My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1293: Practice

Nangong Fengyin's attack is obviously more powerful than Nangong Yunmeng.

In addition, the imaginary shadow on her head is more condensed, and she has a deeper understanding than Nangong Yunmeng and Nangong Feiyu.

However, she did not succeed in cutting the rattan with a trick of "Going against the waves".

The three arrows intercepted at the same time, and the tsunami-like turbulent sword gas was instantly crushed by the flames, leaving no residue.

"This fire arrow is so strong!"

Nangong Feng Yin Xiu's eyebrows narrowed slightly, brushing the sword into the sheath.

In the blow just now, although she did not use her full strength, she also used 80% of her strength.

Bacheng's strength is useless, and she doesn't need to try with all her strength.

She glanced at Chen Yang and shook her head: "There is no way for the attack to reach the wall. It is impossible to destroy the rattan."

Chen Yang said: "I'll try."

Hearing that everyone frowned.

Chen Yang is just at the top of his peak. Even if he can fight beyond the ranks, his combat power cannot be stronger than Nangong Yunmeng and Nangong Fengyin.

Nangong Yunmeng's attack could not pass through the hall, how could Chen Yang do it?

"I'll see what you can do."

Nangong Feiyu said secretly, staring coldly at Chen Yang, waiting to see him ugly.

In the eyes of everyone's doubt, Chen Yang suddenly waved toward the left wall outside the passage.

A touch of infuriating waves came, but no palm shadow came out.

But the next moment, the void trembled in front of the wall, and a huge palm shadow appeared out of nowhere. Grabbing it towards the rattan, it was a second form of broken palm: Dragon Claw Hand.

Everyone's eyes brightened, and then they remembered that Chen Yang's previous blow to Nangong Xiaoxiao into the small world was exactly the trick used at this moment.

This move can penetrate the distance of the void, but it can avoid the attack of the fire arrows.

Everyone's face showed joy, thinking that the rattan was about to be destroyed, and the natural runes were about to be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the palm shadow was about to grab the rattan, and a flame barrier appeared, blocking the palm shadow.

The barrier is not very strong, deformed by the palm shadow, it seems to be broken in the next moment.

But at this moment's pause, the flame arrow had already appeared.


The dragon claw hands were smashed by the arrows, and the anger flowed in the hall.

"It's a pity, almost."

Everyone showed disappointment, and looked at Chen Yang, waiting for him to continue the next attempt.

Chen Yang didn't say much. Immediately, Qi Xing could run, and a Star Claw dragon claw was used.

With this blow, he shot with all his strength, trying to break the flame barrier and destroy the rattan.

A palm shadow containing a ray of blue star energy appeared and exploded above the flame barrier, which slightly resisted and burst.

However, it is still slow.

The flame arrows appeared, destroying the Star Neck Dragon's Claw.

Nangong Yunmeng shook his head and sighed: "It seems that it still doesn't work, you must instantly break through the flame barrier and destroy the rattan rune at the same time."

Chen Yang said: "I will try again."

After hearing that, everyone was full of expectations.

At the same time, they were a little puzzled. Chen Yang tried his best to destroy the rattan. Is there any other way?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Chen Yang was out.

A stellar dragon claw hand broke the flame barrier.

Suddenly, Xingneng's claw hands were also smashed by the flame arrows.

The moment the arrow passed through the hand of the dragon claw, suddenly, another palm shadow emerged and went straight to the rattan rune on the wall.

Everyone's eyes brightened before they understood what was going on.

In the first palm, Chen Yang broke through the flame barrier, attracting flame arrows.

In the second palm, without the defense of the flame barrier, the palm shadow can directly blast on the rattan rune.

"It's done!"

Everyone was excited, and victory was in sight.

However, the palm shadow was about to explode the rattan, and suddenly, something went wrong.

The flame barrier that was just shattered only spawned again in an instant, blocking the palm shadow.

In the second palm, in order to pursue speed, Chen Yang used only ordinary broken palms, not powerful.

Palm Shadow didn't even shake the flame barrier, the next moment, he was smashed by the flame arrows.

The hope just ignited went out again, and everyone shook his head and sighed.

Chen Yang looked thoughtfully, and groaned: "The flame barrier is forming too fast. Before the arrow of flames strikes, you must break the barrier with one palm and tear the rattan."

Nangong Yunmeng said, "However, you have exerted all your strength, and the power of the palm shadow is still a bit weak."

Nangong Feng Yin said: "Are there any other ways?"

Chen Yang said: "If you want to pass here, you can only destroy natural runes."

The crowd was in distress. The attack power of Nangong Yunmeng and Nangong Fengyin was stronger than Chen Yang, but the magical power could not pass through the void.

If you want to destroy the rattan, you still have to rely on Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang's power was a little worse.

After being silent, Chen Yang said, "There is one way. I am practicing now, and I am struggling with the border of Dan. I will definitely be able to break through the flame barrier and rattan runes with one hand."

Nangong Feng Yinmei jumped her eyes and said, "Since this is the case, there is only this way."

After saying that, Nangong Fengyin took out a dan bottle and said to Chen Yang: "There are some 'blood silk liu ming dan' in it that can assist in cultivation and speed up the rate of true qi condensate. You take it."


Everyone is now riding in the same boat. Chen Yang is also polite, thanks and accepts the Dan bottle.

Nangong Yunmeng took out a azure elixir and said to Chen Yang: "This is‘ blue sea is really dan ’. It ’s used to impact the realm of dandan. You can use it.”

"it is good!"

Chen Yang nodded and took the elixir.

These resources are not available on earth.

With Chen Yang's current alchemy, he can't make these two elixir.

Nangong Yunmeng didn't seem to be enough, and said to others: "Do you have any elixir that you can use? Hurry up and give it to Chen Yang."

Everyone had medicine and spirits available, and they took it out.

Can I pass the main hall at this moment ~ ~ I hope it is on Chen Yang, most people are not hiding.

However, four of them just watched and did nothing.

Of these four people, one was Nangong Feiyu, and the other three were children of the elders. They were regarded as Nangong Feiyu's followers.

Chen Yang repeatedly confronted Nangong Feiyu. They naturally did not want to help Chen Yang.

But it doesn't matter if they have their resources. Now Chen Yang has enough resources.

Elixir, Lingcao, Yipin Lingshi.

Adding these things together, he is confident that he can advance to a new level within twenty days.

Speaking of which, his cultivation speed is getting faster and faster, showing an extraordinary cultivation talent, much stronger than before.

He always felt that his talent was being tapped step by step.

Maybe one day, when the talent is fully turned on, he will be surprised.