My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 575: no face

After I ate the last piece of honeydew lotus root, I felt that the taste was really ordinary. It was my sister who acted too exaggeratedly.

But I don't think it's strange when I think about it. It's all about rushing to eat to taste delicious. That's probably the case at this time.

On weekdays, who is not a baby at home, and what you eat is always enough. As for robbing others, there is no such thing!

Although my sister and I are not only children, I have never robbed her of a meal at home. Therefore, this is also the first time for her to rush to eat the same thing with a friend.

Unprecedented, unique feeling, awesome!

My honey lotus root was out of stock. Next, my sister took the initiative to push out her steamed sea bass.

"Take that statue of you off!"

Chen Sisi pointed at the radish rabbit on the plate and smiled.

"嘁!" The elder sister glanced at her disdainfully, and immediately countered, "I carved it after you!"

I couldn't help but sighed softly, a little speechless, and I could be bickering like this even after a meal.

However, I didn't interrupt, just sat silently beside me, put the fish my sister had clipped on my plate into my mouth, and chewed a couple of bites.

"how is it going?"

Seeing me eating, my sister immediately looked at me excitedly. This was her first time cooking, and she had high expectations for the first dish in her life.

I reached out and took a fishbone out of my mouth, then nodded,

"Yes, the taste is good, the fish is well handled, there is no fishy smell, and the fish is very tasty."

I picked out some advantages, and as for the disadvantages, they were automatically blocked.

"I don't believe it!" Chen Sisi retorted, then with a resolute expression, he stretched out his chopsticks, took a piece of tender meat from the belly of the fish, put it in his mouth, and chewed two bites...

"Bah, bah, what is it!" Chen Sisi's whole face was wrinkled, "Shen Le, you lied to me, won't your conscience hurt!"

"Is there?" I looked at her amusedly. "When you eat fish, do you feel the fishy smell again? Isn't the fish delicious?"

Thinking about it carefully, it's really like what I said, the fish does not have a fishy smell, and it is also very tasty, but this can't be said half!

"How do you explain the taste of cooking wine and ginger? The most important thing is that this is a steamed sea bass or a steamed salted fish. I have never eaten something so salty!"

"Without cooking wine and ginger, wouldn't there be a fishy smell, and it's only salty that tastes good!"

I explained with a smile that there are already some rogues in the area, but in this way, my sister is my 'little fan girl', but I am also her 'little fan brother'.

"You..." Chen Sisi was speechless, still speechless, "Okay, you guys won!"

He waved his hand, and then asked Qin Mengmeng for a bowl of rock sugar lotus heart soup.

The rock sugar lotus heart soup is not bad, but the water is a little less, and the taste is a little sweeter.

Next is An Xin's onion soup, this thing... how do I put it, for people who don't like Western food, it tastes a little weird, but for people who are used to Western food, it tastes pretty good.

As for Xia Xiaoman's shredded cabbage, I can barely give it fifty-nine points, mainly because the shredded cabbage that was promised ended up being a shredded cabbage stalk.

Shenliu Li's jadeite and white jade soup is even more outrageous. It has already been distributed to everyone to start tasting, only to realize that not only did he not put oil, but he didn't even put salt. It really was boiled cabbage and tofu soup!

Sun Jueqian's pork ribs and rice cakes are not good in appearance, but they still taste good.

At the end of the meal, only Shenliu Li's Buddha jumped over the wall.

Buddha Jumps over the Wall is a good thing, a great supplement, and for Chen Sisi's jar of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, the ingredients in it are definitely the best of the best. It's really too much.

She used her own the most, she was a little proud, and took the initiative to serve a bowl for none of us.

"Eat, everyone eats it vigorously, and I'll make it for you tomorrow after eating!"

Uh... This is someone with deep pockets. I'm afraid the price of this jar is not cheap. The average family only eats it occasionally. When she is good, she will let us throw off our arms and eat it, and we will make it tomorrow after we finish eating.

I took a bowl, scooped a spoonful of soup, put it to my mouth and blew it, and then put it into my mouth.

The saltiness is moderate and the aftertaste is endless. It is estimated that the taste is not much better than that of some hotel chefs.

"Okay, Sister Sisi, this tastes really good!"

After Qin Mengmeng finished drinking, the first one couldn't help but send praise.

Then Sun Jueqian, she put down the bowl in her hand,

"I was fortunate enough to accompany my parents to the south a few years ago, and I ate it once. Although your taste is a bit different from the one you ate that time, it is worthy of being authentic."

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Chen Sisi almost went berserk, but later Sun Jue changed her words and praised her for being authentic, which made Chen Sisi smile.

"It's a shallow way of first suppressing and then raising, and it's really six."

My sister bit the spoon and whispered in my ear, because she just ate Buddha jumping over the wall, so the breath she exhaled when she spoke also had the smell of Buddha jumping over the wall.

I looked at her with a slight smile. I like to bite a straw when I drink water, and I like to bite my chopsticks when I eat. Now that I drink soup, I start to ask for a spoon again.

Does she feel uncomfortable if she doesn't bite something in her mouth?

"What do you think of this soup?" I whispered to my sister's ear and asked.

"Well, it's delicious!" Said, my sister scooped another spoonful and put it in her mouth.

I felt the same way, so I smiled and followed her example, and scooped a spoonful into my mouth.

It was just a light taste before, and now the formal dinner has begun.

About halfway through the meal, Chen Sisi said that it was too cold to lift up, so everyone should drink some wine to warm up.

This is at Chen Sisi's house, and there is no class tomorrow. Moreover, it is said that after drinking a good wine, there will be no problems such as dizziness and nausea the next day.

So I also agreed.

Soon, Chen Sisi came up with a small round wooden barrel that was sealed at both ends. Unfortunately, there was no trademark. I asked her curiously where it was made, and she said that it was her own.

I thought she didn't want to answer, so I didn't ask any more questions. After Kaifeng, An Xin had already set up a goblet for none of us.

One person poured half a glass, and Chen Sisi picked up the glass and shook it at the light.

Looking at her skillful movements, does she want to tell us how to taste wine? However, her next move told me that I was thinking too much.

She raised her head, drank it in one gulp, patted her flat stomach, opened her small mouth with a smile, and sighed,

"Cool, drink and eat meat!"

I've already lost my temper completely by her. Is this guy really Miss Qianjin and not the Liangshan hero who came down from the water?

After the official start of the meal, the atmosphere became extraordinarily harmonious, especially after drinking a little wine, even I became more talkative.

My sister drank two cups, her face was a little red, so her mouth began to open every door.

The embarrassing incidents of my childhood also began to be shaken out by her one by one. I pulled her sleeves and tried to organize to stop her, but Qin Mengmeng and Chen Sisi who were on the side refused.

Even Sun Jueqian, Xia Xiaoman, and Shen Liuli glared at me with the look of "don't make a cross".

An Xin didn't wait for me, because she ignored me at all. Her big eyes kept staring at her sister, as if she was afraid of missing the wonderful part.

After tonight, I guess I have no face!

ps: There are only two chapters today, the rest will be made up tomorrow, sorry everyone!