My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 73: 073

Rong Ting didn't understand Song Yuan's meaning. He didn't know the past between his parents, but he didn't know why. After listening to his mother speaking this understatement, he felt a little uncomfortable. He pursed his lips. , Holding her arm, leaning her head on her shoulders and nostalgically, she whispered, "Mother, although the father may lie to me and lie to you, but mother, I will never lie to you I will never lie to you, and I will tell you the first one if there is any secret. "

Song Yuan returned to God, listening to the childish words, and reached out and touched his face, and said quietly, "Well, that's good!"

In fact, when she found out that she was pregnant, she was extremely rejected at first, because she knew that her situation with Rong Hong was not suitable for a child, and she always felt that the child should not be a subsidiary of two people. Rong Hong was very happy at that time, perhaps in his opinion, the existence of this child made Dazheng Chao more stable, and it also provided a layer of insurance for the shaky relationship between him and her.

Exclusion is exclusion, but she will not let him disappear into this world on her own. I first entered the role of mother, probably when I felt the fetal movement. There was no checkup in ancient times. She was very scared and sometimes thought about it, especially in the third trimester, with pain in the pubic bone, and cramps in her legs. She could hardly fall asleep almost all night. Will your child be a Tang's child, and will there be any problems? The more you think about it, the more afraid you get.

Later, she was so stupid that Rong Hong gave her a guarantee that no matter whether the child was healthy or unhealthy, he could never give up the child.

She had never been a mother before that, but as the child was born, those words that former colleagues had muttered in her ears that she thought he had forgotten also gradually reappeared in her memory—

You can't eat salt before the age of one, and you can't eat honey before the age of two.

It's best to add rice cereal after six months and so on ...

"Coo, I haven't thought about telling you one thing yet," Song Yuan said, "because I know you will have many questions to ask me, and I haven't figured out how to answer, you said You wo n’t lie to your mother, and that mother wo n’t lie to you. Give me some time, okay? ”

Regarding the fact that she has recovered her memory, she did not want to hide Rong Ting, but she still needed to talk about it and think about what she should tell him about the things about her and Rong Hui.

She knows that Rong Ting has always been interested in these things, and she can't fool him with the words "This is an adult's matter and it doesn't matter to you." How can she bear it?

Rong Ting wanted to ask what it was, and wanted to know it immediately, but looking at the sorrow of grief between his mother and his mother, he could only swallow it back, and nodded very well and thoughtfully, "Okay."

After telling the biggest secret in his heart, Rong Ting was relaxed instantly. He wanted to sleep with his mother-in-law, but as a little man, he also had his own baggage. He took the initiative to climb out of bed, put on slippers, and talk to Song Yuan. After saying good night, he ran out.

Song Yuan, who has been suffering from insomnia for a few days, doesn't know why she is so relaxed tonight. After Rong Ting returned to the room, she turned off the light and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Song Yuan went to the hospital as before. She bought tickets after the Lantern Festival. It was not many days. She wanted to spend more time with her grandfather before leaving.

As soon as she drove to the hospital parking lot, her cell phone rang and it was Rong Hong's call.

She pressed the speaker directly, and the gentle male voice came over: "It's me, are you at home today? I want to accompany the court."

The latter sentence seemed to be added temporarily, and Song Yuan didn't think much about it. Both the expression and the voice were calm. "I'm not at home, but Rong Ting is at home, so you can take him."

Rong Hong: "Are you not at home?"

"Well, I have something to do today. I may not go back until the afternoon. If you want to accompany Rong Ting, you can go straight and he is at home. If you want to take him out to eat, remember not to eat spicy food. He had spicy food last time Just got angry. "

"Okay." Rong Hong wanted to ask her where she was, but she was patient.

Song Yuan picked up the bag and got out of the car. He closed the door and said to the person on the phone, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I still have something to do."

Rong Yunen said aloud.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuan walked towards the elevator.


Rong Hong still wanted to show in front of Song Yuan. After coming to the Song family, he offered to ask Rong Ting to take him to the supermarket to buy food. Although his tone was plain, he was also mixed with self-confidence. Eat outside, then I will cook for you today. "

Rong Ting looked at him stupidly, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears, and his big slick eyes stared, his face was incredible.

"Let's go." Rong Yue asked Sun Qiming to find a recipe for him. He glanced at it and it was not difficult. He learned everything from childhood to age, but it was difficult to cook a meal. Don't fall for him.

Rong Ting silently changed his snow boots, put on his hat, and went out with his father.

The father and the son didn't have much to talk about. Rong Hong would pretend in front of Rong Ting in the beginning. Now guessing that the boy has seen through him, he is too lazy to pretend.

When I came to the supermarket all the way, many people bought gifts for the New Year in the supermarket, which was very lively.

Rong Hong pushed the shopping cart over like someone else, and asked Rong Ting with interest, "Would you like to sit?"

Rong Ting shook his head quickly, with a look of caution, "No, I can go by myself."

Father Huang said he was going to cook ...

Rong Ting subconsciously covered his stomach. There doesn't seem to be instant noodles at home. Would you like to buy a bucket of instant noodles while your father is not paying attention?

Both father and son have outstanding temperament, especially Rong Hong's white hair, which becomes the focus in minutes.

Fortunately, both of them have good psychological qualities, and they are freely looked at by others intentionally or unintentionally.

"I heard your mother say that you like to eat chicken wings." Rong Huan shook around, and finally looked at the fresh area, "Let's buy some chicken wings."

Rong Ting followed him silently and went to the fresh area, watching his father Emperor looked seriously at the chicken wings stacked on the ice cubes. He didn't want to choose chicken wings for a long time, he couldn't help but speak out Remind him, "Mother and mother always take a fresh-keeping bag, then use that clip to put chicken wings into the fresh-keeping bag, and finally go there to weigh."

... that's it.

Rong Hong did not want to lose face in front of his son, and said calmly, "I just want to buy a few chicken wings."

Having said this, Rong Hong pulled a fresh-keeping bag over there, picked up the clip, and started to pick chicken wings awkwardly.

He has never bought food or cooked a meal. The ghost knows how to choose. He frowned a few chicken wings. He frowned, only to find that the smell was bad, so he hurriedly called and weighed it. Only relieved.

Rong Ting has no expectation for today's lunch.

"Your mother likes vegetables. Let's buy a handful of vegetables."

"Father Emperor ..." Looking at his father's enthusiastic choice, Rong Ting finally couldn't help but say, "That should not be green vegetables, but spring onions."

Doesn't Father Huang even know the onions?

Rong Hong's face froze. "Really?"


In fact, Rong Ting didn't know these things at the beginning, and often visited the supermarket. Song Yuan liked to carry out various science popularizations with him, so that although he was a young boy, he also knew a lot of common knowledge about shopping.

The easiest way to buy food is also difficult for both father and son.

I bought chicken wings and a bag of pakchoi. Rong Ye took Rong Ting to the fresh area again. This time I went to buy fish. It was easier to buy fish. I told the master directly what fish I want. Multiple times, the master picks one and says that the master will kill the fish if the price is satisfactory.

"What kind of fish do you usually eat?" Rong Hong bowed his head and asked his son.

"Bass is eaten a lot, and mandarin fish is eaten occasionally."

Rong Yunsi thought for a while, then said to the fish killing master: "A sea bass is enough for a family of three."

The master was very enthusiastic, "Okay!"

Hearing his father-in-law said "family of three", Rong Ting, a provocative little expert, wanted to correct him, but when it came to his lips, he felt that it was inappropriate to rebut his father-in-law to the public.

While the master was killing the fish, Rong Ting secretly and easily went to the snack area, found the instant noodles shelf, and took a bucket of instant noodles.

There are a lot of people in the supermarket today. Rong Hong pushed his shopping cart and led Rong Ting to line up behind Changlong.

Rong Ting originally thought that visiting the supermarket with his father-in-law was a very novel experience. At this moment, I thought that it would be more fun to go to the supermarket with my mother-in-law or grandfather. His mother who eats less snacks will also buy him fruit!

This is the first time that Rong Ting thinks that shopping in the supermarket can be boring.

However, even if he was dissatisfied, Rong Ting didn't show it. He glanced at the people in the queue and looked at the self-checkout area. Thinking that his father had forgotten, he pulled out and pulled his clothes.

Rong Hong looked down at his son, wondering what was happening to him.

Rong Ting whispered, "Father Emperor, there can be self-checkout over there, every time after the mother will pay the bill there, especially convenient and fast, no need to queue.

"..." Rong Hong rarely came to the supermarket at all. He didn't know much about modern things. Like the self-checkout of his son, he didn't even know how to do it. Burdens, Rong Yu also had emperor burdens, naturally he refused to shame in front of strangers.

Father and son you look at me, I look at you.

In the end Rong Hong was helpless and said solemnly: "How many words did you practice today? How long did you practice?"