My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 217: Help Sister Mengmeng

After soothing the two dynamite buckets, I ran to the bathroom with my pajamas, took off my wet clothes, took a bucket of hot water, and brought it to the dormitory.

I was sitting at the next table, eating fried chicken rice, soaking my feet, and searching the Internet for information on clothing design. I felt very comfortable.


The phone upside down next to the computer vibrated slightly, I turned the phone over and unlocked the screen.

It's a picture of fried chicken rice sent by my sister, with three cute emojis attached to it.

After I returned and touched my head, I switched to Qin Mengmeng's chat window.

Me: Sister Mengmeng, I want to ask you a favor.

I just sent my message, and they got back to me in seconds.

Bophis's cat: Oh, Shen Jun took the initiative to send me a message, so happy/[shy]

I shook my head in disbelief and asked again,

Me: Sister Mengmeng, can you do me a favor?

Bophis's cat: Of course, as long as it is what Shen Jun wants, I will try my best to do it/[struggle]

me: [laughs]

Me: Senior Sister is too exaggerated, it's just a trivial matter.

Bophis's cat: It's a small thing, I'm still thinking of doing a big and earth-shattering thing for Shen Jun

I can't see that the thinking of the two-dimensional girl is quite out of the way, let's just get down to business, and I will be led astray by her.

Me: My sister's family runs a clothing company, right?

Bophis's cat: Yes, do you want to buy clothes, no need to buy them, I will give you as much as you want/[laughs][laughs][laughs]

I couldn't help but reach out and touch the "virgin sweat" that didn't exist on my forehead,

Me: No, no, no, I just want to ask if senior sister can design clothes?

Although I knew that the two-dimensional girl would design handbags, I decided to ask her if she would design clothes.

If not, ask her to teach me how to use design software.

If so, just ask her to teach me how to design clothes.

Bophis's cat: Yes, what's the matter, Shen Jun wants to design his own clothes/[question]

me: hmm

Me: Can you teach me?

Bophis's cat: Of course, as long as I can, I am willing to teach Shen Jun whatever Shen Jun wants to learn/[laugh] [laugh]

Me: Thank you!

Bophis's cat: Don't say thank you to me, I feel rusty to say thank you/[Hammer]

me: [laughs]

Me: Well then, if Senior Sister needs my help in the future, just say it directly, I will never refuse.

Bophis's cat: emmmm...

Bophis's cat: Be my boyfriend, okay?

me: ummm...

me: cough...

Bophis's cat: Just kidding, I know that Shen Jun likes my sister, and I also know that Shen Jun is a serious sister control/[Naughty]

Me: [Chahan]

Bophis's cat: Shen Jun, did you know? What is the best thing about sister and brother?

me: what?

Bophis's cat: At the same time that the younger brother is controlled by the sister, it just so happens that the elder sister is also controlled by the younger brother.

Looking at the screen, I repeated this sentence twice, and couldn't help laughing happily.

Indeed, for a younger brother controlled by a sister, having a sister controlled by a younger brother can be called the most beautiful thing in the world.

Bophis's cat: I also want a younger brother, a younger brother like Shen Jun.


Bophis's cat: Why don't Shen Jun also be my brother, you control me too, and I control you too, okay?/[Seduce][Seduce]

Me: Senior, you are naughty again! [laughs and cry]

Bophis's cat: [naughty] [naughty]

Bophis's cat: Oops, don't talk anymore, it's farther and farther away.

Bophis's cat: When does Shen Jun want to learn?

Me: Wait until you have time!

Bophis's cat: Whenever Shen Jun has time, I will always have time/[laughs]

Me: This Friday afternoon, do you have a class?

Pophis's Cat: Friday mornings, no afternoons, electives in the evening.

Me: Then this Friday afternoon, let's go to the library.

Pophis's cat: ok [ok]

Me: By the way, don't tell my sister about this!

Bophis's cat: [question] [question] why?

Me: I want to surprise her then.

Bophis's cat: [touched] [touched] [touched]...

Bophis's cat: What does Shen Jun want to surprise her sister? ? ?

Me: I want to design a custom couple's sweater by myself. When the clothes come out, I will give it to her and give her a surprise.

Bophis's cat: I also want Shen Jun's surprise/[poor][poor]

Me: So what do you want?

Bophis's cat: [speechless] [speechless]

Bophis's cat: If I tell Shen Jun what I want, is it still a surprise?

Bophis's cat: Shen Jun, guess for yourself, anyway, I want a surprise from Shen Jun/[left hum][right hum]

Me: [wiping sweat] [wiping sweat]

Pophis's cat: Okay, let's not talk about it, my fried chicken rice is cold.

Me: Bye!

Bophis's cat: Remember to think of me! Bye-Bye!

Me: Bye!

Bophis's cat: Bye!

Bophis's cat: You are not allowed to go back, once Shen Jun comes back, I can't help but want to go back!

Bophis's Cat: Forgive us obsessives!

Looking at the phone screen, I couldn't help laughing. Some people like to end their online chats with their last message. If not, there will be an illusion that they have neglected the other party.

I think that the two-dimensional girl should be such a person.

After the chat with Qin Mengmeng, I found some basic knowledge of clothing design on the Internet.

Although I have asked Sister Mengmeng to teach me, but I can't just go and learn from others when I don't understand anything, then she has to teach me the most basic, what a waste of time!

While I was eating and watching the tutorial on clothing design, the door of the dormitory opened, and it was Jiang Tao, who was wearing headphones and came in with a dripping umbrella in his hand.

Since the last time we went to sing a song together, Jiang Tao has changed a lot.

I remember that he never listened to music before, at least during half a month of military training, I never saw him listen to a song with headphones on.

"Oh, Brother Tao, I told you not to go out to eat in a hurry. In such a heavy rain, Shen Le will definitely bring it to us. Look, fried chicken rice, Shen Le brought it, I am right. Bar!"

As soon as Jiang Tao came in, Liu Weiyi couldn't help holding the lunch box and turned around to talk to Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao took off an earphone, smiled at Liu Weiyi, and silently took the umbrella to the balcony to dry.

Liu Weiyi shrugged a little boringly, turned around again, and continued to watch the live broadcast of the big **** eating chicken, while pulling the fried chicken rice.

I turned my head and glanced at Jiang Tao, who was drying his umbrella on the balcony...

Many times the loneliness that people feel is just something they impose on themselves.