My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 26: 0

Near the end of the year, Song Haiping also became busy. He has some connections in this city and needs to walk around.

Song Haiping, as usual, invited a few fox friends and dog friends to dinner for the next stop, and as soon as he stepped out of the box, he saw a familiar face in the lobby.

Song Haiping was a poor boy when he was young. The reason why he was able to get rich so fast, in addition to his ex-wife's bad eyes, was his ability. He is very good at communication, in the words of his ex-wife, seeing people talking, seeing people talking about ghosts, don't look at him being nearly fifty years old, but he is still very sure of his memory, even if there is only one side, he He was also recognized as the driver of Prince Xie's.

"Hello, do you remember me?" Song Haiping took the initiative to go up. He had a keen sense of smell, smelled of smoke from the other person, and decisively smoked him. "Before my child was naughty and ran to the road, it almost caused you Trouble, after that I have been thinking about whether there is any problem with your car. "

Song Haiping got Xie's business card at the time and he was a little bit lost. During this time, he didn't think about contacting the prince. But think about it. The status of Xie's family in Beijing is mostly people. Wanting to climb up, this prince is still alive before he is discharged from the hospital. He can't be sure of the other person's temperament and mood, and can only hold his own.

I never expected to see Xie's driver in this city!

The driver Sun Qiming also heard Song Haiping say this, and then he remembered it. After all, it was a few months after the incident. He took the cigarette and smiled, "You're too kind, the car is fine."

"I didn't know a few people when I first arrived in Beijing. When I talked to my friend that day, I found out that it was Mr. Xie." Song Haiping looked around for a while. "Is Mr. Xie here?"

Sun Qiming has been following Xie Ye for several years.

In the past, he dared to touch the fish in troubled waters. The boss had a gentle temperament and was easy to talk to. He occasionally revealed his whereabouts to other people for remuneration. For example, Miss Qianjin of which one is different now. He can feel what happened to the boss. Not to mention a change in temperament, but it also makes people start to wonder. The benefits of being a driver to the boss are not good, and he doesn't want to lose the job, so even if Mrs. Xie asks, he will not easily reveal the whereabouts of the boss, let alone a stranger.

"No," Sun Qiming said in a perfunctory tone. "I still have something to do."

This is what it means to go.

Song Haiping didn't expect Xie Yan's driver to have such a tight mouth.

Although he wanted to inquire about it, the drivers were all the same. He was a man with a head and a face in this city. He had to pay a smile and a smile for a driver. He really couldn't do that.

However, if you can see Xie Tiao's driver in this city, then Xie Ting is likely to be here.

He has to find someone to explore. Next year he is going to focus his career on the Beijing side. The Beijing city is deep. If he can get on such a big ship, even if it is only a little related, he will be much smoother in Beijing.


The first snowfall of this year was earlier. It was after New Year's Day in previous years, but this time it was on Christmas Eve.

However, because of this snow, the atmosphere of Christmas is even stronger.

Song Yuan was very self-aware. She only got her driver's license when she was in college, and it didn't take long for her to actually get a license on the road. Not to mention snowy days, even when it was raining, she dared not drive. Snow began to snow this morning. Although the ground was not white in the morning, Song Yuan changed his mind and did not plan to drive during this time. Although there is no direct subway from her to the company, but there are direct buses, it is still very convenient to go to work.

Rong Ting ran to the balcony in fluffy pajamas and watched the snow outside. She couldn't help but sigh, "Rui Xue trillion years!"

Both the home and the company have heating, Song Yuan did not dare to develop into the beautiful frozen people route, honestly put on down jackets, hats and gloves, and then ready to go out.

"Coo, I'm going to work." Song Yuan was standing at the entrance. "It's going to snow late today. Your aunt might come later. If you're hungry, go and pour a glass of milk on your belly."

During this time, Song Haiping and Chen Linjing were busy entertaining. Basically, there wasn't much time to take Rong Ting. Fortunately, the aunty was kind and honest, and good cooking skills, which made Song Yuan very relieved.

Of course, Rong Ting is also very worrying. He already has the potential of an otaku now. It doesn't matter if he doesn't go out for a day. Just give him a pen and paper, and give him a few books. If he has some snacks, he will be happy. Satisfied.

"Well." Rong Ting trot over. "Mother, go out today and be careful."

Song Yuan looked at Rong Ting and thought to himself, if only the girls were cooing. If it's a daughter, then you can hug yourself high, but unfortunately Cuckoo always puts "children avoid mother" on his mouth, he can only accept holding hands, unless he is willing to hug when he is very happy As for the dear ... there is no such thing yet, and it is unlikely that there will be any.

After going out, Song Yuan walked out of the community with an umbrella.

It was really cold today. Fortunately, she wore enough. It may be because of snow. She found that the bus platforms with few ordinary people were almost full today.

The bus she was on came, and she hurried to catch up, swiped the bus card, and walked to the middle.

"Sit down here." The man in the coat stood up among several young men pretending to sleep, giving up the seat to the old man.

It was really a man's hair color that was too conspicuous, and Song Yuan recognized at a glance that he was the handsome guy who had taken the initiative to help her after meeting in the bakery that day.

Obviously, she is not a public face, the handsome guy recognized her at a glance, and smiled at her after flashing a mistake on her face.

The two stood together, the bus was running smoothly, the road was iced, the driver was afraid to drive too fast, and the passengers were afraid to rush to complain.

"Why didn't you drive today?" Rong Hong asked in a voice.

Song Yuan grabbed the pull ring on the car. She usually didn't like to chat with strangers, but there were exceptions. For example, this handsome guy beside him should not be a stranger. After all, he also helped her once, and He's so handsome, it's just about her aesthetics.

"Snow is slippery, and my driving skills are not very good. I do n’t dare to drive out on a day like this." Song Yuan smiled and frowned, and a pair of shallow pear vortexes.

"How about you?" Song Yuan paused and asked him again.

Rong Hong is a kind of handsome guy with a good sense of integrity. When he laughs, he looks very gentle, and he is not in contradiction with his strong and restrained aura.

"Me?" Rong Hong smiled and looked at Song Yuan. "Like you, it's snowing. For safety, you still take the bus."

"I don't know how long this snow will fall, and it will be fine after the weather forecast for Christmas."

The two talked with each other. Rong Hong was not talkative, and Song Yuan was the same, but it was strange that the two could talk well.

Arrived at about 8:30, Song Yuan got out of the car and said goodbye to Rong Hong. After getting off the bus, he found that he had followed.

His erect posture, with his hands casually placed in the coat pocket, is probably his calmness and calmness, which makes him have a stark contrast with the crowds of office workers around the bus stop.

"You work here too?" Song Yuan was a little surprised.

That's a coincidence! He should also live near her neighborhood, anyway, not far away. If he is still working near here, then the similarity of their trips is more than 95%.

Rong Hong shook his head for a moment, and shook his head. "No, I have to deal with some business here these days."

Song Yuan thinks about it too. If the similarity of the trip is so high, she can't just meet him twice.

"Oh, goodbye, I'm going to work." Song Yuan smiled and waved at Rong Hong.

She was very beautiful, she was mostly a school flower from childhood, and she was even more beautiful when she laughed.

Rong Hong smiled and bowed his head, but still stood in place, his eyelids drooping, hiding the deep thoughts in his eyes.

They were separated by too many people and things, and now he recovered from him, and he returned to God. At the beginning, if she did n’t laugh at him or defend him, many things would not happen.

The working day is very fast. Song Yuan works on time most of the time. Now that there is a child in the family, even if he has to work overtime, he takes the work home.

The company's regulations are still very user-friendly. It gets darker in winter, and the lunch break is reduced by half an hour, and the hours of work are also changed to 5.30.

After work, Song Yuan went back by bus and was going to a bakery. She went three or four times a week.

When I first entered the bakery, I saw Rong Hong.

Rong Hong was picking the toast. He heard the sound of opening the door, looked over to the side, and saw Song Yuan. He choked and laughed again.

Song Yuan did not expect to happen to the bakery again so coincidentally, but think carefully, it is the peak period of work now, it is not surprising that some office workers come to the bakery to buy breakfast the next day.

She took the initiative to say hello to him. Although she didn't know the name of this handsome guy, but this has happened several times. This is definitely not a stranger. Although there is still a distance from friends and acquaintances, it is also a meeting We were able to say hello.

Song Yuan and Rong Hua both paid for them one after the other.

When she walked out of the bakery, Song Yuan only found that it started to rain. She was a bit annoyed. She went out this morning with an umbrella. As a result, she ate with her colleagues during lunch break and accidentally dropped the umbrella in the restaurant. When she called to the restaurant The front desk also said that he didn't see it, it was probably picked up by someone.

The bakery wasn't too far from the neighborhood, but she just went back and was sure to get wet at home.

When Rong Yue came out, she opened her umbrella in one hand and saw Song Yuan standing on the side without leaving. After thinking about it, she said to her, "Did you bring your umbrella? I lent you my umbrella."

Song Yuan's face is not so thick, he only has an umbrella, lend it to her, so what about him?

She quickly shook her head, politely rejecting his kindness. "Actually, my home is nearby and very close."

Rong Yunen gave a whistle. He held the umbrella handle in one hand and the bread bag in his hand, as if thinking about it for a moment, and then said, "Since your home is nearby, then I will send you a ride. It is easy to go back in the rain. Sickness, after all, is troublesome. "

When Song Yuan reacted, she was already standing under the umbrella.

She couldn't help feeling that her heart was too big.

Fortunately, most handsome guys have a discipline, and handsome guys who are good at her aesthetics are rare. Otherwise, she is a stubborn character, and she will be sold in minutes to help people.

Instead, the two of them didn't talk much along the way. Song Yuan held a bag of bread. I don't know if it was her illusion. She always felt a strange smell on the other side. She smelled it this morning, but there were too many people on the bus at the time. She didn't think much.

What is this smell?

She couldn't describe it, she always felt that it wasn't perfume or laundry detergent.

Too immersed in his own world, Song Yuan didn't find Rong Hong pointing his umbrella towards her, his shoulders were wet.

At the gate of the community, Song Yuan felt that this was the limit. She couldn't be sent downstairs. It wasn't to disclose her home address, which was a little dangerous. She was still awake.

Song Yuan knew that this person was her dish.

At least what she has seen so far, whether it's looks or temperament! It's the kind of person she would like anyway.

Song Yuan wasn't shy and introverted. If she had been in the past, she would definitely have his contact information, but now, being blown by the cold wind, she thought that there was still a child at home, and she suddenly lost her thoughts.

Naturally, Rong Hong also looked at Song Yuan's eloquence, but he said nothing, only smiled at Song Yuan, and saw her enter the community, and then turned to leave.