My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 458: No pores in eyes

If you like someone, you should care for her unconditionally, tolerate her, and spoil her. You should not regard her as a supplement to your life, but as a gift from God to you.

My sister is a gift from God to me, so I have always tried my best to care for her, to tolerate her, to spoil her, even if one day she suddenly said to me: brother, I want to take care of her fried. I will also not hesitate to get her an atomic bomb.

Of course, it is impossible for my sister to blow up the earth. She is no longer that ignorant little girl. She knows that if the earth is blown up, my mother and I will also be blown up together.

Therefore, not only will she not blow up the earth, but she will do her best to protect the earth.

For example, now, we are sitting in an empty classroom in the first teaching building, and she is talking a lot about what she should save the earth and save all mankind.

"Iamsuperhero!" (I am a superhero)

My sister pointed to herself and spoke to me in a very standard London accent.

"It's not!" I shook my head, lay on the table, and looked at her with a smile, "You are just my sister, I don't need you to be a superhero who saves the earth and mankind!"

"Okay, then I won't be a superhero!" My sister smiled simply, then looked at me slyly, "Brother, I gave up my dream for you, how will you compensate me? "

The sunlight fell on the gray-white concrete floor through the window, and the one-meter-high green wall was painted up, which was a whitewashed wall.

The table and chairs are very old-fashioned wood and also painted dark brown.

The podium was one foot high, the blackboard was still black, and the surface seemed to have a layer of glass. Above it was the school motto, with a bright red flag in the middle of the school motto.

It feels like I'm back in elementary school again, "Study hard and make progress every day" - the red paint words written on the white wooden board, I don't know how many people remember.

I remember that it also seemed to be autumn. The scene was on the boulevard after school in the afternoon. My sister and I were still very young.

I broke one of her beloved hairpins, and she grinned and asked me for compensation.

I said I didn't know, she asked me to pay myself to her, I agreed, and then, at that point, I seemed to be hers.

However, she probably forgot, not everyone has such a good memory as mine.

So, this year, at this moment, I took the initiative to tell her,

"I'll make it up to you, do you want me?"

"I want it, I want it!" My sister rushed over impatiently and hugged me with a satisfied and smug look on her face, "Haha, mine is mine!"

Sure enough, she has forgotten, but what does that matter, I remember, I remember everything.

I put my face on the side like this, raised the corner of my mouth slightly, and watched her hug me non-stop.

After being coquettish for a while, my sister finally noticed my eyes, so she stopped and looked at me, her rosy lips parted slightly, and her pink tongue was slightly behind her lips, and then she looked at me. Hastily shrank back.

"Kiss me!" I used my eyes to convey my thoughts to my sister.

"Then give me a kiss!" My sister responded to me with gestures.

The taste in the girl's mouth is like the air in the garden in the morning, fresh and sweet. The greasy body fluid is like the dew on the petals, the difference is just a little warmer.

My left arm, which was under my head, was pulled away from the table, and gently hugged my sister's jade back. My fingers were rubbing gently on her spine through the clothes.

Although there was no one in the classroom, we didn't have to do whatever we wanted. Through kissing, we vented the love that overflowed our hearts for each other, and it was enough.

I held a tissue in my right hand, and my left hand on the back of my sister's head, gently wiping the corner of her mouth.

"Kiss, why are you drooling so much?"

"It's all yours!"

"Why is it mine?"

"Because I am yours!"

Looking at the innocent expression on her face, I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood what she meant.

She is mine, so the drool she sheds should also be mine.

If that was the case, then I readily accepted it.

Seeing my sister squinting and enjoying it, I smiled and squeezed the paper ball into a lump, and then quietly put it into her own trouser pocket.

"What are you doing!"

My sister suddenly opened her eyes.

Uh... I was actually discovered by her, I shyly smiled, and then suddenly put my face in front of her.

"Hey~!" My elder sister gave me a disdainful glance, then stepped back a little, "I want to see my pores again, so I won't show you!"

"Am I looking into your eyes?"

"Do I also have pores in my eyes?"


I chuckled and shook my head, I really don't understand, how did she ask these words, how could there be pores in her eyes? Unless the pores on my face are reflected in her eyes.

My sister was slightly relieved, but what I said next made her calm.

"You have blood in your eyes!" I said.

"Blood! Impossible!" My sister retorted me loudly, then quickly took out her phone, opened the 'Mirror' app, and opened her eyes hard.

"Really!" My sister put the phone on the table and looked at me in disbelief, "What should I do?"

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself, just stay up a little less nights."

"Oh!" My sister nodded suddenly, "You mean, it's because I've been able to write novels these days, right?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Ow!" My sister scratched her hair in discomfort, "Looks like I can't stay up like this anymore!"

"Yes!" I nodded happily, "There are many disadvantages of staying up late, especially for girls, staying up late is not good for the skin, easy to show aging, endocrine disorders, easy to get oily on the face, and hair It gets greasy too!"

"No way!" The elder sister looked like the sky was about to collapse, "I'm a medical student, but why don't I know this?"

Of course I wouldn't tell her that I made up my mind to scare her, just to make her rest on time, eat on time, and stay healthy every day.

For her, I don't hesitate to lie, it can be regarded as painstaking!

"Will I lie to you?" I looked at my sister seriously.

"Yes!" My sister gave me a serious expression.

"Injured." I clutched my chest, "My glass heart is broken."

"Let me listen, is there any broken sound!" My sister leaned over, turned her face sideways, and put her white and pink ears against my chest, with a very serious expression.

"It's broken into Momo!" I gently stroked her hairy head with my palm.

My sister suddenly looked up at me and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and my fingers hooked the strands of hair on her cheeks.

"Promise me, don't stay up late writing novels, and go to bed and eat on time every day, okay?"

"Well, I promise you, I will take good care of myself for you, and I will not treat you badly."

Although she said it like a tongue twister, I understood it all at once.

With my head down, I gently stroked her pink cheeks

"It's so cute!"