My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1354: Into the cave

Wang Yan faced solemnly, and said to Chen Yang: "I didn't know the identity of Zhong Sihao and Liao Zhi, but I asked my brother in the door in the afternoon, and then I knew that they were both infamous in the northern desert. "

"Bei Mo double evil?" Chen Yang shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

Wang Yan froze, and then smiled bitterly.

The name of Bei Mo Shuang Evil is so loud that Chen Yang didn't even know it. This is justified.

She explained: "Northern deserts and double evils are practitioners in the north of Outer Mongolia. Because of their proximity to Huaxia and the prosperity of their practice, they have spent most of their time in Huaxia. The two men are strong, fierce and often work Murder and fortune are by no means good people. "

"I'm a disciple of the Tianchi school. They are afraid of the Tianchi school. They won't take me. But you have no background. Now you hit them. With their style of behavior, they will definitely try to kill you."

Hearing that, Chen Yang Shen said: "It turned out that there were two murderers. No wonder the heart was poisoned. It was only a small conflict that I wanted my life."

Seeing that Chen Yang's expression was calm and he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, Wang Yan anxiously said, "While they are not coming back, you should go quickly. Otherwise, they will kill you if you kill Bai Qi."

"Rest assured, they can't kill me."

Chen Yang smiled lightly.

Wang Yan frowned, and eagerly said, "Why are you stubborn and insane? You only opened up in the early days. When the two of them ended up in the middle, where are you your opponent?"

She also wanted to persuade, but Zhong Sihao and Liao Zhi came over.

Wang Yan's heart jumped, and she quickly stopped her words, afraid that they would be heard by Zhong Sihao.

She took a step forward, faintly protecting Chen Yang behind her, and said to Zhong Sihao: "Two seniors, come back so soon. Didn't you find Bai Qi?"

Zhong Sihao shook his head and said, "The cave is empty and there are no traces of life, let alone nothing. Wang Yan, are you wrong?"

Wang Yan thought for a moment, and said positively, "Impossible, I definitely found Bai Qi there."

Liao Zhidao: "Will we go the wrong cave?"

"It is indeed possible." Zhong Sihao nodded and said to Wang Yan: "Otherwise, you lead the way and take us to the cave."

Wang Yan looked back at Chen Yang and hesitated before agreeing: "Okay, Senior Zhong, Senior Liao, please follow me."

After speaking, she pulled Chen Yang down and motioned to Chen Yang to follow.

Under her leadership, the four entered the valley and reached a cave that was not hidden.

Chen Yang glanced into the dark cave. Although he could not see anything, he felt a faint demon.

This enchantment is so pure that it is by no means comparable to ordinary monsters.

Moreover, the spirit is active, there are monsters in the cave.

"Bai Qi should be inside."

Chen Yang looked intently, looked back at Zhong Sihao and Liao Zhi, and said secretly: "These two people, the realm of the mid-dandan period, must have sensed an active demon, knowing that Bai Qi is inside. They let Wang Yan lead the way. , Absolutely uneasy. "

Chen Yang was thinking so, Zhong Sihao said to Wang Yan, "This is the cave we just entered. There is nothing inside."

Wang Yan frowned, wondering: "No, I clearly saw Bai Qi go in. Also, the cave is faint, maybe Bai Qi has left."

Wang Yan's realm is not high. She is not so keen on the induction of qi, so naturally she can't find the activity of qi.

But she was sure that there was enchantment inside.

Liao Zhidao: "Wang Yan, since you don't believe it, you and Chen Yang go in and see for yourself, and you know we are telling the truth."

Wen Yan said that there was a chill in Chen Yang's eyes. I still don't know what Liao Zhi's intention was.

They not only wanted to kill Chen Yang, but also killed Wang Yan.

"These two are extremely poisonous and must not stay."

Chen Yang's heart was killing, but the surface remained calm and said to Wang Yan: "You stay here, let me take a look at the cave. As you said, maybe Bai Qi has already left."

Wang Yan worried: "Chen Yang, if you go in alone, there will be no danger."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Rest assured, Senior Liao and Senior Zhong didn't say anything, there was nothing in it, it was dangerous."

Seeing this, Liao Zhi and Zhong Sihao frowned.

Before they heard the conversation between Wang Yan and Chen Yang, they saw that Wang Yan was protecting Chen Yang. They were unhappy, so they decided to use their free hands to kill both of them.

Although Wang Yan was a member of the Tianchi faction, she was killed by Bai Qi. Even when Tianchi faction was investigated at that time, Liao Zhi could not be held accountable.

So they found that the demons were active in the cave and did not go in. Instead, they came to seduce Wang Yan and Chen Yang to enter, and when Bai Qi beheaded and killed the two, they shot Bai Bai.

But they did not expect that Chen Yang actually wanted to enter the cave alone.

In this way, Wang Yan cannot be killed.

As for killing Wang Yan yourself, this is even more undesirable. After all, it is easy to find the difference between being killed by monsters and being killed by humans.

Liao Zhi changed his mind and said to Wang Yan, "It's better to go into the cave to see for yourself. Otherwise, you think we are lying to you."

Zhong Sihao also said: "Yes, Wan Tianchi thought that the two of us quietly killed Bai Qi and took away the materials, it would be bad."

Seeing the two insistence on letting them into the cave, Wang Yan also felt something wrong.

But the two seniors said so, she is not easy to refute.

At this moment, Chen Yang said, "Senior Zhong, Senior Liao, you enter the cave with me. If you encounter any danger, you can still take care of me. If Wang Yan asks her, let her take the wind here, in case nothing happens When she comes back, she can inform us. "

Hearing this, Wang Yan's complexion changed greatly.

Is Chen Yang crazy? If he went into the cave with Zhong Sihao and Liao Zhi alone, wouldn't they give them a chance to kill them?

"Why not?"

Chen Yang smiled and walked straight into the cave, saying: "Relax, there is Senior Liao and Senior Zhong, I will be fine."

Liao Zhi and Zhong Sihao looked at each other and decided to let Wang Yan go for a while, and go into the cave with Chen Yang first, and then remove Chen Yang.

"That being the case, let's go in with him and protect him."

Zhong Sihao and Liao Zhi spoke to Wang Yan in a grand manner, and then entered the cave.

Watching the three disappear into the dark cave, Wang Yan stomped anxiously.

She couldn't figure it out. During Chen Yang's analysis, she showed a high level of wisdom. But now that she knows that Liao Zhi is worried, why does he want to join himself?

Wang Yan sighed and shook her head: "Chen Yang is miserable. I'm afraid this trip into the cave. He has never returned."