My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 62: 0

While Rong Ting was practicing calligraphy, someone suddenly came knocking on the door. Song Yuan was still packing the clothes in the suitcase in the bedroom. Rong Ting put down his writing brush and quickly walked to the door. For safety, Song Yuan installed an outside on the door. For the monitoring at the aisle, Rong Ting stood on the small stool, raised his hand and pressed the monitoring switch. Rong Ye appeared on the display a few seconds later.

Rong Ting gave a small fist, didn't say a word, didn't press the door button, jumped off the small stool, and walked to the bathroom. He passed by his room, he bit his teeth, or said, " After mother, someone is knocking on the door, I'm going to the bathroom! "

Song Yuan saw that he rushed into the bathroom like a small cannon, and closed the door heavily. He was also confused by the move for a while. She didn't rush to open the door, but walked to the door of the bathroom. He tentatively knocked on the frosted glass door and asked, "What's wrong with you, isn't it uncomfortable?"

"No! Mother, don't talk when you go to the bathroom."


Did this kid take explosives today? See who hits who.

Song Yuan didn't bother him. He walked through the living room to the entrance to see through the cat's eyes that the person standing outside was Rong Hong. She opened the door and asked him with a doubt, "Why are you here? I didn't call beforehand . "

In the past, Rong Hong would call her every time she came over. It was a notice and a comment. It's the first time to come here silently.

Rong Yun smiled apologetically, "I forgot, I just happened to pass by and give Rong Ting a cake to eat."

Song Yuan turned over and let him in.

"I bought two cakes. I heard others say it tastes good." Rong Hong came in, looked around, and didn't see Rong Ting in the living room. He asked her, "Where is Rong Ting?"

"He's in the bathroom." Song Yuan went to the dining room and poured him a cup of hot tea. "It's a good thing that you were going to spend the night out with my dad, but he was uncomfortable and had to go home. I just arrived home in less than half an hour. "

"Uncomfortable? Is he sick?"

"I measured his temperature without fever, but he was not very emotional. He also blamed me for asking my dad to take him to the resort to take a hot spring. He estimated that it was the first time that he was a bit uncomfortable. Maybe he felt dizzy. How's it? If I'm not feeling well tomorrow, I'll take him to the community hospital. "

Rong Hong took the cup that she handed over. She had listened carelessly. Now she looked down, her head down, and asked her casually, "Resort? Where is the resort?"

He paused and added: "I'll ask the assistant to ask if the hot spring water in the resort is not clean."

"It shouldn't be dirty," Song Yuan recalled. "My dad said that the resort is good, it seems to be in the suburbs. I didn't ask where it was called, or you can wait for Rong Ting to come out." ask him?"

"No, he is probably uncomfortable. Ask him if he doesn't know."

"Well, this boy is still in the bathroom. I went to ask him what happened. Once he came back, his nose was not nose, and his eyes were not eyes. I don't know who offended him." Song Yuan was wondering. Is it in Who laughed at him when he was in the hot spring?

Rong Ye stopped her in time, and Wen said: "He came out naturally, I have to go, the driver is still waiting downstairs, I'm sorry today, I will call you in advance when I come over next time. Right , That cake tastes great, you try it too. "

"Okay, thank you."

Seeing that Rong Yuan had no plans to stay here for a long time, Song Yuan was relieved.

After all, it ’s not too early. When he came here every night, her father was there. Now she and Rong Ting are at home. It would be awkward if Rong Ting asked him to stay here overnight.

Rong Hong walked at the door and told her, "If there is anything uncomfortable for Rong Ting, take him to the hospital in time, and call me."

"Well, I know."

After Rong Yuan left, Song Yuan returned to the living room and saw Rong Ting coming out of the bathroom, pulling his face, just like the eggplant beaten by cream.

Song Yuan opened the box containing the cake and saw the two cream cakes inside, with a happy expression on his face, and greeted Rong Ting, "Your father has brought you a cake. I have eaten this cake before, it tastes good. Very good. My dad used to buy this cream cake for me when I was young. The red jam and cream taste really good. "

Rong Ting didn't even take a look at the cake on the coffee table. In retrospect of what he saw today, he said coldly, "Do not eat alone."

He would not call himself "solitary" unless he was angry and awkward.

Song Yuan realized that she was not the kind of parent used to be a child. She didn't offend him today, and she looked ugly as soon as she returned!

"If you don't eat, don't eat gluttony. What temper do you lose?" Song Yuan ignored him and took a fork to eat the cake himself, still unhappy.

Rong Ting didn't know what was going on. He clearly wrote several quiets and thoughts. This mood could not be calmed down, but he also knew that he should not show negative emotions in front of his mother. He must be a man When the Emperor Father came just now, would n’t it be sufficient to ask the Emperor Father directly? As a son of man, he can't blame the father and the emperor for his fault, but he wants the mother-in-law to bear his temper. What is he?

"Mother, I'm sorry. I shouldn't lose my temper with you." Rong Ting hesitated for a long time before taking the initiative to apologize.

"What's wrong with you today, if you are uncomfortable, tell me, you are also worried about me like this." Song Yuan simply put down his fork, took him to the side of the sofa, and asked him very seriously, "Yes Who upset you when you weren't at the resort? You didn't say anything, and I can only guess, if there is something unhappy, you can tell me. If we said yes, we can tell each other if there is any secret. ,is not it?"

Rong Ting raised his head, looked at Song Yuan, flat his mouth, and looked aggrieved. "I have one thing to tell you, I can't hide it from you."

"what's up?"

"I saw Father Emperor at the resort today. Father Emperor had dinner with a young woman, and they had a good talk." Rong Ting said, his chest was undulating, obviously still very depressed and angry.

Song Yuan froze, and when he reacted, he was also amused, but looking at the child's angry expression, she quickly converged the smile on her face and said seriously, "That's his freedom, He is now Xie Yan, legally single, and has the right to develop feelings with others, besides, he has forgotten everything now, maybe in his heart, he is Xie Yan. Coo, I think you should accept this fact Otherwise, I will be embarrassed with him. "

Rong Ting didn't speak.

Song Yuan also said, "In fact, I was very worried at the beginning. I thought you would match me with him. Shouldn't you do it now?"

Fortunately, starting from knowing the relationship between the father and the son, Rong Ting has never done anything embarrassing her, nor has she made a request to make her embarrassed, otherwise she doesn't know what to do.

Rong Ting was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, but there was matureness inconsistent with his age. "The matter of parents, as a son of man, can you make a rush decision before you know the ins and outs. I still have a lot of things I don't want to understand "After I figure out what I am confused about, then decide what I should do, that's right."

"What do you not understand?" Song Yuan was puzzled.

"Father and queen have lost their memory. No one will confuse me, but I have eyes, I have a brain, and I can see and think for myself."

"Very esoteric. Then you think about it slowly, don't worry. Even if you don't figure it out, many things in this world cannot be explained."

Rong Ting looked at his mother after he couldn't figure out several things. For example, how did the father and the queen know each other. To leave, my mother obviously loves him so much ...

"Well, don't talk about this. Your grandfather said you haven't had dinner yet. Do you want fried rice or noodles?"

"Noodles," Rong Ting said, "I want to put luncheon meat in it. I don't want to eat eggs today."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Song Yuan got up and went to the kitchen, while she was washing vegetables and cutting lunch, she was also defamated. Is she a good mother now? For the sake of a child's bite, the number of cooks per month has skyrocketed, which is very touching.

Rong Ting stood at the kitchen door, watching her mother's busy figure for herself, and couldn't help asking, "Don't you be sad, mother?"

Song Yuan was startled, turned his head, and said helplessly: "Mom is cutting luncheon meat, what's the matter later?"

Rong Ting didn't know why he asked this question.

This is strange. What is he asking? Mother, now you hear that the Emperor is with other young women, aren't you sad?

Mother, are you sad while in the palace?


Mrs. Xie has now hired an assistant to Rong Hong. This assistant is very practical and has good personal skills. However, for Rong Hong, there is still no driver Sun Qiming. He is just a driver. Sun Qiming is only a driver now. There are signs of progress towards the assistant. He knows that being a driver to the boss is completely different from being an assistant to the boss. He cherishes this opportunity, so he will try his best to do whatever Rong Hong tells him. Even if it is beyond his ability, he will find a way. After all, he has been a driver for several years for the boss, and many people in this capital are willing to sell him.

Rong Hong is sitting at his desk and reading a book.

With his current ability, it is really not suitable to go to Xie's. He still has a lot of things to learn.

"You go in my name and ask, is there anyone at Song Haiping who checked in at the resort today?"

"Good." Sun Qiming responded respectfully.