's disgusting."


Chen Che appeared, caught the flying high heels, casually said to Lu Ziche: "Look at the old man and enjoy it, and study hard."

Learn from your uncle.

Lu Ziche dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, and turned and left with a cold snort.

Gu Xiao Ying'er glanced at the two of them. Lu Ziche, who didn't care about the sudden appearance and departure of the two of them, set her eyes on Chen Qian and said in a cold tone: "Lick the soles clean and send them to me to put them on."

Damn it?

You treat you as the queen of the abyss.

Chen Cha walked forward, squinting his eyes to look at the beautiful woman.

[Record: Not the queen mother, please rest assured to tune in the master. 】

Chen Crack was relieved.

This is not counseling, but knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and victorious in all battles.

But speaking of the abyss, although the lady likes to ravage people, she hasn't been ravaged so unbearably. She prefers to ravage him directly to the flesh, simpler, more straightforward, and brutal.

"Do you really think you are the queen?"

Chen Qian stepped forward and smiled and said, "Well, let me give you a chance to surrender, kneel down and call my father."

Xiao Ying'er had a strange look, and said, "It turns out it's you, that little guy with a lot of beauty and blessing."

Chen Cha suddenly picked up the woman into his arms, sat down and said, "Auntie, do you want to play?"

Xiao Ying'er was caught off guard, her delicate body trembled and said, "You are looking for death."

Chen Chi disapproved, and pondered: "Let me see, are disgusted with all men, including your husband and son, not only men, but also disdain for women."

"Because you are so arrogant and feel that you are unattainable, the clothes touched by men are always thrown directly."

"Yeah, the son is not his biological son. You let the maid give birth to your husband. You framed your husband if he didn't work."

"We have been married for so many years, and have been like a guest, and claimed to have a cleanliness addiction."

"Tsk tut, auntie, you are so eager to clean up."

His secret was revealed.

Xiao Ying'er's skin flushed uncomfortably, her eyes were surprised, and she trembled: "How did you tell?"

Chen Cha played with the jade hand of the beautiful woman, sniffed the fragrant jade neck, and said with a hot breath: "Want to know, I will tell you if I ask my father."

I didn't intend to come this way, but this woman was so arrogant that she had to suppress it.


Xiao Ying'er suddenly smiled and said: "If you want me to call your father, then you have to beat me."

This was what Chen Chai was waiting for, and said, "Okay, how can I beat you, promise to beat you, let you kneel down and ask Dad to beg me."

Xiao Ying'er sighed, wrapped Chen Cha's neck with her backhand, and said, "How do you want to fight?"

Chen Che said casually: "You have won several world championships, and I will beat you several times."

Xiao Ying'er's eyes were like water, and she said, "It's not ashamed to say something, but as you wish, well, let's not talk about it, your body is so fragrant, and my auntie really wants to eat."

Hey, is it so sensitive.

Chen Cha was not polite and kissed directly.

the other side.

Duan Chaohui and Xia Qi were drinking on the balcony.

"Frankly speaking, you are beautiful and excellent."

Duan Zhaohui looked at the woman and said, "But you seem to like Gu Daoqing more, and I am not interested in taking over. What's more, I feel that you have always looked down on me. We are not the same kind of people, and we are not in a circle."

Xia Qi also understood this, and said: "I do look down on you, but if the elders order, I don't mind marrying you and having children."

Duan Chaohui mocked: "You are really willing to be a tool, you are it, I will not accompany you."

Xia Qi is noncommittal.

Duan Chaohui put down his wine glass and turned to leave. He passed the balcony garden before he went to see the two people kissing in the garden.

In the middle of the night, I don't go to the house to show affection, and run here to do something sneaky.

He was single and looked down upon, so he was even more upset. He took out his mobile phone and prepared to take pictures of the couple.

This shot.


Why is that woman's dress so familiar?

After a pause, he stepped forward to check more carefully. After seeing the two separated, the whole person suddenly became confused, and subconsciously said: "Mom!"

With a blush on her face, Xiao Ying'er turned her head and glanced at her son, and said softly, "Ah, I was discovered by my good son."

Chen Split's meaning is still unfinished.

Duan Chaohui trembled: "Mom, you, why are you doing this, he..."

Xiao Ying'er smiled lightly: "Come, come over."

Duan Chaohui stepped forward.

Xiao Ying'er said softly: "Kneel down and talk."

Duan Chaohui trembled, then slowly knelt down, his face pale.

Xiao Ying'er said with satisfaction: "It's so good, I have to help my mother conceal it, otherwise my mother won't feel sorry for you anymore."

Duan Chaohui panicked and said: "I won't say anything, absolutely not."

Chen Che said unexpectedly: "So obedient?"

Xiao Ying'er's eyes were disdainful, and she coldly snorted: "I can't bear the power and prosperity, so naturally I have to be obedient."

Chen Chai thought for a while, and said, "That's right, he is not his biological person. If someone knows, he and your husband will only be the one who ends up, and you are the poor wife who was cheated on by your husband."

Xiao Ying'er joked: "The little villain is so smart."

Duan Chaohui lowered his head, breathing quickly.

Chen Che smiled and said, "Then we continue?"

Xiao Ying'er rolled her eyes. Although she was very excited, she grabbed the high heels and put them on. She stood up and smiled, and said, "Little thing, you want to play with auntie, you are still very tender."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Duan Chaohui quickly got up and left.

Chen Che looked regretful.

This woman was strong enough, even stronger than Lin Meilan, which made his heart quite hot.

But don't worry, play slowly.

When he got up, he also left the garden. After a while, he opened the door to the wedding room and walked in.

On the wedding night, Liu Meiyan was so drunk.

Concubine Ji is caring for her.

"Happy wedding."

Chen Chai sat down and said with a smile, "I will disturb you."

Concubine Ji wore a slim white wedding dress and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Chen Li nodded and said, "You are newlyweds, do you want to go to the Neon Country to finish playing?"

Concubine Ji didn't get angry and said, "Can you go by yourself?"

Chen Cha lazily said: "I became an illegal entry when I went by myself, and it was too far away, and that human demon would have to rely on you to find it."

Concubine Ji patted off Liu Meiyan's jade hand, without turning her head back, "I see, we will notify you when we go."

Chen Cha stood up and paused, and said, "Do you need help?"

The Assassin King without anomalous power looked a little weak.

Ji Fei looked at the window and said: "This wedding is broadcast live all over the world. I have already exposed, so many killers will come to bless me tonight."

Chen Li said, "Isn't this good?"

Concubine Ji said: "Their blessing is an assassination. They want us to sleep in the same coffin."

Chen Li tut and said: "Your killer is really a Ji Fei said seriously: "So I need you to help us watch the night. As long as we survive the next three days, all the killers will admit it. I quit the killer world, returned to ordinary people, and would never bother me again. "

"This is the promise of the killer."

This kind of promise sounds unreliable...

Chen Chai glanced at the moonlight outside the window, and said, "Okay, I will guard you."

After a while.

Chen Che went to bed and fell asleep, very sweet.

Concubine Ji looked at his wife and Xiao Bailian who were hugging each other, and then looked at the densely packed evil spirits who were sitting on the sidelines all over the room, and she was speechless for a while.

It turns out to be guarded in this way? It's really shameless...


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