My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 480: Enter, twisted world!

In my inherent cognition, the black cat should be a petite, weak and cute kitten who likes cartoons very much.

However, today she completely subverted my impression of her.

Powerful and knowledgeable.

Her claws are sharp enough to cut gold and jade; the history she knows is hidden, even Shen Liuli and Chen Sisi have never heard of it.

In the commentary that followed, I felt more and more that she was very mysterious.

She not only has a deep understanding of the mysterious world of consciousness, but also has a deep understanding of modern knowledge such as basic physics and quantum mechanics.

As she said in her subsequent explanation of the causes of the conscious world, at the soul level, the conscious world is illusory, and it is just an illusion created by the thinking of all human beings.

But at the level of reality, the "material world" and the "conscious world" are a pair of "parallel" worlds that exhibit quantum entanglement.

It was so profound that I couldn't understand it, so I listened to it as a story.

Mystery, mystery and the unknown can always arouse people's desire to explore. For example, at this moment, I can't help but want to enter the world of consciousness to visit and travel.

Even I was so afraid of change and hated the strange and unknown, and I couldn't help but have this idea. It is estimated that there are already people in this hall who are almost unable to hold back.

"Meaning, we can only find a solution if we enter the world of consciousness?"

The sound came from the direction of the glass curtain wall, and it was made by Su Xiaomi who had been silent.

"This is the only way to solve this crisis!" The black cat shook his ears slightly, then squatted down slightly, and jumped lightly where he aimed at me, and jumped directly into mine arms.

"But it's really dangerous!" She turned around in my arms, and after lying down comfortably, she looked at the warrior youth and the European girl dressed as a magical girl, "Slag combat power or Don't go if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, so as not to distract people from taking care of them."

I know that Black Cat is trying to stand up for me. After all, the two of them were the most sarcastic when I said what I said about the world of consciousness.

So, I scratched the black cat's head gratefully.

I don't know why, cats always like their owners to scratch their heads along the hair.

Although they are very angry, what can they say, they all see the horror of black cats.

"Then go in!" Su Xiaomi was the first to express his position.

"I have to go!" Shen Liuli shook her head helplessly, "This is the connection point of our Shen family."

"Hey, are you going?" Chen Sisi gently poked my arm and asked me in a low voice.

"If it's dangerous, I won't go!"

I thought about it, and in the end I still felt that it was better not to go. After all, I am not that kind of powerful "barefoot man", I can't just take care of myself and not care about my sister and mother.

I think that nothing is more important than my life safety, and it only exists when my sister and mother's life is threatened.

"Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

The samurai youth couldn't help but install a lumbar intervertebral disc, and I couldn't understand, since it's not very good, why should it always be bulging?

The Bushido spirit really hurts people, it's like a mental drug.

"Life is based on survival. Since you know there is danger, you should choose to avoid it. I don't think there is anything wrong with this."

I decided to stop being used to these self-righteous people, I was going to give them a hard lesson, and then I patted my **** and left.

So, following what I said earlier,

"Those who know that there are tigers in the mountains tend to walk in the mountains are either lunatics or fools, but the final results of these two types of people are basically the same. I don't know which kind of people you are, lumbar disc student!"


I waved my hand, ignoring the glaring eyes of the warrior youth,

"You've been brainwashed by the fanatical Bushido spirit, so in my classification, you're a lunatic kind of person, and I generally don't argue with a fanatic of a certain doctrine, because it's pointless, because such people don't care Whether it is life or thinking, it has been distorted and distorted."

"I have reason to regard this as an insult to me and to our noble Bushido, and I will fight you!"

The warrior youth stood up and wanted to draw the sword, but found that only half of the sword was left in his hand, and it was estimated that he had no chance to cut himself to protect the honor of the warrior.

"Master is right, he is unreasonable!"

The black cat yawned softly, ignoring the anger of the warrior youth, but looked up at me, opening small mouths,

"Master really doesn't want to go and see, it's actually very interesting to be aware of the world!"

"Didn't you say it's dangerous, I don't like putting myself in danger!"

"I can protect you!" The black cat waved his paws, indicating his strength, "With me, the owner will never encounter any danger."

"In fact, most of us will only move around the penetration point, and the possibility of encountering danger is not high."

Shen Liuli also spoke up. Obviously, she still wanted me to go. After all, if I went, the black cat would also go with me.

And the strength of the black cat is obvious to all.

I'm a little tangled. Actually, I'm also curious about how the so-called distorted world, the world based on the meaning of all human beings, will be distorted.

"For your sister's sake, I can force you to follow me."

I heard it, she was euphemistically asking me to go with me, but how could she say it clearly when she was so arrogant.

"Okay! Then let's go and see it, just treat it as a tour of another world."

Saying that, I stood up with the black cat in my arms.



In the end, none of the people present left. After all, there are really not many opportunities to enter the world of consciousness. It is rare to gather so many people this time, and there is an unfathomable black cat. Under such a high safety factor, there is no reason for giving up.

I asked Shen Liuli to borrow a SLR camera, and followed her down the elevator to the deepest part of the building.

This is a very brightly lit lower hall, surrounded by thick concrete barriers. The penetration point is in the center of the hall. As shown by the holographic projection, it is like a cloud of spreading ink, surrounded by countless arm-thick black Cables were crisscrossed, and blazing white electric arcs with enormous energy were fired through some metal equipment.

I fiddled with the camera around my neck, and the logo on the lens seemed to be Leica.

"Are you ready?" Shen Liuli looked back at us, and continued, "I'll go in first, and you will follow later."

After speaking, she took a deep breath, then stepped forward and plunged into the twisted "ink".

"I'm coming!" Su Xiaomi followed Shen Liuli and walked into the penetration point.

"I'll go first, you follow me!" Chen Sisi turned her head and glanced at me.

I nodded, and after Chen Sisi went in, I immediately followed with my camera and the black cat in my arms.

It felt very strange, like diving into the water. After passing through a layer of suspected water film, a bizarre world instantly came into my eyes.

I stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of me, and my brain went down on the spot.