My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1541: 1 Arrow of Prestige

Seeing Huazi's shot, Chen Yang's anger and stars could run, and the speed was maximized, and the stunned man flew back out of the station and walked away.

"Stop me!"

When Hua Ziqi saw Chen Yang's arrogance and arrogance, he thought that he would fight directly, but he did not expect to run away. He sighed and followed closely.

But in the blink of an eye, both of them have gone away, and the figure disappeared into the distant forest.

"Father, quickly follow me."

Zhou Zijie hurriedly said.

Zhou Huai'an held him in one hand, rushed out of the post, rose into the air, and caught up.

When they all left, the people in the station were relieved.

Especially the boss, he almost thought that there was going to be a war. When the post was destroyed, his loss would be great.

"I thought how powerful the mid-dandan period was. It turned out to be a bluff, but it finally ran away."

"In the face of Super Six, what can he do if he doesn't run?"

"It's useless to run, he will be caught up later, and he can't escape."

"Well, let's catch up and see."

"Crazy you, that extraordinary old man with a weird temperament is very uncomfortable. In case he is angry, he kills the bystanders, and he is worth the money."

"Then we wait at the station and see how it turns out."

Everyone inside the station talked about it. Except for those who were in a hurry to leave, some people who originally planned to hurry up stayed and wanted to see how it ended.

Chen Yang reached his extreme speed. While flying, he took out the oxygen mask in the ring and covered the cannon on his face.

When leaving the earth, Chen Yang brought a lot of things.

Most of the things, he was prepared for the occasional need.

The oxygen mask wasn't intended for a cannon. Who knows it's coming in handy now.

Fortunately, cannons often take mirabilis, and now they are getting smarter. Otherwise, they might break the oxygen mask as a toy.

"You stay by yourself. Don't take this thing on your face. I will let you out when I have resolved the trouble."

The oxygen hood prepared the cannon, and Chen Yang told him that the cannon actually nodded, indicating that he understood.

"How do you look like a dog, you won't become a monster in the future."

Chen Yang glared at the cannon, and then put the cannon into the ring.

Speaking of which, although Najie has a storage function, it cannot survive without oxygen.

If a device for generating oxygen can be built in the ring, Chen Yang can take the cannon, it will be much easier. Don't worry about the cannon being accidentally injured when you fight.

At this moment, it is not when I think about this, the qi fluctuations behind him are getting stronger and stronger, and the distance of the flowering period is rapidly approaching.

Seeing that he had entered the depths of the forest, Chen Yang was aware of the situation and found no one around him. He landed suddenly and stopped.

"Boy, why don't you run away!"

Hanako Kisaki chased him, holding a sharp sword, sullen eyes, staring at Chen Yang stubbornly.

He didn't hesitate and shot suddenly.

"Jian Yufei flowers."

His long sword trembled, and there were small dots of qi in the void.

Immediately afterwards, he cut his sword towards Chen Yang.

Those infuriating points, powerful and horrifying, condensed with the sword, like scattered pieces of footage, but densely like rain, headed straight for Chen Yang.

The powerful air waves are generated with "Jianyufeihua". The surrounding woods are instantly crushed by the air waves, as if they were blown by a typhoon.

Such a terrible power, when Chen Yang faced Bai Qi last time, Bai Qi showed the monster body to achieve such great power.

Of course, the body of the nine-headed wolf emperor monster is much stronger than the flower period in front of him.

"You're crazy, now see if you can block this sword."

With the move, Hanako said coldly.

Chen Yang had already planned, but he didn't panic.

As soon as he was conscious, the wrath of the sky appeared in his hands, the dark bow arms, flowing the light of dark red magma, and the red bow strings of flames, releasing a faint wave of energy.

Although the arrow has not been released, when the wrath of the sky bursts out, the terrible strength of the mysterious starfield has changed the look of Huazi Period.

"Awesome bow and arrow, is it heavenly ?!"

Hanako exclaimed, and then she showed greed.

In his vision, naturally, he did not know that the bow and arrow in front of him was the secret treasure of the stars.

And he has not heard of the name of Starcraft Treasure, which is also a problem.

"Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains."

Hanako couldn't help feeling excited.

Skycraft is very rare. If he can get one, he will definitely increase his strength.

Even if he got this bow and arrow, he was willing to give up practicing swordsmanship and practice bow and arrow instead.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Suddenly, the raging flames vanished around Chen Yang's body.

"The flames have reached the second confluence, and you really are a genius."

Seeing this, Hanako praised it secretly.

However, his "Jian Yu Fei Hua" was about to hit Chen Yang.

In his opinion, Chen Yang will die the next moment, no matter how strong his talent, it will not help.

The sword Yu Feihua attacked from the opposite side zoomed rapidly in Chen Yang's pupil.

He looked calm and put his fingers on the bowstring.

When he pulled the bowstring, the star could be evacuated instantly, and a dark red arrow was formed on the wrath of the sky.

The moment the arrows were formed, the horrible power turned out to be even the aura in the air.

"So strong!"

The heart of Hanako shivered, and her face was horrified.

"This is not a celestial device. The celestial device does not have such a powerful power. Is it ... this is a mysterious device!"

There was a flash of light in Hanako's eyes, and my heart became more excited.

Mystery, this is a legendary thing. If it can be obtained, Hua Ziqi believes that he can even fight the Purple House.

A lot of human thoughts arise, but everything happens in an instant.

When Chen Yang saw "Jianyu Feihua" approaching him, he released the bowstring.


The arrows of the wrath of the sky shot out violently and turned into a dim light, striking on the "Sword Rain Flying Flowers".

The energetic "Jian Yu Fei Hua" collapsed instantly.

Even the turbulent flow of qi didn't happen ~ ~ Everything was completely crushed and turned into nothingness at the moment when the arrows of the wrath of the sky passed.


The look of Huanzi changed, and her eyes were full of horror.

He had tried to overestimate the power of the bow and arrow, but it was still far beyond his expectations.

He weighed it a little and determined that he couldn't stop the arrow.

He had just won the ticket and he did not hesitate to turn around and run immediately.

The nine-headed wolf emperor was able to escape the angry arrows of the sky because he possessed the talent of monsters.

Now he has changed the flower period, but he can't.

In an instant, Arrows caught up with him.

He only felt the power behind him, unfathomable, and quickly slashed his blade, slashing backwards, trying to block the arrows.