My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 274: Looking at the fool again and smiling

My sister's voice was clear and loud. I didn't hear the slightest grievance or sobbing in her tone. I think my sister should have known that I was joking with her.

That's good that's good! My heart was instantly relieved.

I didn't answer her, but ran back as fast as I could, stopped in front of her, took a few breaths, and gave her a helpless look on my face,

"I really owe you in my last life!"

"I owe a lot!"

My sister puffed up her face, hid her little hands behind her, and stood up straight and looked at me.

Her stern look on her face made me smile softly.

"So I'm going to pay it back with my whole life, right!"


After listening to my answer, the pouting elder sister nodded seriously.

"Small sample!"

I couldn't help but chuckle, raised my hand and patted her on the forehead gently,

"You owed me in your last life, so in this life you have to compensate me with all of it."

Saying that, I took a step forward, stretched out my hand strongly, and pulled out the little hand that my sister was hiding behind her back.

My sister didn't struggle, but let me hold her little hand tightly in my palm, and she also took the initiative to lean beside me, looking up at me with a sweet smile.

My eyes fell on my sister's face, and an urge to hug her and kiss rose in my heart, but I was forcibly suppressed in the end.

Just kidding, this is the middle street, there are a lot of people and cars, no matter how "disrespectful" we usually are, we don't have the guts to kiss and hug on such a street, especially on the tip of the tail in the evening rush hour.

"You're giggling again!"

In order to divert my attention, I couldn't help but open my mouth and hit her.

"Yeah, looking at the fool and smiling again!"

My sister's response made me so shocked that my jaw was about to drop. She used to say that she likes to giggle, but she never refuted it. Today, she even gave me back with a quick mind.

To my surprise, my sister also gave a smirk.

She held my arm, looked up at me with a smug face, and hummed twice.

I smiled and slapped her forehead with my fingers, and I didn't bother to bother with her any more, so I gently shook her little hand that was held by me,

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, let's go quickly."


My sister grinned and opened her small mouth, stroking her smooth and soft belly with the little hand that was not held by me.

"I'm really hungry!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, took my sister's little hand, and swung to Nanguo Shopping Center.

There were a lot of people along the way, and most of them were going in the direction of the shopping center. My sister, who was being held by me, looked around like a curious baby.

I've walked this road so many times, and I don't know what to see. When I walked this road before, I never saw her look like a curious baby.

But it's rare for my sister to be quiet, and I don't bother to ask her.

When we got to the square in front of the shopping center, there were more people.

The light from the various advertisements outside the building illuminated the entire square as bright as day. It was a good time to go shopping and buy things, and the entire shopping mall was full of people coming in and out.

I took my sister, and when I passed the ice cream hut, I found that the ice cream hut was dark and the door was locked.

closed so early? I couldn't understand what An Xin and Xia Xiaoman thought.

There are a lot of people shopping in the mall at the moment, and they don't know how much more money they can make when they open their doors, but they closed at this time.

Should I say that they are indeed worthy of playing tickets?

Find a time to tell them about it, and instead of letting them waste time in the afternoon, it's better to pick this spot to make money.

Maybe an hour's turnover at this moment can be worth an afternoon!

Obviously, my sister's attention is not at the same point as mine. She has been looking around all the way, sometimes even frowning her forehead in a contemplative manner, or talking to herself softly.

Her behavior gave people the feeling that... she was in a state of madness!

The elevator was too crowded, so I took my sister up the stairs.

Because my sister is wearing stockings, high-heeled shoes and a skirt today, it's so beautiful that I don't dare to be careless, and I always pay attention to my sister's state.

When walking, I try to choose a place where there are few people, and I don't want others to touch her, not even the corners of her clothes.

When I was sitting on the escalator, I also let her lean against the handrail, stand in front of me and step on it, using my own body to block her from the possible peeping behind me.

Don't think I'm too much, there's no way, the possessiveness is so strong!

Along the way, my sister looked around and talked to herself, like a cat tickling my heart.

Finally, when I reached the fifth or sixth floor, I couldn't stand the curiosity in my heart, so I couldn't help but leaned over to her ear and asked in a low voice,

"Sister, you look around and talk to yourself along the way, what are you doing?"

Hearing my question, my sister turned her head and smiled at me.

"Want to know?"

The fresh aroma from my sister's little mouth hit my cheeks. I opened my mouth and inhaled all of my sister's breath into my lungs before I nodded seriously.

Seeing my appearance, my sister also raised her head happily and gently bumped my chin with the back of her head.

Girls will always feel extra happy and fulfilled when the boy they like can be obsessed with everything about them.

At this moment, my sister with a great sense of achievement smiled and pulled my hand,

"follow me!"

She didn't give a shit, took my hand, got off the escalator, and couldn't wait to run to the place with more people on the floor.

This floor seems to be mostly selling shoes, and most of them are women's shoes, such as long leather boots, high heels, women's sandals and so on.

My sister stood in front of me, one small hand tightly grabbed my index and middle fingers, and the other raised her hand to cover her delicate eyebrows, looking like a distant view, and then pointed at a person who seemed to be at discounted stores,

"There are more people over there, let's go over there!"

Does my sister want to buy a pair of high heels? I figured it out, it's not impossible.

Although my sister has never worn high heels before, girls will have to wear them sooner or later, and of course my sister cannot avoid it.

Buying a pair is fine. In fact, my sister looks really good in high heels.

However, I was thinking too much. My sister just dragged me to a corner with few people next to the store, looking at the young women who were standing in the store choosing shoes, or sitting and trying shoes with great interest.

"Where are you looking!"

My sister's elbow gently pressed against my waist and abdomen,

"Did you see the woman holding a pair of red high heels?"

The author loves the three-legged cat: I'm sorry, the speed with the new ones has made everyone "uncomfortable" recently, there is no way, please allow the author Kakawen! ! !