My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1025: Master Xuan

Seeing Chen Yang asking, Xuanwei gritted his teeth and said with a grimace, "Boy, you have to think clearly, if you let me go now, I can spare you. If not, my father's shot will definitely let you No dead body. "

"Give me to die? Hehe!"

Hearing Xuanwei's words, Chen Yang immediately smiled.

Xuanwei Shen said: "Boy, don't laugh, my father is the top of the foundation, you can't even do a trick in front of him."

Chen Yang laughed: "So that ’s why you took me to see your father and let him help you out."

Upon hearing this, Xuanwei was overjoyed: "This kid is really a fool. He dare to see my father. Hum, you are dead."

Although he was happy, Xuanwei didn't dare to show it on the surface.

He gritted his teeth: "My father is at Xie's. If you want to know anything, ask him."

"Okay, then ask him." Chen Yang walked towards Xuanwei and said coldly, "But before that, I'm going to abolish you first."

Xuanwei was startled and shouted, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Yang didn't make nonsense. He took a palm shot at Xuanwei's Dantian, and abolished Xuanwei's Dantian, making it a complete repair.

Xuanwei just felt that his energy was gone. He was so anxious that he yelled at Chen Yang: "You bastard! I want to kill your whole family!"


Chen Yang stunned Xuanwei with a punch.

"Let's go to Xie's house."

Chen Yang pulled An Ning and walked towards the escalator. <>

Xuanwei, Xie Wu and Xie Henghua were detained by the three brothers of Xiangjia, and they went out of the Moyun Club.

They had just walked out of the clubhouse, and a large crowd came from behind.

"Why is Xie Wu's chest gone? What did she give birth to?"

"They are holding Xie Wu and Xie Henghua. Where are they going?"

"This is the rhythm of turning your face completely with Xie's. What exactly is that young man?"

The crowd asked questions, but no one knew the answer.

Chen Yang got on the Audi a6L, An Ning sat in the co-pilot and Xiang Feifei sat in the back seat.

Xiang Hui and Xiang Jia's three brothers, holding Xuanwei, Xie Wu, and Xie Henghua, took two other military Cherokees.

Xiang Feifei directed the way, and Chen Yang drove to Xie's house.

On the way, Xiang Feifei kept staring at Chen Yang.

After looking at it for a while, she couldn't help asking: "Chen Yang, you really want to destroy the Xie family? Kill them all?"

"I'm not a killer. How could I kill anyone casually?" Chen Yang smiled and looked back at Feifei, saying, "Destroy the Xie family, not to kill them all, but to make the Xie family falter and lose The power of the past. "


Xiang Feifei answered, thinking that if Chen Yang really wanted to kill the people of Xie's family, it would be too scary.

She asked again, "Chen Yang, what on earth are you doing? Why is it so powerful?"

Before Chen Yang answered, An Ning turned back to Feifei and said, "Feifei, if you want to know the answer, then you also live in Qingyun Villa, and you know everything. <>"

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang looked at An Ning in surprise. This girl, when did you learn to help me collect the harem, it really is a good wife.

An Ning blinked at Chen Yang, and I knew your expression.

Xiang Feifei wondered: "Where is Qingyun Villa?"

An Ning laughed: "A mysterious place, if you go, you will definitely like it."


Xiang Feifei seems to be thinking, at this time the house where Xie's family has arrived has arrived.

This is not a villa.

It is indeed a manor house, because it is too big, even if it is more than the Borodes manor Chen Yang met in France.

The manor is so impressively built that there are five black security guards patrolling back and forth at the door. The walls are covered with infrared cameras and the defense is extremely strict.

Chen Yang drove directly to the iron gate.

With a bang, the iron door knocked open, and the Audi a6L opened in.

The next two Grand Cherokees were also close behind.

"What are you doing here? This is Xiejia Manor. Are you trying to die?"

"Stop them."

"Don't let them alarm Master, take them down."

The security guards shouted in panic, but the car showed no signs of diminishing. Chen Yang rushed into the hall with the brightest lights, crashed into the floor glass, and stopped the vehicle directly in the living room. <>

In the living room, two men in their fifties were talking, were startled by the car that broke in, and hurried away.

"Who is so brave, actually ... oh, military license? Xianghui's car."

"Xian Hui's car, why did it rush in?"

The origins of the two men's existing vehicles revealed doubts.

At this moment, the door opened and Chen Yang, An Ning, and Feifei came down.

Xiang Feifei whispered to Chen Yang: "This is the Xie family's eldest brother and the second child. They are in charge of the Xie family's business and political power. They are the core members of the Xie family. The Xie boss is the father of Xie Henghua and Xie Wu."

At this moment, Xie Boss and Xie Boss saw the three of Chen Yang, and they frowned.

Boss Xie, with two beards, pointed at Xiang Feifei and said angrily, "Xian Feifei, you are crazy, drive your father's car and hit our Xie family. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course she knows what she's doing."

At this time, several people from Xianghui, holding Xie Henghua, Xie Wu and Xuanwei, walked in from the outside.

"Xiang Hui? Did you direct it?"

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie were immediately stunned, and then furious.

When they saw Xie Henghua's broken arm and Xie Wu exploded, they realized that today's events are just about to make a big deal.

But soon, their anger became frightened, because they saw that Xuanwei was tied up.

If Xuanwei's dad knew about this, Xie's family would be afraid to die!

"Xuan Shao!"

Xie Boss and Xie Boss exclaimed, and rushed forward, wanting to tie Xuan Weisong loose.

He pulled out his gun to the three brothers and Shen said, "Don't move."

Seeing this battle, the Xie family was shocked and looked suspiciously at the people in Xiangjia, not knowing how they suddenly turned their faces to Xiangjia.

Boss Xie looked at Xianghui, and Shen said, "Xingxiang, what do you want to do?"

Xiang Hui pointed to Chen Yang: "I'm sorry ~ ~ I'm with General Chen."

General Chen?

Mr. Xie and Mr. Xie looked at Chen Yang, and when they turned their heads, they immediately remembered the rumored man.

However, Chen Yang could beat Xuanwei unexpectedly, which was beyond their expectation.

Boss Xie looked somber and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, do you know what you are doing? Do you know Xuan Shao's identity? You have no chance of life if you hurt him."

Chen Yang smiled, calmly walked to the sand and sat down, saying, "OK, call Xuanwei's father out, I have something to ask him."

"Asshole, how dare you disrespect Master Xuan, and die!"

"Master Xuan is a dragon among people, is it something your boy can see when he sees it?"

Mrs. Xie and Mr. Xie roared, as if Master Xuan had a higher status in their minds than their father.