My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 367: It's getting foggy

Once the sun goes down, it gets dark very quickly.

When I returned to the stone pavilion, I washed a few more green pears. In the evening, we ate two of them and drank some mineral water, and we prepared to curl up in the corner of the stone pavilion for the night.

There are less than four days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the bright moon in the night sky is already a bit full.

I had a black backpack with props on my back and leaned against the pillars of the stone pavilion, while my sister curled up in my arms, raised her head and looked at me with **** eyes.

Tang Qing sat next to me, leaning against her large travel bag with photographic equipment, and turned her head to look in the direction of Wuyin Ancient Town.

As long as she was quiet, she would always look in that direction.

I lowered my head, hugged my sister's delicate body tightly, and accompany her to speak in a low voice.

Probably among the three of us, the one with the best mentality is my sister.

Because she doesn't have to worry about anything, because... She is used to the person who loves her the most worrying about her, and what she has to do is to pay for the person who loves her the most at all times.

After talking for a while, my sister twisted her body slightly, found a comfortable sleeping position, and closed her eyes.

"I want to sleep!"

"Well, go to sleep, I'll hold you!"

I gently stroked my sister's head with my hand. The Zhu hairpin jewelry on her head had been taken off, because she was afraid that it would be cold at night, so she let her hair loose.

The bright white moonlight fell on the ground, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

I looked down at my sister who was curled up in my arms. Her little face was so beautiful and delicate, her thin nose **** gently with her breathing, and her round nose looked extra cute.

Sister, why are you so beautiful? My heart was overflowing with love, and I couldn't help reaching out and gently stroking her warm and soft cheeks.

I was so lucky to have met you and got all your love.

Sister, I really want to hold you like this forever, look at your appearance, feel your temperature, breathe your sweetness...

As my heart kept pouring out of love for my sister, the arms holding her body were involuntarily getting tighter and tighter.

As long as she is there, there seems to be no more trouble in the world.

The moon rises from the east, and at this time, the moonlight shines in from the west.

I sighed softly. My sister, who was curled up in her arms, was breathing very evenly. Through the moonlight, I saw the corners of her rosy mouth slightly raised. Did she dream of something happy?

I really want to enter her dream and experience the happiness in her dream with her.

"younger brother……"

The older sister in her arms let out a soft dream, and while I was distracted, I suddenly felt wet and slippery on my fingers.

So I looked back and saw that at some point, my fingers involuntarily touched my sister's pink lips. At this time, my sister was sticking out her smooth little tongue and licking my fingertips.

I quickly moved my fingers away, and then gently stroked her forehead,

"Good, sleep."


Sister's round Xiaoyao's nose made a sweet and greasy moan with a nasal tone, and her curled body moved slightly.

"Aren't you asleep yet?"

Beside him, Tang Qing's voice suddenly came.

I was a little surprised, she didn't fall asleep either, I thought I was the only one awake.

"Can't sleep."

"Do you think we can go back?" After being silent for a while, Tang Qing asked in a low voice.

It is estimated that the reason why she did not fall asleep is mostly thinking about this problem.

"Of course!" My tone was full of affirmation, "If your boss doesn't find you tomorrow, he will definitely call the police!"

"Why did he call the police? I'm not familiar with him."

"Didn't you work here for two years?"

"So what if you've worked for two years, the unfamiliar ones are unfamiliar after all."

Listening to her tone, it seems that she doesn't get along very well with the people around her!

So I asked curiously,

"Do you have few friends?"

"Why do you want so many friends!" Tang Qing turned her head to look at me, her eyes giving a particularly bright feeling.

"Uh... Actually, even if you have a normal relationship with your boss, if you don't go tomorrow, he will call the police."


I pointed to the travel bag she was leaning against,

"I don't think your camera equipment is cheap, plus these clothes and props on our body, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars at least. These things are missing with you. What will your boss think when you say it? "

"He'll think I stole all this stuff."

"Yes!" I couldn't help smiling softly, "so he will definitely call the police. With today's science and technology, the police can find us almost effortlessly."

"Listening to you, it seems that this is indeed the case!"

Tang Qing suddenly smiled and said to me.

This should be the first time she has laughed since the whole afternoon and evening.

"So, your previous worries are completely unnecessary."


"Ah?" I looked at her blankly, "Okay, why are you apologizing!"

"No, just this afternoon, my attitude was very bad."

"What else do I think is wrong!" I smiled lightly and shook my head indifferently. "Actually, there is no need to apologize, I can understand."

"You can understand that it's your fault, but I have to apologize, otherwise I'll feel bad about it."

"Okay okay! I accept your apology."

I smiled helplessly, this big sister who graduated a few years earlier than us is actually quite stubborn.

Then we fell silent again.

The bright moon slowly slanted west, and the moonlight on the ground became thinner and thinner. In the grass outside the stone pavilion, various insects were grabbing the last time and singing loudly.

I closed my eyes gently, but couldn't sleep.

"Shen Le, are you asleep?"

Beside me, Tang Qing called me softly again.

"No, I can't sleep!"

"I can't sleep either, let's chat for a while!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's each tell one thing about our childhood, and we're not allowed to lie, how about it!"

"Okay!" I smiled slightly, "I'll start first, when I was young..."



In fact, I rarely tell others about my childhood, even Xia Xiaoman, I have never told her, I don't know what happened this time, so I started to make a mess with this woman who has only known each other for less than a day. Share things from childhood.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but in the morning, I was woken up by Tang Qing's shouting.

Her voice was so loud that it sounded like thunder, which directly woke my sister and me from our dream.

"Help, help, come here, someone is on Pear Island, come and help!"

Tang Qing came from the direction of Dutou with an excited voice. My sister and I, who were suddenly awakened, looked at each other blankly, and then turned to look in the direction of the voice.

In front of you, it's all pure white!