My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 538: Eating sugar will make you fat

After sitting and rubbing my sister's ankle for a while, I took the initiative to pull her and left the shooting scene. Each of them went back to the dressing room. After removing the makeup, I went back to the dressing room.

After doing all this, I stood at the door of the locker room with my backpack on one shoulder and waited for my sister.

After all, it takes a lot of time for girls to change clothes. After waiting for about ten minutes, my sister came out.

Her hairstyle has returned to her previous single ponytail, the tight jeans made her legs look extra slender and straight, and the loose sweater fell brittlely, covering her buttocks.

Looking at her tight dress on Panasonic, I felt a youthful and lively atmosphere coming from the surface.

"How's it going!" After my sister walked in, she proudly turned around in front of me.

I stretched out my hand to support her small waist, I couldn't help but take a step forward and pressed it tightly in front of her.

"Brother, brother?"

The elder sister folded her arms in front of her chest and raised her red face.

At such a close distance, her whole body was surrounded by my breath, even if kissing and hugging had become our daily routine, this moment still made her heart pound like a deer.

Originally, I wanted to lower my head and bite her cheek, but was interrupted by someone.

"You shouldn't be married yet!"

As soon as I heard a voice behind me, my sister immediately jumped out of my arms, but then she quickly squeezed to my side, hugged my waist, and half-hiddenly poked her head behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was the photographer who had photographed us earlier.

"Still in school!"

"I guess so!"

The photographer smiled and nodded,

"My husband and I met in college back then, but he was not as good as you. At that time, he never thought of taking me to a wedding dress shop to try on wedding dresses."

"No no!"

I shook my hand humbly, then smiled and tugged at my sister who was hiding behind me,

"We also happened to pass by here, and when we saw her lying in the window of your store, looking at it, we temporarily thought of bringing her in to play."

"You can think of this aspect is also very good! When many boys see their girlfriend standing in a daze in front of the window of the bridal shop, the first thing that comes to mind is to take her away quickly."

Eh... After she said that, I didn't know how to be humble, so I had to smile and rub my sister's head twice.

My sister pouted her little red mouth, rolled her eyes at me, and then grinned again. I can't help it. Her expressions have been exceptionally rich since she was a child. Many times I don't understand what her strange expressions mean. .

The photographer saw the interaction between my sister and me's expressions in his eyes, and his eyes couldn't help revealing some memories, probably thinking of the years when she was in college.

"Here, this is your photo, developed!"

I reached out and took the brown paper bag that looked like a portfolio in the photographer's hand, and then my sister couldn't help but leaned her head over and said sweetly to the photographer,

"Sister, do you have the original, we want the original?"

"Okay!" The photographer nodded, "Do you use a storage device to copy it away, or leave me an email, and I will send it to your email?"

"Leave a mailbox!" I said with a smile, and left her the mailbox number.

After chatting casually, I put the photo bag in the schoolbag behind me, and left the bridal shop with my sister in my arms.

Out of the door, the sky looks even more gloomy, a look like a storm is coming.

However, even if the weather is not very good, there are still a lot of people on Yangzi Street, some are more group tours, and some are shopping alone.

Among the pedestrians who come and go, there are many girls, and there are also many beautiful girls. No matter what season, there will be no shortage of fair-skinned and beautiful girls, and they also like to show long legs.

After walking for a while, my sister and I both felt a little tired, so we randomly found a coffee shop and planned to go in and sit for a while.

The storefront is very well decorated, with dark tones and some retro elements, and the huge glass windows appear very clean and transparent.

I took my sister to find a spot in front of the window. After sitting down, I ordered two cups of coffee at random, then turned to look at the street outside the window, while my sister took out the photos in the backpack and looked through them one by one. .

"I think we can buy a photo album!"

"All right, listen to you!"

"These photos will be put together with our wedding photos in the future, okay?"

"Of course!"

I smiled and stretched out my hand, my index finger gently hooked my sister Bai Nen's chin, as if I was molesting her in public.

My sister rolled her eyes at me speechlessly.

After a while, the waiter brought the coffee, and the sugar cubes and milk were separated.

I added milk and a little sugar cubes, but my sister added all the sugar cubes and stirred vigorously with a spoon.

From childhood to adulthood, her love for sugar has always been unable to give up.

"Aren't you afraid of Zhang Cavity?"

"Don't be afraid, I brush my teeth twice a day!"

My sister stretched out her index and middle fingers and gestured at me with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of gaining weight?" I continued with a smile, "As high school biology said, sugar has a high calorie content."

"Occasionally eat it, probably not!"

If it is said that tooth decay can be prevented by brushing, then the growth of flesh is absolutely unimaginable for a girl who loves beauty.

"If you say it's okay, then it's okay!"

I picked up the coffee cup with a smile and took a sip, the bitter taste was tinged with a hint of sweetness, and it felt okay.

My sister glared at me with some air, then pushed the coffee in front of her, and dragged the coffee I just put down,

"Let's drink instead!"

"I..." I looked at her, really not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Okay."

After that, my sister kept complaining that my coffee was too bitter and not good at all. I said I could change it back, but my sister just didn’t change it.

Although she always looks heartless on weekdays, she still cares about her appearance.

She knows that I like girls who are a little fleshy to the touch, so she has maintained a fleshy figure since she was a child, and she doesn't look fat at all.

After taking another sip of coffee, my sister put down the quilt, lowered her head, and pinched her waist and abdomen. Although it was soft, there was no swimming ring.

She can't grow any more flesh, she thought to herself, if it grows longer, the swimming ring should come out.

I don't know what she's thinking, but by looking at her movements and expressions, I can roughly guess what she's worried about.

"What's for lunch today? How about the buffet?"

I put down the empty coffee cup in my hand and asked my sister.

"Don't eat!" The elder sister shook her head decisively. Every time she eats the buffet, she will never stop if she doesn't support herself.

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Well... I didn't think about it, I'll go look for it later, as long as it's not self-help!"

Saying that, my sister held the coffee cup, raised her head, and drank the rest into her stomach.