My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 498: Jiang Tao's troubles

In the afternoon, under the guidance of Qin Mengmeng, we took about 20 photos, but this is not enough for participating in the photography exhibition.

So we have to continue tomorrow.

As for the course, my sister and I had no choice but to escape.

Qin Mengmeng doesn't run away, Qin Mengmeng doesn't plan to participate tomorrow morning, she will participate in the afternoon.

I plan to take another 80 or so pictures tomorrow morning and afternoon, and then send a hundred pictures over there. After all, the Association of Societies will definitely make some selections.

After eating in the afternoon, I sent my sister and Qin Mengmeng back to the dormitory. The black cat was going to go with me, but was hugged tightly by my sister.

I still remember her appearance and tone when she coaxed the black cat, like the "weird milf" who was holding a lollipop and tricking the little girl to see the goldfish.

"Good black cat, come to our dormitory with me to play, I'll give you delicious food and give you the computer, you can watch what you want!"

What do you want to see? This made the black cat a little tempted. After all, there are some film and television works that are not suitable for "children", and I forbid her to watch them.

Then the black cat turned to his sister's arms without hesitation.

The dormitory was empty. I went into the room and turned on the lights. After turning on the computer, I took the memory card out of the camera and connected it to the computer.

The photos were imported into the computer, and then the photoshop software was opened, and the night life of retouching began.

I have only recently started learning this software. Although I have done a cover for my sister before, I am really not proficient in using it.

First, I copied a picture, followed the PPT I found on the Internet, and then combined the knowledge I learned a few days ago to start a slow P-picture.

My sister is already beautiful and perfect in every way, at least in my opinion, so I basically didn't make any changes to the characters.

Then there is the light and shadow effect. When choosing the shooting angle, Qin Mengmeng has already considered it, so there are not many places that I need to modify.

But even so, it still took me a lot of time to complete these more than 20 pictures. Even after Jiang Tao and Zhao Kuo came back one after another, my pictures were not completely finished.

"Retouching?" Zhao Kuo moved behind me, looked at the photo on the screen, and asked curiously.

I nodded lightly, "Participating in the Saturday and Sunday photo exhibition."

"This is your girlfriend!"


"It's really beautiful, I can't help but envy you!" Zhao Kuo tutted his lips, "If I don't have someone I like, I'll definitely let you pass me two, and I'll use them as wallpapers for my phone and computer."

I couldn't help laughing. Indeed, I also felt that my sister was very beautiful.

I believe that as long as these pictures are posted on "361 wallpapers" and "receiving dog wallpapers", they will definitely become popular downloads.

Jiang Tao and Zhao Kuo came back together, but he didn't come to join in the fun. Instead, he took the basin and went to the balcony to wash.

When he came back after washing, he pulled a stool and sat beside me.

"Shen Le, I want to ask you something!"

"Well, you say!"

I put down the mouse in my hand and turned to look at him.

"If you want to give a girl a gift, what would you usually give?"

"Send a Gift?"

"Well, send a gift!"

"This..." I frowned and thought for a while, "It depends on the relationship between the two of you!"


"What day?"


"In the case of birthdays..." I gently rubbed my brows, "it's popular to hide a stack of cash under roses, or an iPhone, but I don't think it's good, it feels very material, if it's the two of you If you are celebrating alone, you can choose to give her a birthday cake. If you are celebrating with her good friends, it is recommended that you send a bag of roses. There is no need to hide any mobile phones or cash in the flowers, just put a pair of shapes. Beautiful silver rings, silver rings are not expensive, you can buy a pair for two or three hundred."

"Silver ring...isn't it too cheap?" Jiang Tao felt that something was wrong.

"Then what do you want to give her? A gold ring? Or a diamond ring? Not to mention that a gold ring is more expensive than a silver one, the color of gold alone is not suitable for young girls. Girls of our age should be Pure and elegant, the gold color matches their fair and delicate skin, which is really vulgar. In fact, the best platinum diamond ring is, but it is best used for marriage proposals. Platinum diamond necklaces are also very good, but for us It is said that the price is really unflattering, so, in a comprehensive comparison, silver is the most suitable for us at this stage.”

Anyway, I think so, of course, if it was my sister who passed away, I would not give her these things.

I can't afford to buy out-of-print gifts, and I don't want to use those things that money can buy, so I choose DIY, and every gift for her must be unique.

Looking at Jiang Tao, who frowned, I can understand his current mood. He wants his gifts to be full of value, but he does not have enough financial strength to give them higher value.

This is a dead end for him for the time being.

"Actually, you can DIY, make a gift yourself, a unique gift in the world. This gift may be worthless to others, but for people who like each other, it is incomparable."

"Do it yourself...what am I supposed to do?"

"It's up to you!" I rubbed my nose lightly, "Homemade gifts vary from person to person. For example, if it's my girlfriend, I'll make her a pinwheel with disposable chopsticks. , she will happily run around me all morning."

I couldn't help laughing thinking of the way my sister received the pinwheel I gave her.

Jiang Tao nodded lightly, with a frowning look,

"Thank you, I'll think about it!"

His answer made me feel a little frustrated. Real love should be a relaxed and freehand relationship. Even if you are racking your brains because of giving gifts, it will definitely not look like "suffering and sorrowful".

If the mutual relationship is the reason for your frown, then it only means that the two parties in love are not on equal footing.

Blindly pleasing is not indulging, and blindly seeking is not love.

I feel that Jiang Tao seems to have placed himself on the weak side of both parties in love, er... I probably shouldn't think too much. I think that sometimes people who think less will be more happy and satisfied.

The mediocrity is nothing more than disturbing itself.

Jiang Tao turned over and got on the bed, while I continued to sit in front of the computer. The remaining pictures had to be processed today.

Today's work is over today, and there will be more heavy work tomorrow.

At about twelve o'clock, I finally finished the final retouching work, then got up, stretched, took off my shoes and socks, and ran to the balcony to wash.

When I came back from washing up, I ran to the door, reached out and touched the switch,

"I turned off the lights!"

"Close it!"


With a "snap", I turned off the light, then rolled over onto the bed and turned on the phone.

Before going to bed, I received a screenshot of the novel from my sister, which is about clicking and collecting.

Obviously, she is very satisfied with her current results. In fact, it is very simple to be satisfied. As long as you don't set your expectations too high, you will find that life is full of surprises.

Obviously, my sister is in a surprise at this time, and this surprise will last for a long time, and she will be happy for a long time.

After I returned two "likes", I said good night and turned off my phone.