My Son is a Transmigrated Prince

Chapter 74: 0

After lining up for more than ten minutes, they finally lined up to them.

This is the first time that Rong Ting has taken the manual checkout channel. The small shelves at the checkout counter are full of small commodities. He is bored and wants to see what these are.

Gum, hey, he ’s eaten, it tastes pretty good, it ’s fun to blow bubbles.

He bravely took a bottle of fruit-flavored gum and placed it on the cash register.

Seeing no response from his father, he lowered his head to see what else he could buy. After a while, he took another packet of rainbow candy and a silver box. Although it was not written on it, it should be eaten. !!

Rong Hong also knew that Rong Ting was holding things. He glanced at them, and they were all packed with colorful things, so he didn't take it seriously.

It's better to wait in line for a walk, the cashier reports the number, and he gives the money directly from the wallet. Although the queuing is slower, this method is obviously more convenient.

"Collect your receipt."

Rong Hong put the small ticket in his coat pocket, and then carried the shopping bag and left Rong Ting to leave the supermarket.

Although the supermarket has a lot of heating, there are too many people, and the air is not considered to be circulating, which makes people feel panicky and feel comfortable after coming out.

The father and son did not have the heart to go to other shopping malls and went straight home.

After returning home, Rong Ting found the bucket of instant noodles he hid and ran to the kitchen and asked, "Father, do you need my help?"

He always felt that Father Emperor seemed to be incapable of him in this matter.

Rong Hong shook his head and rolled his sleeves. "No."

Although he said no, Ke Rongting was still not assured. He moved a small bench and sat down in the kitchen. He saw that the father and the emperor were not ready to cook rice and would cook. He hurriedly reminded him, "Father, please Rice, after I look at the mother, I have to wash the rice two or three times before I cook it. "


Next, Rong Ting saw stitches and carefully told Rong Huan how to turn on the gas stove and how to turn on the range hood, which made Rong Ting very desperate. Although he didn't like to eat in the restaurant outside, he faced this situation. He wanted to say, Father, why don't we go out to eat.

But he didn't dare to say that, because Father Huang seemed to be very attached to this matter, and now he can only be thankful. Fortunately, the condiments in the kitchen are labeled. Father Huang should not treat white sugar as salt, nor Will treat vinegar as raw soy.

Although Rong Hong has no experience in cooking or cooking, he is a smart man after all. He looked at the recipes that Sun Qiming sent him. The steps above are very detailed. He went through it in his mind several times, and he was ready to start. Already.

Originally, Rong Ting had no hope or expectation for this lunch, but looking at it, he found that ... I can look forward to it a little.

The man whom Rongting admired most was his father, although after this era, he had doubts and guesses about who the father was, but this did not affect his respect.

Originally, Rong Ting had a lot of relief after telling his doubts and secrets yesterday, but now he looked at the way the father and the emperor were cooking seriously, he couldn't help thinking, he heard it from his mother-in-law The answer is nothing more than the guess of the mother-in-law. Should you ask the emperor yourself, he just wanted to ask the emperor, why do you pretend that you have amnesia and why you lied to someone ...

He didn't know if he wanted to ask, he simply came out of the kitchen, went directly to his bedroom, closed the door with his backhand, and quietly dialed his mother's phone number.

The mother-in-law said that he could ask her if he had any doubts.

In the hospital, Grandpa Song was always clamoring for something sweet. After consulting the doctor, Song Yuan went to the vending machine in the lobby of the first floor of the inpatient department. Before the money was inserted, the phone rang. , Took the phone out of her pocket and saw that the caller ID was a cute little coo. She smiled subconsciously. After picking up the phone, her voice was unconsciously much softer. "Coo, what's wrong?"

"Mother-in-law ..." Rong Ting held her phone down and lowered her voice. "I want to ask the Emperor, why do you pretend to have amnesia? Why do you lie, mother-in-law?"

Song Yuan knew that his son was a very real person, and he must find the answer to what he was puzzled about.

Although she didn't want her relationship with Rong Hong to affect him, she didn't want him to know these things deep down, but when he really wanted to find an answer, she wouldn't stop him, and remained silent for a while, She whispered, "If you really want to ask, just ask. He is your father, and your father and son should have a close relationship."

"Will the father blame me? Will he scold me?" Rong Ting asked her uncertainly.

"Did he scold you?" Song Yuan asked him back.

Rong Ting shook his head, only to find that he was talking on the phone, and hurriedly replied, "No, the father is just harsh on me, as if he never scolded me."

"If you want to ask, just ask, if he scolds you or blame you, you tell me."

After hearing this, Rong Ting was not afraid!

Yeah, it ’s different now! Before in the palace, the mother-in-law was not there, now the mother-in-law is by his side. He has a mother.

"Okay! I'll ask the emperor later!"


Rong Ting's "wait for the next" has been delayed, and it was not easy to wait until the food was cooked and served. He was already hungry, thinking about talking after dinner.

In fact, it is a skill to cook strictly according to the recipe steps, and it is difficult to make it unpalatable.

It's impossible for a perfectionist like Rong Hong to make dark dishes. He follows each recipe according to the recipe, and the final taste of braised chicken wings is okay. Steaming sea bass does not require any skills. The bucket of instant noodles bought from the supermarket was also forgotten in the corner by Rong Ting. After eating, he wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and his face was satisfied. It is not that his father ’s cooking is good, but it ’s not good after he left his mother. Far away, he just feels that ... his life is a little bit fulfilled. It is indeed a joy to eat the food made by his mother and the food made by his father.

When Rong Hong cleaned up his chopsticks and looked at his son, he still had some regrets. If he is over ten years old this kind of thing can be left to him to do.

Although there is a dishwasher, Rong Huan does not operate, so he has to roll up his sleeves again to wash the dishes himself.

Things like cooking and washing dishes are the first time in his life.

Rong Hong laughed helplessly, and he was also proud of himself, but many things that he thought he would not do when he died, have become the things he wanted to do in the years when he lost her. Such as taking care of her like an ordinary man, such as actively lowering her head.

Rong Ting has a habit of taking a nap, but today he is only with his father, and he is not afraid to take a nap anymore.

"These books can be read carefully, and some lessons can be learned." Rong Hong sat down beside him, and said in a deep voice, "A dynasty is prone to death, and many things don't need to be forced. After ten years, there will be a faint king. After the people are not talking about life, someone will overthrow it. "

"Father Emperor!" Rong Ting did not expect his father to say such a thing.

"Don't be surprised. As a prince Chu, you only need to guarantee two things. First, you will be a good emperor after you succeed. Second, you will choose an heir to Mingjun. Many people can do a little better. , But I hope you can do both. "

Holding this book, Rong Ting didn't immediately understand what the emperor meant.

He was silent for a while, and gathered the courage to turn his head and asked Rong Hong, "Father, I can't figure out one thing, can you answer?"

"What's the matter?" Rong Hong was reading the newspaper at will.

"Father, do you really remember nothing?"

Rong Hong was not surprised by this question. He knew his son and whispered, "Why do you ask?"

"I don't think you have amnesia." Rong Ting stared at him. "I didn't think it was right until you sent plum blossoms to your mother. I don't think it was a coincidence. Father, I tried you yesterday without your permission. You The performance when you saw that Guanyin Yupei has proved that you have not forgotten. I just can't figure out why you want to do this, why do you lie? "

Rong Hong was silent, then said, "You told her."

"Well, I told the mother-in-law yesterday. The mother-in-law told me that there are several kinds of lies. I don't know which one you are and I didn't figure out your intentions."

Rong Hong's face changed slightly. "What else did she say?"

Rong Ting recalled and tilted his head and said, "The mother-in-law said that you have fulfilled your responsibilities as father and king. Maybe you have your own considerations. The mother-in-law does not seem to be surprised. I asked her and she said ..."

"What did she say." Rong Huan's calmness before it even became a little nervous.

"The mother-in-law said she was used to it." Rong Ting puzzled and said to herself, "Does the grandfather often lie to his mother-in-law?"

Rong Hong was shocked inside.

Yes, he used to think that her fault was from Rong Ting, what Rong Ting said to her, now think about it, he was really wrong, because of his arrogance, he even missed the explanation. The best timing.

Even now he was surprised and panicked, but he managed to calm himself down.

His son is still waiting for him to answer questions.

Rong Hong's gaze is on his own hands, and those who want to do their best to grasp them, can these hands be grasped again?

"Father Emperor ..." Rong Ting shouted at him quietly when he saw him silent.

Rong Huan returned to God, restored his calm expression before, even with a helpless smile on his face, and he said deeply: "As long as you live, you will always encounter things that make you involuntary, I lie to you, After you lied to your mother, you did it after thinking about it. Maybe you won't understand it before long, but I hope you will never experience my involuntaryness. "

"The person who was trying to tell a lie was actually very scared and afraid that he was going wrong step by step."

"Rong Ting, I don't want to be honest, but I have no choice."

Rong Ting's expression was blank. With his current experience, he could not understand these words, just as he did not understand the habit of his mother.

Rong Yue reached out and hesitated, but still patted Rong Ting's shoulder, and smiled and said, "Father Emperor hopes that you will become a fearless and ruthless king in the future, don't be like me."