My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 105: 105.

Rong Ting is not so happy as a second-hand man.

Maybe his age is here, and he found that some ministers fool him as a child. In modern times, he is indeed a child, but in Dasao, he is twelve years old, no matter how he is considered a child? If he was a child, why did those ministers make a heavenly memorial to imply that he should have a princess?

When twelve-year-old Rong Ting was dealing with some things, he found with sorrow that the second-hand man was indeed one step away from the first-hand man, but it wasn't all that bad.

It was also at this time that he understood why the royal father-son relationship was described in terms of the monarch, the father and the son, first the monarch, then the father and the son.

More than once, his **** men have hinted that he should be a low-key prince. The prince's profession really needs to be taken into account. From ancient to modern times it was more dangerous than the emperor.

Although the Emperor has only one child, the Emperor is in his prime. If he wants, he can create a younger brother at any time.

Life is not easy, Rong Ting sighs.

In this life, he and his father and emperor could not be a purely close father-son relationship.

Whenever this time comes, he always misses his mother very much, and it is quite reasonable to say that he would rather talk to his mother than to be an official father.

Even so, Rong Ting is still very resistant to walking too close to the Minister of Central and Central China. Rather than rush to get angry because nothing happened, it is better to hurry up to improve his personal strength. Although he can't see through the heart of his father, he knows that his father Is a Mingjun, as long as he is good enough, as long as the father is not deaf, blind and ridiculous, then his position as a prince is very stable.

Rong Ting is working hard every day as a good prince. According to modern words, Rong Hong is definitely an emperor of partial science. He really stands out in terms of literature, and Wu seems to be ordinary. Rong Hong knows his shortcomings and he is a perfectionist. Therefore, we strive to train our sons into both human and military talents.

On this day, Rong Ting came back from the outside and heard that his father was sick again.

He didn't dare to delay going to his father's dormitory for a moment, and across the bed veil, he could hear the weak cough of his father.

"Prince, Your Majesty said that you shouldn't be too close, because you are afraid that the disease will be passed on to you." The **** supervisor stepped forward and said respectfully.

Rong Ting didn't listen, "go and see."

He went to the bed and heard that the father had let everyone in the palace back down. After a while, only the father and son were left in the huge palace.

"Father Emperor, what has happened to you recently? I asked the Taiyi, and the Taiyi said you were overworked. I was worried about you. I also deliberately read the records of this half year and found that you often get sick. What happened?"

Rong Hong opened the bed curtain. His complexion was not very good, but he was not weak.

This made Rong Ting, who had been in the brain all the way, watched and froze.

Rong Hong's right hand was fisted into a fist, and he coughed lowly on his lips, then laughed again, "Maybe someone is getting old."

Rong Ting: "..."

In his thirties, he said he was getting older?

If these words are heard by the grandfather and the grandmother, the emperor will be sharks.

To tell him the truth, he feels that Father Emperor's body is so good that he can kill the tiger!

Over the past few years, Father Emperor has paid great attention to health. He left his morning jog almost unhurried every day, and changed the habit of staying up late. In the past six years, the father has not been sick. Why did he become so sick in the past six months?

However, the records of the Taiyi doctor seemed as if the father was extremely tired, and he might fall at any time ...

"Father Emperor is in his prime, and he is only in his thirties." Rong Ting comforted him in a low voice.

In modern times, people in their thirties are very young, and many people are not married yet.

Even when Aunt Siyu next door had a baby, she was almost thirty.

Rong Hong leaned on the pillow and laughed. "You say how old your mother is now, she should be in her twenties. She also looks young. Maybe I will be ten years older than her."

Rong Ting's face also missed the expression, "When we left, the age of the mother on the modern ID card was twenty-three."

"That's it. I had a dream the night before and dreamed that she was with other people and was smiling happily in a wedding dress." That's probably how I got cold. "

Rong Ting didn't know if he should sympathize with his father.

He thought for a while and said, "Father Emperor, this is what Hyundai is like, where the folk customs are open, there are many admirers in your mother's life, you still have me in ancient times, she has nothing in modern times, do you want her to be lonely all her life Are you alone? "

Rong Hong glanced at him, and quickly regained his gaze, coughing a few times, his expression inexplicably lonely, "You are right, but I still want to ask you a question, do you want your mother to be with others, or do you want Where is she with me? "

What is the problem.

Rong Ting thinks that the father may be really sick.

If you are sick, your brain will really faint, and IQ will occasionally be offline. That's how he got sick before.

"You are in ancient times, mother and daughter in modern times, and it is difficult to be together."

I can only be spiritual.

"I said yes."

Rong Ting thought about it again, but chose to tell the truth, "This is not a question I want or don't want, it should depend on the choice of the mother."


Rong Hong sighed again.

"If the father and the emperor meet a woman she really likes one day," Rong Ting gritted his teeth, "I will also try to accept this fact. Just like my mother accepted the divorce of her grandfather and grandmother to find new happiness each time same."

That being said.

On that day, Rong Ting didn't know if he could accept it, but he still had to say what was ahead. He only said to try to accept it, but didn't say that he would accept it readily.

Rong Yun laughed twice, "You can see it. My bones are now more than enough."

Speaking of this matter, Rong Ting was confused and worried.

Although the second player is not good enough, he still hopes that his father Huang Jian will be Kang Kang.

"Father Emperor is relieved that you can definitely live a hundred years."

There is no such thing as long lived between father and son. In this era, it is considered longevity to live above 60 years old.

Longevity is the most practical blessing.

Rong Hong's face calmed down. "I don't care if you are a hundred years old or a hundred years old. I only hope that when I meet your mother again one day, she will recognize me and I will recognize her."

Rong Yun said here again, "As for my life, my body, you don't need to be too mindful. The Chinese teacher once said that travelling through time and space is originally a ban / surge that damages the number of lives. Maybe it was me. The time has come, old age, sickness and death are commonplace. My only hope now is that when I let go, you will be able to stand on your own and become the pillar of this maggot. Then I can rest assured. "

Why does this sound strange?

Rong Ting always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't figure it out, so he could only comfort him, "You can rest assured that I will not let down your expectations."

"It's really when I let go, will you blame me?" Rong Hong asked him again, "when I meet with your mother again, I'm really afraid she will blame me for scolding me."

"I won't blame you." Rong Ting was a little uncomfortable. The father was really ill, so he just talked nonsense.

Rong Hong's face regretted, "Modern things can't be brought, otherwise it would be nice to have a recording pen."

Rong Ting listened to his father Huang muttered quietly, he looked up and asked, "Father Huang, what did you say?"

"No, just talk to myself." Rong Hong whispered again, "I'm just afraid of your mother's level ... sad."

"Father, please take a good rest. Don't say these things." Rong Ting helped him pull the quilt.

"Well. You can go back to rest, too. You have been tired for so long."

Waiting for Rongting to leave the palace, instead of going to the East Palace, she turned to Kuning Palace.

He often comes to Kuning Palace, and he often stayed here when he was young. Now he wo n’t be old, but he always comes to sit in trouble.

After returning from Hyundai, he was very busy every day, and he could only spare a little time to miss his mother after one day.

This Kunning Palace still keeps the look of her mother-in-law.

He walked into the palace and let everyone else back down. After a brief wash, he habitually lay on the bed. After several cleanings, the bed was long gone from the mother's breath.

When he was young and had not yet traveled to modern times, he once found a booklet in a dark grid of Kunning Palace.

At that time, he didn't understand at all, but he also knew that it was left by his mother. Now he can understand it. That's the mother's diary—

D157, sunny.

When he came to eat at noon, he said that his neck was uncomfortable and his head was dizzy. The doctor said that he was tired, but I think he had cervical spondylosis. It's a pity that I didn't study medicine, I don't know how to treat cervical spondylosis.

D253, overcast.

He asked me to shave him, and I wouldn't. He said it was okay, but accidentally shaved his chin and bleed.

D362, rain.

The doctor said that I was pregnant. Sure enough, Weibo science popular science does not bully me. The safety period is not reliable. It is too pit. How did the ancients contraceptive? I dare not ask, if I ask others, I will be treated as a neurosis. Can I be a good mother? Will I love this child? I do not know.

D390, sunny.

I am afraid that one day I will forget all the familiar fonts, and I can only record these moods. Some of the words "rebellious" are in general English, so I won't be too bold. Haha. I had a dream and dreamed that a little black dog followed me. I didn't let it follow, and it barked at me. Is this a fetal dream? Little black dog? Is my baby very dark?

D425, cloudy.

I ca n’t make myself overweight. Why do I have to drink so much tonic every day? Fortunately, he has seen medical treatments during this time, saying that he does n’t need to drink too much soup. If the baby is too big, it is not conducive to production. But the tonic soup delivered every day is in accordance with the convention. I do n’t drink it, he drank it. Hope your baby is healthy.



Rong Ting couldn't understand the simplified characters before, but now he can understand them. D should be Day. That number should be counted as the number of days in the palace. He has memorized this diary for a long time. There are many small things recorded on it. The person who appears most often is his father and emperor. He was very boring at that time, and found that the number of words recorded by him was more than that of his father. With seventy-eight words of the emperor, he was immediately satisfied.