My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 847: Even the excuses are the same

Later I didn't go to buy water because my sister had water in her bag.

When she was in class in the afternoon, she deliberately mixed some honey water, and she never finished drinking it, so she took it out for me to drink.

Afterwards, we strolled around the school. When it was about nine o'clock, I sent my sister back to the dormitory, and then took the clothes she changed and washed yesterday and returned to my dormitory.

When I opened the door of the dormitory, it was pitch black. I expected the black cat to sit in front of the computer desk and watch cartoons and the picture did not appear. I was a little worried, but I felt powerless.

I sent a message to Shenliuli, but I didn't get a reply from her for a long time, and then I called her, but no one answered.

After that, I sent a message to Xia Xiaoman to ask about Shen Liuli's situation, but I got the news that Shen Liuli was not in the dormitory.

And this made me even more worried.

I always felt that I should do something, but in the end I found that I couldn't do anything except wait, so I changed my clothes, turned on the computer after washing, stared at the screen, and did nothing.

The phone that was upside down on the table vibrated suddenly, I came back to my senses, picked it up and took a look, only to realize that it was half past eleven before I knew it.

The message was sent by my sister. I clicked it and saw a screenshot.

When I was about to send a hello to ask her what she wanted to express, she sent another screenshot.

I understand this screenshot. It is a screenshot of her author's backstage. It shows 1285 in the collection column.

I remember when I watched it before the National Day, it seemed that there were only more than 300. It has only been a few days, and it has risen so much!

Pretty sister: Haha, I'm so happy. Today, the number of clicks suddenly increased by tens of thousands, and the collection has increased by more than 800!

Me: keep going, don't be complacent!

Pretty sister: No, I will, I will be complacent/[proud][proud]

Me: Well, you can continue to be proud!

My sister sent me two tongue sticking emojis.

I couldn't help but smiled softly: Are you still writing novels?

Pretty sister: No, I am lying on the bed and sharing the joy with you, probably I can’t calm down today/[poor][poor]

Me: So can you sleep tonight?

Pretty Sister: Can't sleep! No sleep at all now!

me: me too!

Pretty sister: Then we...are we.../[smiling][smiling]

Me: as you please! It will be all right! I'm here to find you!

Pretty Sister: Okay, okay! I'm waiting for you! Don't come it's a puppy! [happy happy]

I put down my phone, put on my clothes, turned off the lights, and left the dorm.

As soon as I got downstairs, I found that the uncle of the housekeeper was holding the key and humming a little tune, ready to lock the door.

I rushed up quickly,

"Wait a minute?"

"Classmate, the door is closed, you can't go out at will."

"I..." My thoughts twitched, and I found a wonderful excuse in an instant, "My phone fell outside!"

The uncle looked at me suspiciously.

"Really!" I lowered my head and looked at the uncle of the housekeeper with dodging eyes. After all, I was not used to lying.

But thanks to the fact that the lights were not too bright at this time, the housekeeper didn't notice my eyes.

"I just came back from outside and was about to take out my phone to charge it, but found that my phone was gone."

I try to make my tone seem genuine and the story seem real.

"Do you know where it fell?"

"Probably between the dormitory and the cafeteria!" I lowered my head and pretended to think seriously, but I was actually hiding my dodging eyes, "I was playing while eating in the cafeteria, but I didn't see you when I got back. So I guess it's probably on the way from the cafeteria to the dormitory."

"It is estimated that it is very likely to be found!"

The dorm uncle shook his head regretfully.

"You have to try it!" I spread my hands, "Excuse me, uncle!"

"Alright then!" Uncle Shekan waved his hand gently, "Will you come back later?"

"Uh..." I hesitated for a while, "No way!"

"Let's go, let's go!" The uncle of the housekeeper waved his hand gently, and after I quickly said thank you, I ran out of the dormitory.

After leaving the building, I quickly ran to the girls' dormitory.

I ran to the downstairs of my sister’s dormitory as fast as I could. The street lights next to the big tree were already tied. After the National Day, the school’s schedule was changed to winter. The lights were turned off at 11:30 p.m. This is also the place where students criticize the most.

It was pitch-dark everywhere, and the night seemed extraordinarily peaceful, and the chirping of insects in the surrounding grass had reached the point where it was barely audible.

I hid behind the huge tree trunk, took out my phone and called my sister.

"Hey, are you here yet?" Sister came from the receiver with a surprised voice.

I covered the receiver, like a thief, and whispered,

"It's here, it's downstairs, can you come out?"

"Can you do it!" The elder sister replied quickly, "I'll go to the housekeeper to open the door!"

"Can she give it to you?"

"Yes, I'll just say that my phone has been dropped, and she will definitely open it for me!"


I'm a little speechless. I'm not a family, and I don't want to enter a family. This is definitely not wrong.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I'll be out right away!"

After that, my sister hung up the phone in a hurry!

Then I stuck my head out from behind the tree trunk from time to time and looked towards the door of the girls' dormitory.

The deep space of the corridor lit up, some faint lights shone through the windows in the dark night, and finally the lights in the stairwell also came on.

Vaguely, I seem to hear the voices of my sister and the dormitory aunt behind the door of the dormitory building.

I took my phone and pressed the screen to turn on the screen. It was almost twelve o'clock, and I didn't know if my sister could talk to the aunt.


The faint sound of the door opening penetrated the night and fell into my ears, and white light spilled from the open door.

I saw my sister standing at the door, and after bowing to the inside of the door, the door closed.

So, I turned out from behind the tree trunk, and waved from my sister who was standing beside the iron gate, looking around.

My sister ran to me in surprise, and I opened my arms and took her tightly into my arms.


I seemed to hear the door open again, so I looked up at the door of the girls' dormitory, the door was indeed open, and the half body of the dormitory aunt was exposed.

She stood at the door, looked at me for a while, then turned to leave, and the door closed again.