My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1085: Solve trouble

"Treasure, you've scared me. They're not dead, just dead."

Huang Shiyun breathed a sigh of relief, patted her breasts, and asked, "In this case, uncle Cai, did someone else take the shot to help them solve the problem?"

Cai Bo shook his head and groaned, "No, it was the masker who killed Xuan Yongtang and others with his own strength."


Huang Shiyun exclaimed with an incredible expression on her face, saying: "How is this possible? In the middle of the opening of Xuan Yongtang, he had four other followers, two in the early stage of Kaiguang, and two in the peak of the foundation. Strong. The masker does have some skill, but even if he is powerful, it is impossible to defeat them ?! "

"Miss, this is what I saw with my own eyes."

Cai Bo arched his hand and told Huang Shiyun everything he had seen.

After listening to it, Huang Shiyun was silent for a while, the corners of her mouth gradually evoked a radian, and she laughed, but in her mind was the scene of Chen Yang's victory over Xuan Yongtang and others.

Seeing Huang Shiyun's expression, Cai Bo knew that the lady was in love.

He also smiled, and said, "Miss, if nothing is wrong, the old slave will go down."

Huang Shiyun turned around and said to Cai Bo, "Thank you, Cai Bo."

"This is my business, why don't you thank the lady."

Cai Bo arched his hand and retreated.

Huang Shiyun glanced into the distant woods, his face was happy, his fingers were tangled, and he muttered, "I haven't seen it in three months. You are so amazing."


After Chen Yang passed on the power to He Wei, he said, "The exercises and magical powers have been passed on to you. What you can cultivate in the end depends on yourself."

"Thank you Brother Yang!"

He Wei solemnly thanked him, and then said: "Brother Yang, although I don't know your true identity, if you find my place useful in the future, despite saying, I will go all out to repay your kindness! "

Chen Yang patted He Wei's back and laughed, "I treat you as a friend, but I don't intend to get any benefit from you. In the future, I will ask you for help. Instead of repaying me, but as a friend, you should do of."

He Wei froze, his eyes beamed, and he smiled, "It's my pleasure to have a friend like Brother Yang."

Chen Yang said: "Don't be honored, let's go down the mountain."

After scavenging everything from Xuan Yongtang and others, they got three magic instruments, a few bottles of elixir, and then Chen Yang left.

However, just after taking two steps, Chen Yang stopped again.

"Hidden, someone is here again."

His complexion changed, pulling He Wei together, jumping up and hiding in a big tree.

They had just hid it, and a figure hurried over. It was Wang Jin.

Wang Jin's expression suddenly changed when he saw the bodies of Xuan Yongtang and others.

"How can this be? The two people they hunted down, one at the top of the foundation and one at the middle of the foundation, how could they not deal with it, and they died so miserably !?"

Wang Jin frowned and couldn't believe the scene he saw.

"It seems that it must be the He family who sent experts to protect He Wei in secret!"

"You shouldn't stay here for long. Hurry up!"

Wang Jin throbbed his heart and quickly turned to run.

"Don't come out."

Chen Yang whispered something to He Wei. When he was in shape, he jumped down from the tree and yelled at Wang Jin: "Stop!"

Wang Jin looked back and saw that only Chen Yang was alone. He calmed down and asked, "boy, what do you want to do?"

Chen Yang asked back: "Should you say, what are you trying to do?"

Wang Jin looked around, his eyes narrowed, and Shen said, "I don't meander. The cat kite you bought was the first I saw. I went back to get the silver, which was cheap for you. . "

Chen Yang sneered: "The cat kite grass, He Wei, Xuan Yongtang, and you, all want to be taken away from me. Unfortunately, no one of you wants to succeed!"

"What, even He Wei wants cat kite grass?" Wang Jin asked in surprise, "What about He Wei?"

"He and I have already parted ways."

Chen Yang gave a cold hum, his killing intentions rose, and he stared at Wang Jin, saying, "You actually want to grab the cat kite, then you, like Xuan Yongtang, keep your life."

Wang Jin scoffed: "Do you think you can be arrogant if you show the real practice of building the peak of the foundation?"

Chen Yang scorned: "Idiot, it's not me who fights with you. If you think that you are stronger than the five corpses on the ground, then you can continue to laugh at me."

Wang Jin throbbed his heart, and secretly said: "Since he and He Wei parted ways, then it was the person behind Xuan Yongtang who killed Xuan Yongtang! Not good, run away!"

Thinking of this, Wang Jin was so shocked that he dared to fight with Chen Yang, and turned and ran.

Like a frightened rabbit, he slammed into the jungle and ran towards the fairground.

The trade fair is not over, as long as you are there, it will be safe.

A gigantic smile arose at the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, and a broken palm slammed into Wang Jin's side, blasting all the trees into dregs.

Wang Jin was startled, and was even more convinced of his own speculation, running faster.

Seeing that Wang Jin ran farther and farther, Chen Yang did not catch up.

He glanced back at He Wei hiding in the tree, the two of them moved and ran down the mountain.

When they walked away, they slowed down, He Wei said, "Chen Yang, why did you let him go?"

Chen Yang explained: "We know Xuan Yongtang's revenge. Everyone knows the entire trade fair. And everyone knows Xuan Yongtang's nature, and he will surely guess that after the trade fair, he will hunt me down."

"I did kill that person just now. But if you do that, everyone will know that you killed me with me ~ ~ Others don't know who I am, but you're in trouble."

"So, I left that human life. At that time, if Xuan Jia were to investigate Xuan Yongtang's death, that person would pass the news on and say that it had nothing to do with you. In this way, you would have no trouble , And it's almost impossible for them to find me, an unknown person. "

After listening, He Wei suddenly realized that he praised Chen Yang for his thoughtfulness.

As they walked down the mountain, Chen Yang asked again, "Yes, do you know the identity of that person just now?"

He Wei said: "Oh, the name was just Wang Jin, a disciple from Tianchi, an alchemist, and he is a little known. His master is Luo Tu, an elder from Tianchi, known as the first alchemist of China. "

"It looks like he's not a young man."

Chen Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "To avoid trouble today, let him go. But he actually wanted to kill me and **** the cat kite grass. I will report this feud sooner or later."

He Wei looked at Chen Yang and said, "What are you doing?" ()