My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1153: Behind the scenes

Wang Bishan is not a famous mountain. The scenery here is also average, and there are wild beasts. Not many people live on the mountain.

Over the years, most of the mountain people have left and went to the city. The old people who stay in the mountains are old-fashioned.

After reaching the mountain, Miffy led Chen Yang directly to the place marked on the map.

On a hillside, Miffy pointed to the cluttered grass in front of him and said to Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, your picture of the pretty **** flower was taken here."

I do n’t know how long it has been since the shooting, the plants have grown, and the environment has changed.

Chen Yang took out the photos and compared them carefully to make sure that this is the shooting location of the pretty **** flower.

He walked over, pulled open the grass, and searched carefully.

To his regret, the wild **** flower has disappeared.

"It looks like the flower was dug up by someone else."

Chen Yang shook his head, feeling depressed.

Miffy encouraged: "We'll look around, maybe we can find other wild **** flowers."

"Try it."

Just do it and the two immediately look for it in the mountains.

However, until it was dark, there was no gain, and no **** flower was found at all.

Chen Yang glanced at the rising moon, and said to Miffy: "First go back to the village and stay tomorrow."

"it is good."

Miffy agreed, and took Chen Yang back to Mijia Village.

Mijia Village is large, but most houses are vacant and no one lives.

One of the rooms is the ancestral house of Mi Wenfeng.

Chen Yang and Miffy entered this ancestral house, because Mi Wenfeng often came back to clean, the inside was clean, and the sheets and futon were also there.

That night, the two separated from each other.

At eleven or two in the evening, in addition to the long crickets outside, occasionally a howl came, like a wild bear.

"Chen Yang, I ... I'm a little scared! I can't sleep."

Chen Yang was practicing, and suddenly Miffy's voice came from the door.

This girl, wouldn't it be scared.

Chen Yang walked over, opened the door, and saw Miffy wearing a cute pink pajamas, wrapped in a quilt, standing at the door.

He opened the door and laughed, "Go to my room and sleep, I protect you."


Miffy answered, shy, and walked into the room.

Seeing that the quilt was neatly stacked on the bed, and had not been moved at all, Miffy puzzled: "Chen Yang, why don't you sleep?"

Chen Yang said: "Let's go to bed first, I will practice."


Miffy nodded and fell asleep in bed.

She slept next to the wall, her petite body only occupying less than a third of the entire bed, leaving enough space for Chen Yang.

When she arrived in Chen Yang's room, she was not afraid at all.

But now living in the same room with Chen Yang, she had a strange feeling, and her heart fluttered and she couldn't help peeping at Chen Yang.

I don't know if I'm worried that Chen Yang will mess up, or what, Miffy can't sleep instead.

Chen Yang practiced for a while and lay on the bed.

Although the weather was cold, this degree did not affect him in any way. He did not cover the quilt and went straight to sleep.

He knew Miffy was not asleep, but didn't bother, and soon fell asleep.

Miffy heard that there was no movement next to her, and turned around, only to know that Chen Yang was asleep.

"I didn't even cover the quilt and I wasn't afraid to catch cold."

Miffy murmured, trying to pull Chen Yang's quilt and help cover it, but the quilt was suppressed by Chen Yang, she was worried about waking Chen Yang, hesitated, she unrolled her quilt and gave Chen Yang covered.

"He's still wearing clothes. He probably won't touch me."

Miffy looked at Chen Yang for a while, and fell asleep.

Chen Yang didn't need to sleep too long. He got up early the next morning.

Just waking up, he found that he had a leg on his body, and it was right in the middle of his legs.

On the arm, there was soft flesh.

Miffy fell asleep, unguarded, and hugged him tightly.

"Little Feifei, you're just tempting me!"

Chen Yang said with a defamation in her belly, she simply held Miffy in her arms and continued to fall asleep.

Of course, he wasn't really asleep, but he was enlightened in Divine Consciousness.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, Miffy woke up stupidly. She moved her body and found that she was holding Chen Yang. She was immediately awake, and quickly avoided, her face was ashamed as a red apple.

"you're awake."

Chen Yang opened his eyes and looked at Miffy.


Miffy made a noise, lowered his head, did not dare to look directly at Chen Yang's gaze, immediately got up from the bed and ran towards his own room.

Thinking that he was holding Chen Yang last night, but was also found to be too active, his face was almost lost.

After a long struggle in the heart, Miffy got dressed and planned to call Chen Yang in the past.

But just after she opened the door, Chen Yang had stood outside the door and said to her, "Miffy, I have something to do, and you should go back to the city today."

Miffy throbbed, thinking that Chen Yang wouldn't consider himself a bad girl because of her behavior that she opened last night?

After hesitating, she explained, "Chen Yang, I ... I didn't mean it last night."

"What didn't mean it?"

Chen Yang faced with doubt and immediately understood, and smiled, "You mean you took the initiative to hug me? Oh, it doesn't matter, you hug me, and I sleep well at night."

Miffy aggrieved, "You sleep well, why are you driving me away?"

Chen Yang then knew that Miffy was crooked, and he smiled: "I'm not driving you away, but something I do. It's a bit dangerous and inconvenient to take you."

After hearing this, Miffy felt better and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Yang said: "The thing about Zhu Ji's Ma Huadian is that someone has instructed me to seize behind the scenes."

Miffy worried. "Ah, then be careful."

"Rest assured, it's okay."

Chen Yang smiled, went out with Miffy, and sent Miffy to the town at the foot of the mountain. Then he returned to Wang Bishan and went straight to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain ~ ~ he saw the big pine tree that Zhu Zhongxing said from a distance.

Every time Zhu Zhongxing meets Li Yuhao or Liang Lilan, it is here.

This time, Zhu Zhongxing was ordered by Liang Lielan to meet here. The scheduled time is these days.

So Chen Yang planned to wait here and win Liang Lilan.

What surprised him was that when he reached the top of the mountain, he saw a man standing on the top of the mountain, with an impatient expression on his face, as if waiting for something.

He saw through the realm of the other party, in the mid-light.

No need to guess, this person must be Liang Lielan.

"Mr. Liang, hello."

With a smile on his face, Chen Yang greeted him.

Liang Lielan raised an eyebrow and looked at Chen Yang. Shen said, "Who are you?" ()