My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 368: strange cruise ship

The fog was so heavy that things two or three meters away could no longer be seen.

Hearing Tang Qing's cry for help, my sister and I hurriedly got up from the ground.

"Sister Qing, will something happen?"

My sister looked at me worriedly.

It was fine when we chatted last night, so there shouldn't be an accident. I was calling for help so early in the morning, so I guess I found something wrong.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Saying that, I took my sister and ran in the direction of Tang Qing's voice.

The fog was heavy and the visibility was extremely low. After running for a while, I found that there was actually a forest in front of me, and there was no way to go. At this time, Tang Qing's voice continued.

"This guy, it's early in the morning, what's the point of running around!"

Because she couldn't find a way and was worried that she would be in danger, she felt a little anxious, and even the speed of thinking about problems became a lot slower.

"That direction...could it be Ferry!"

My sister beside me suddenly said.

"Ferry head?"

I frowned, looked in the direction of the sound, and turned around in a circle, well, now there's no sun, and I can't find the iconic thing, so that I can't figure out what's north and south at all.

"This way!"

I took a deep breath, then pulled my sister to choose a direction based on feeling.

After a trot for a while, we found the weed-covered flagstone road leading to the ferry. Following the flagstone road, we soon reached the boardwalk where we used to be yesterday.

At this time, Tang Qing was standing on the ferry by the boat, holding his hands into a trumpet shape, facing a pure white lake, shouting loudly.

"Help, there is someone on Pear Island, help..."

My sister and I were standing not far away, looking at Tang Qing's blurred back, this guy was shouting vigorously, and he didn't even notice that there were two people standing behind him.

I was about to walk over, but my sister suddenly grabbed me, then pointed at Tang Qing with a stern face, and whispered to me,

"I heard that people who drowned in the lake will come out of the lake in foggy days and cry for their lives. Sister Qing, will she be bent over by the water ghost!"

Her words made me burst out laughing, I flicked my finger on her bright forehead, and stared at her with wide-open eyes.

"What nonsense, there is no ghost in the world, if you don't go over, I will go over by myself."

"Oops!" My sister took my arm and twisted her body coquettishly, "I didn't think the atmosphere was too tense, so I'll just play a joke and adjust it!"

"Then I really thank you." I couldn't help but smile helplessly, "If you were timid, wouldn't you be scared even more nervous by your joke?"

"I know that my brother is not afraid, so I'm just making such a joke!" My sister continued to pull me, twisting her body and acting like a spoiled child.

"Yes yes yes!" I put my palm on my sister's forehead and rubbed it gently, "Let's go, let's go over and see what's going on."

Saying that, I took my sister and walked towards Tang Qing.

"Hey, help, there are people on the island..."

Tang Qing continued to shout into the thick fog as if there was no one else around.

"Why did you come here so early in the morning yelling?"

"There is the sound of ships in the fog."

Tang Qing turned his head to look at me, pointed his finger at the thick fog, and his expression was very excited.

I raised my hand and touched Tang Qing's forehead, thinking it was because she caught a cold last night and had a fever this morning, burning her brain?

"The temperature is normal, doesn't it look like the brain is burned out?"

"Go go, your brain is burned out!" Tang Qing patted my palm off her forehead, "What I said is true, I really heard the sound of a boat."

"We don't care whether there is a boat or not, I will ask you, with such a heavy fog, do you think the cruise center will..."

"Brother, look, look!"

Before I could finish my words, my sister beside me pulled my clothes hard and pointed to the foggy lake, her voice full of excitement.

So, I stopped talking and turned to look in the direction of her finger...

On the calm lake, circles of ripples rippling from the thick fog, the fog began to roll slightly, and a vague gray shadow gradually emerged.

"Hey, is there anyone on the island?"

A male voice with a rough voice came from the rolling mist.

Then, the gray shadow began to solidify, revealing the shape of the pointed bow.

Sure enough, there are boats... But, with such a big fog, why did they come to this place? Could it be that he made a special trip to rescue us?

As soon as this idea appeared, I was decisively rejected.

It takes 24 hours to confirm the disappearance. Even if Tang Qing's boss called the police early in the morning, the police would still need time to investigate our whereabouts.

Therefore, in this calculation, in theory, the rescue ship will not arrive until the afternoon at the earliest.

These ships didn't come here specially to save us, so what made them run to Lidao despite the danger even in such a thick fog?

Just as my mind was spinning, my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the leftover fruit pits we ate yesterday on the ferry head board.

"Could it be these green pears?"

I took a deep breath, if it was for these pears, then these people would definitely not be ordinary people.

As soon as this idea appeared, an urgent sense of crisis rose in my heart. If they found out that we had picked pears, would they…

I glanced at my sister and Tang Qing who were still unaware, waving their hands excitedly, and then looked down at the right heart.

My mother told us from a young age: The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.

The ship slowly moved in, and the huge hull was completely revealed in the thick fog. This was a small yacht over 20 meters long. On the white bow, a tall staff member was still on the boat. When they were not completely close, they jumped on the ferry.

My sister looked at the cruise ship excitedly, pulled my arm and kept waving it,

"Brother, we can finally go back."

I looked at her and showed a somewhat reluctant smile.

At this time, the staff who fixed the yacht came to us.

His eyes first fell on me, and after looking back and forth for a while, he moved his eyes to my sister and Tang Qing.

"Who are you and why are you here?"


My sister looked at this sturdy man with excitement. She had no scheming. She felt that as long as she told the difficulties she encountered, the other party would kindly take us back.

I stretched out my hand and pulled her arm, stepped forward at the same time, blocked in front of my sister, smiled politely at the staff,

"We are tourists. We heard that there is a retro pavilion on Li Island, so we rented a boat and sent us to the island to take some pictures of ancient costumes. on this island."

I gave a general description of the matter, and only limited to the questions he asked.