My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1046: There is a magic weapon

Chen Yang arched his hand at Huang Zhengtao and laughed: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from my uncle, I really don't hide it. The reason why I want to see the four soldiers break the star formation is because this formation method is related to Hao Lan."

After hearing that, Huang Zhengtao's face changed, and he turned to look at Huang Shiyun, Shen Chan; "Shi Yun, Hao Lanju, you told Chen Yang."

Huang Shiyun busily said: "Father, I swear to God, I never reveal half a word."

As soon as the words fell, Huang Zhengtao noticed that Chen Yang's eyes were shining.

Only then did he realize that he had said something wrong, that Chen Yang did not know the existence of Haolanju beforehand.

He frowned and said to Chen Yang: "How do you know that the formation method is related to Hao Lan?"

"Because of this formation method, Hao Lan was invented by real people." Chen Yang explained the sentence, and then said, "Uncle, did you say that Hao Lan Ju was the home of Hao Lan in Tao Yuan?"

When Huang Zhengtao couldn't hide it, and really wanted Chen Yang to crack the formation, he would also go to Hao Lan Ju. He simply showed up and said to Chen Yang: "Yes, Hao Lan Ju is the place where Hao Lan lived. The four soldiers in your mouth are broken. The star array is in Haolanju, guarding Haolanju. "

After getting the confirmed answer, Chen Yang's face showed excitement, solemnly said: "In this case, please also uncle, be sure to take me to Haolanju."

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang was very calm. He could get the information of Hao Lanju, but he was so excited that Huang Zhengtao was full of doubts.

"You are an outsider. How did you know that Hao Lan is real? And why are you so interested in Hao Lan? Really, where did you get this broken sword from? In addition, your knowledge of formation, Where did you learn from? "

Huang Zhengtao looked at Chen Yang and asked several questions in a row.

He can feel that Chen Yang is very sincere, but as the owner of the Huang family, for the benefit of the entire family owner, he must understand the details of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang explained: "I got three broken pages, written by Hao Lan, and I mentioned Taoyuan in it, so I came here. My knowledge of formation methods was also learned from the residual pages. Then The broken sword is something with the residual page. For me, Hao Lan is a mystery that cannot be solved, and I am curious about everything. "

Chen Yang did not disclose "The Book of Immortals and Magic" and "The Real Life Record of Hao Lan". This is his top secret. No one knows it except for Qiao Daihan, who has long forgotten about it.

However, his explanation is enough to cope with Huang Zhengtao.

After digesting the message for a while, Huang Zhengtao's face showed solemnity and said to Chen Yang: "So you can be regarded as a true descendant of Hao Lan?"

Chen Yang said: "There is no official worship, but he is barely called his apprentice."

"I didn't expect you to have such a chance, it is enviable."

Huang Zhengtao murmured, and then said, "In this case, then I promise to take you to Hao Lan Ju, you can help us crack the matrix. If the matrix is ​​cracked, revealing the true face of Hao Lan Ju, as a reward, the treasure inside, You can choose one first. "

The things left by Hao Lan's real people must be treasures, but Huang Zhengtao was so upright that Chen Yang gave priority to picking one, which made Chen Yang admire his heart.

But admiration and admiration, the interests can not be abandoned, Chen Yang arched hands and said: "Thank you uncle."

Huang Zhengtao said: "If you help us crack the formation, the Huang family should thank you."

After that, Huang Zhengtao pushed the black light broken sword in front of Chen Yang and said, "I have seen this sword, and I believe that you are a human being. There is no need to mortgage the sword. Tomorrow night, you will go with us to Haolanju . "

"it is good."

Chen Yang was also unpretentious, and put away Heiguang Broken Sword.

Then Huang Zhengtao and Huang Shiyun went out.

When the door was closed, Huang Shiyun took a deep look at Chen Yang before closing the door.

"Second Brother, how is it?"

When Huang Zhengtao stepped out, Huang Zhengbo stepped forward and asked.

Huang Zhengtao nodded and said to everyone: "Everyone goes back to rest first, and starts tomorrow night. Chen Yang helps us break the battle."

At the Huang family, Huang Zhengtao's majesty was very high, and no one questioned his decision, and went back to his residence.

Huang Shiyun didn't leave, followed Huang Zhengtao to the study.

Upon entering the study, Huang Shiyun looked outside and saw that no one else was following her. She asked quickly: "Father, Chen Yang's broken sword is a powerful weapon?"

Just now Huang Zhengtao pulled his sword out of the sheath and retracted it into the sheath. It was done in an instant. Huang Shiyun didn't see it clearly, so he asked.

Huang Zhengtao laughed: "If it was a magic weapon, I would not believe what he said. That broken sword is a magic weapon."

"What, spirit ..."

Huang Shiyun exclaimed, covering her mouth quickly, and whispering, "It turned out to be a magical tool. It is incredible that he actually has a magical tool. We only have one magical tool in our Huang family."

Huang Zhengtao said: "In Taoyuan, even the most powerful refining masters can't make spirits. They can only make magic tools. Now there are only spiritual artifacts in Taoyuan, and five spirits kept in the hands of the five families. It was the ancestors of Zhou, Huang, He, Cao and Xuan who could only be possessed by the real people of Hao Lan. "

"Since Chen Yang can own one, it can only be said that he definitely has a relationship with Hao Lan. He also said that the four soldiers broke the star array was invented by Hao Lan, and the formation method just happened in Hao Lan Ju. That ’s what he said. That ’s why I believe he got a handwritten remnant of Hao Lan. ”

Huang Shiyun calmed down ~ ~ and shook his head, sighing: "It's a pity that the sword was broken, it is no longer a complete magic weapon, otherwise it will be more valuable."

Huang Zhengtao showed his thoughts and groaned, "Although the artifact is broken, I have a feeling that it is more powerful than the complete artifact of our Huang family. To be honest, that artifact, let I'm very moved. If we can get it, even if we don't go to Haolanju, the strength of our Huang family will greatly increase. "

Upon hearing that, Huang Shiyun's face changed, and he frowned, "Father, wouldn't you want to make Chen Yang's idea?"

"If I pay his attention, I won't return the broken artifact to him, and I won't promise him to let him choose a vast and curie treasure first."

Huang Zhengtao smiled mysteriously, his eyes radiated with wisdom, and said, "Chen Yang, who can be inherited by the real people of Hao Lan, has great opportunities; he dares to give me a magical weapon as a collateral, and he has the courage to break into it alone. Taoyuan has great courage. Such a person has a bright future. Instead of strangling, it is better to associate. "

Hearing that, Huang Shiyun was relieved immediately.

Seeing her relief, Huang Zhengtao laughed: "Shi Yun, it looks like you care about Chen Yang."