My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 600: Exaggerated proctoring lineup

I played with the black cat late at night, but after lying down, I fell asleep again, tossing and turning until the early morning before falling asleep.

After falling asleep, I entered that broken world again, looking at the scene around me, I can't remember how long I haven't had this dream again.

It is still a broken street, the ruins of tall buildings point directly at the gray sky, and it looks particularly hideous. Those broken robots that originally wandered in the street have disappeared. The clock tower stands in the center of the square, and its body is covered with shells bombarded by artillery fire. Traces of passing.

I walked alone in this broken world, the cracked earth and gravel under my feet felt very resting.

Except for the sound of my walking and the sound of my breathing, the whole world is silent, and I don't know why the dream brought me here?

I just walked around aimlessly, walking and walking, and suddenly a faint music sounded in my ears. The music was very familiar, but the sound was very weak, as if it was coming from a very far away place. the same, and there are everywhere.

I closed my eyes and listened intently, trying to find the round head of the voice.

Then... the sound became louder and louder, and finally, I opened my eyes abruptly, only to find that the music was coming from the phone beside my pillow.

Listening to the music, I knew it was my sister's call, and after dazedly connected, I gently "hello".

"Brother, are you still sleeping?"

My sister's very surprised voice came from the other end of the phone. I was a little confused, and then I vigorously opened my heavy eyelids, which seemed to be hanging from tons of iron.

Because the curtains were drawn, it was very dark in the dormitory, and I couldn't judge the approximate time by the light, but maybe I was really confused, and I had to judge the time by the weather with the cell phone in my hand.

"what time is it!"

I took a long breath, raised my empty hand, put the back of my hand on my forehead, and closed my eyes, as if I could fall asleep at any time.

"We have finished the exam, what time did you say!"

"It's past ten o'clock!" I muttered in a daze, "it's quite late, but I still want to sleep a little longer."

The elder sister hesitated for a while, and then came Sun Jueqian and Qin Mengmeng's persuasion, "Let him (Shen Jun) sleep for a while longer", so the elder sister reluctantly agreed.

"Okay then, I'll let you sleep for another hour, remember to come to the ice cream hut for lunch later, my question has already come out, you remember to come to the test in the afternoon, and Xiaoxin and the others also finished the test in the afternoon, Sister Sisi Said that we would have a meal for dinner in the evening."

"What kind of lunch!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing, "That's called having a New Year's meal in advance, isn't it, the older you get, the less you can talk!"

"Yes, yes, I can't speak, you can speak, okay!" My sister hummed in a fit of anger, "Forget it, I won't disturb your sleep, bye, bye!

She said angrily and hung up the phone.

I set the alarm on my phone for half past eleven, then threw it aside and went back to sleep.

I didn't continue to do anything weird. I slept soundly for more than an hour until the alarm clock rang and I woke up in a daze again.

This time I woke up not as tired as last time. I slept for more than an hour, and I felt that my whole person's mental outlook had changed a lot.

Rubbing my eyes, I took the phone and turned off the alarm, and then I slowly got up.

Looking at the remaining three beds, they were empty, and the sheets were all rolled together and tightly covered by plastic wrap.

I got out of bed and put on my slippers, and then with a clatter, I opened the curtains of the room again, and the warm noon sun outside instantly fell on me, creating a comfortable warmth all over my body.

The Apple phone was still charging on the table, but the black cat didn't know where to go.

I quickly went to the balcony to wash up, then put on my down jacket and outer pants, changed my shoes, and hurried to the ice cream hut.

There are not many people in the dormitory building. A small blackboard is placed at the door. It says that the dormitory building will be closed on January 18th and open on February 25th, and our holiday is from January 15th to March 1st. No.

After leaving the dormitory, my sister called me.

"Brother, get up, get up, it's time for lunch!"

As soon as I connected the phone, before I had time to speak, my sister's voice came from the other end of the phone.

I silently patted my head,

"I'm already up and I'm on my way!"

"Oh, then you have to pay attention to safety and be careful of cars when crossing the road."

This made me even more speechless.

"Mmmm!" He replied vaguely, "I'll hang up first, bye!"

"Bye bye brother!"

After hanging up my sister's phone, my pace quickened a bit,

There are many students coming and going on campus, but most of them are dragging their boxes in the direction of East Gate, South Gate and West Gate. They are probably in a hurry to go home.

After all, for many non-local students, there are only two opportunities to go home at the end of the year. When they came, it was a hot summer, but when they went back, it turned into a cold winter.

The changes of the four seasons in my hometown only exist in my mind.

Hurry up and hurry up. It took me about twenty minutes to arrive at the door of the ice cream hut. The sign on the door was closed last Saturday, and the handwriting on the glass plate with highlighter All were spent.

I reached out and pushed open the glass door, only to realize that everyone had already sat around the table and started to eat. Fortunately, I always thought they were all waiting for me.

However, there is nothing uncomfortable in my heart. If so many people have to wait for me alone, I will not be so domineering.

When the door opened, there was already movement. When everyone saw it was me, they buried their heads and continued to eat, but my sister waved her chopsticks at me excitedly.

"Come here, brother, it's time to eat!"

I walked over with a smile. My sister took the initiative to move the chair to the side to make room for me. After I pulled the stool and sat down, Qin Mengmeng put the prepared tableware and chopsticks in front of me.

The food is rich and rich, but when I look at this dish, I know that Xia Xiaoman is the one who ordered the meal.

There's nothing wrong with it, that is... Xia Xiaoman's taste is similar to his sister's, and he especially likes spicy food.

After a simple lunch, Chen Sisi and An Xin left first. An Xin and Chen Sisi had exams in the afternoon, but I guess Chen Sisi probably didn't go back, she just sent An Xin back.

The rest of the people sat and rested for a while, and when the waiter in the store upstairs came down to collect the dishes, my sister got up with a malicious face, turned behind me, and put her hands on my shoulders,

"Brother, are you ready for the last exam?"

I smiled confidently and nodded, "Come on!"

"Dangdang!" Xia Xiaoman suddenly jumped out from the side, then took out a piece of A3 printing paper from behind and threw himself in front of me,

"This is a test question. Yesterday we discussed it for a long time before we discussed it."

"Shen Jun, this is a pen!" Qin Mengmeng held a signature pen in both hands, and put it in front of me with a respectful look.

"We are invigilators!" Sun Jueqian and Shen Liuli folded their arms in front of them, looking at me with serious and vigilant expressions.

I'm going, this battle! How does it feel more rigorous than the final exam!