My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1540: Flowering stage

Chen Yang looked at the letter again carefully and did not get any useful information. As for what the Western Fire Church did in the Daxia Dynasty, he did not mention it.

"Forget it, talk to the Daxia Dynasty first."

Chen Yang burned all the letters, and useful things such as black fire orders and spirit stones were included in the ring.

He rested in the cave for one night, and the next day he continued his journey.

Unconsciously, seven days passed.

Chen Yang kept his physical strength, and his speed was not anxious or slow, but for seven days, he still drove thousands of miles, entered the Zhou Dynasty from the Empire District, and then entered the Izumo country.

On the way, except for a few extraordinary triple monsters, which caused him a little hindrance, he did not encounter any trouble.

As for the few extraordinary monsters, it was cheaper for him, and Yaodan and materials were collected by him.

On this day, the straight line to the Daxia Dynasty coincides with the curved official road.

Several dozen miles away, Chen Yang saw a post station in front of him.

"Take a rest at the post and continue on your way."

Chen Yang decided so and flew towards the post.


Izumo has a much larger population than Anyang City and Heling City.

Little post station with almost no vacancies.

The stables in front of the station were tied to a horse, and many of them were gazing at the fire.

Inside the station, three people sat at a table in East Point.

Around this table, a separate space was formed. There were obviously several tables, but no one was seated.

Many people wanted to walk over, but were stopped by the postmaster Xiao Er, and whispered, "Don't go there. The old man at that table is extraordinary and sixty, and has a bad temper. Someone sat next to them, and the voice was a little louder. He was beheaded. "

Everyone looked at the ground, and sure enough there was still blood.

In this case, naturally, no one wants to provoke an extraordinary six-level master, preferring to stand outside the door for two sips of tea, rather than sit there and ask for nothing.

"Senior Hua, we have been chasing for five days, but Chen Yang has not been seen yet. Is he not in the official way?"

Speaking, it is Zhou Huai'an, the main city of Anyang.

He hated Chen Yang, so after seeing Hua Ziqi, he decided to come and chase Chen Yang together, and to watch Chen Yang killed.

Two other people sitting next to him, one was Zhou Zijie, and the other was naturally Huazi Period.

The flowering period is about seventy years old, but it is not very old, just some vicissitudes.

He was wearing a black robe, without trimming, a thin, dark face with a few scars, and his eyes were cold, giving a very dangerous feeling.

Facing Zhou Huai'an's speculation, Hua Ziqi took a sip of wine, and said lightly: "I have seen the map and went straight from Anyang City to the Daxia Dynasty. The route will coincide with the official road here. Even if Chen Yang goes straight, he will pass Here. For so many days in a row, he will definitely enter this station and take a short break. We will wait here and meet him. "

Zhou Huai'an nodded his head and said, "Everything is heard by the seniors."

Zhou Zijie next to him had a look of resentment, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, even if we can't wait for Chen Yang, we have to chase the Daxia Dynasty and take down his dog's head."

Hua Ziqi glanced at Zhou Zijie, his cold eyes flashed coldly, and he said: "Chen Yang, dare to abandon your Dantian, this is the face of my Hua Ziqi. This person, no matter what, I won't let him go. "

Zhou Huai'an asked, "Is there any way to recover from Hua Dan, Zi Jie's Dan Tian?"

"In the hands of a truly powerful rune master, restoring Dantian is nothing more."

Hanako honed the wine glass in her hand, and then said, "When Chen Yang is killed, I will find a way to go to the Rune Guild and get the potion to restore Dantian."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Huai'an was grateful: "Thank you Senior Hua."

Zhou Zijie also arched his hand and said, "Tough master."

Hua Ziqi said to Zhou Zijie, "You are my apprentice, and of course I want to help you."


"Secondary, is there any place?"

Chen Yang saw the entrance of the station full of people, the first sentence after entering the store, was to ask Xiao Er if there is a place.

As soon as he had finished the conversation, he saw a few corners and there were several vacancies.

He was walking towards it, but stopped suddenly.

Because he could see the three people sitting in the east corner clearly.

"Zhou Huai'an, Zhou Zijie, are they chasing me? Who is the other one? It's an extraordinary sixfold, but it's a bit troublesome."

Chen Yang sank and pondered the countermeasures.

If he uses the wrath of the sky, he will not be unable to fight the Super Six.

However, the wrath of the sky cannot be easily used, and it must be kept strictly confidential.

After all, a man is guilty and guilty of guilt. If the realm of the sky's wrath exists in the realm of Zifu and even the soul, with Chen Yang's current strength, not only can he not protect the sky's wrath, but he will also be in danger.

You can't kill so many people in the station for the sake of confidentiality.

Although there are also murderers, most of them are innocent people.

"Chen Yang!"

Just as Chen Yang was thinking about it, Zhou Zijie stood up tensely, and roared towards him.

Although Zhou Zijie was totally lost, he still had a loud voice.

He heard the roar in the station, and although some people were dissatisfied, when they saw it from the East Corner table, they quickly swallowed the words they wanted to drink and scold.

"You are Chen Yang ?!"

Hanako put down her wine glass, grabbed the sword on the table, and slowly stood up, looking at Chen Yang standing at the entrance of the station.

Suddenly, a cold breath enveloped the station.

The extraordinary six-fold coercion immediately put the audience into a dead silence, and everyone felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Some of them who are weaker are even more difficult to breathe.

The crowd couldn't help looking at Chen Yang, and frowned, saying that what the boy in the middle of Dandan had done, had offended the extraordinary sixfold.

There is a huge difference between the realms of the two. In the middle of Dandan, there must be no doubt.

However, ~ ~ surprised everyone, that in the middle of that period, Jiedan faced the extraordinary sixfold, but did not show the slightest fear, and looked very calm.

"who are you?"

Chen Yang asked Shen Sheng looking at Huazi.

Uh ...

Hanako slowly pulled out the sword in her hand, and the sound of the friction between the blade and the scabbard was very harsh, making the scalp numb. At the moment, there was a gloomy feeling in the quiet post.

He did not say to Chen Yang until the sword came out of the sheath: "I'm Zijie's master."

Chen Yang glanced at Zhou Zijie and said with a smile, "So to say, small fights, but old ones now? But it doesn't matter, even if you go together, the same result."

Hearing that the people inside the station sighed in his heart, this kid is crazy.

As soon as Hanzi was looking cold, he waved his sword towards Chen Yang and yelled, "Boy, I have to look at it. After I cut off your tongue, can you still speak like crazy?"