My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1630: Demolition bridge across the river

Chen Yang sat on a fire-drawn carriage and went directly back to Yangwang Mansion.

It wasn't just him who came down from the fire-drawn carriage, but also Chen Zhongzhi, the thirteenth king.

After getting off the bus, Chen Yang immediately brought Chen Zhongzhi into the room.

The two sat down and Chen Yang respectfully said, "Uncle Thirteen, temporarily settle here first, and when the limelight passes, I will send you out of the city."

Chen Zhongzhi said, "Thank you, Yanger."

Chen Yang apologized: "Uncle Thirteen, if you are not me, you don't have to leave the capital, how can I stand your thanks."

Chen Zhongzhi smiled bitterly: "It was I who lost my mind for a while and joined the West Fire Church. This ended. But it is a pity that I have only been in contact with the Brothers of the Four Emperors and do not understand the information of the West Fire Church. Otherwise, I can help Father, beware of West Fire teaching. "

Chen Yang said: "Joining the West Fire is not a psychological imbalance, but Chen Hong is aggressive."

Chen Zhongzhi's eyes flashed a cold color, and Shen said, "It's just a pity that I can't avenge myself."

Chen Yang thought about it, and took out a practice method from the appellation and handed it to Chen Zhongzhi: "Uncle Thirteen Emperor, this practice method is called" Breaking Divine Gong ". The practice is very difficult, and the success rate of training is less than One millionth. However, if you do this, it is not difficult for you to kill Chen Hongyu. "

This "Breaking Divine Gong" is a method recorded in the fairy magic book. Chen Yang had already copied it by hand, but did not practice it.

Although "Breaking Power" is powerful, it is far worse than "Nine Turns to the Stars".

Of course, in Chong Wuxing, "Breaking Divine Gong" is definitely the top skill.

Chen Chongzhi took the "Broken Divine Gong", looked it over, his eyes were full of surprise, and said: "Great skills, Yanger, but you gave me a great gift."

Looking at "Breaking Power", Chen Zhong was excited for a while, and even let Chen Yang arrange a room for him and started practicing.


the next day.

Chen Hongzhang came out of the palace and returned to the palace.

He sat in the study and groaned, "Chen Zhongzhi was executed. Is it true or not?"

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, Chen Zhongzhi's talents are average. Even if he didn't die, after losing the royal resources, his growth will be slower and he won't be able to find any spray."

"However, Chen Yang is a trouble. Even two extraordinary quintuples cannot kill him. How strong is his strength?"

"Also, he is at the peak of his current state. If he is allowed to develop, the future may threaten my child's status."

"Anyway, we must look for opportunities to get rid of Chen Yang."

Just thinking about it, Chen Hongyan frowned again.

Just came into the palace to meet Chen Ao. In addition to telling him that Chen Zhongzhi was dead, Chen Ao also warned him that if Chen Yang was killed in Daxia, all responsibilities would be borne by him.

This statement has been made very clear. Chen Ao knows that Chen Hongzhang is making troubles behind his back. He let him go last time, and he will not indulge in the future.

"It seems that if you want to kill Chen Yang, you can only wait for him to go out of Daxia."

Chen Hongzhen's eyes flashed cold, cold and fierce.

He left the study and came to Chen Bai's room.

Looking at Chen Bai, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he sank in his heart and murmured, "God attack? Who is it?"


With the passage of time, the medicine of Tonglai Chamber of Commerce was gradually introduced. In addition to the medicines of the other grades, the medicines of other grades formed a monopoly, occupying the whole medicine market in Wangdu.

Now when you come to the Chamber of Commerce, the daily sales of elixir can be described as daily gold.

Although other chambers of commerce are jealous, there is nothing they can do.

Even other chambers of commerce joined together to invite Hou Yushan, president of the Rune Guild, to crack the elixir of Tonglai Chamber of Commerce, but there was still little progress.

In this way, the other chambers of commerce in Wangdu have completely lost their living space, and they have become the sole proprietor of the chamber of commerce.

However, although there is no threat from the outside, there are contradictions within Tonglai Chamber of Commerce.

Inside the Chamber.

The big treasurer Guan Heju said, Shen Sheng said, "This elixir business, whether it is in materials, refining, sales, etc., is done by our Tonglai Chamber of Commerce. We worked hard, and finally got the income. But I want to give others 70% of the money in vain. I cannot accept this. "

"Yes, second boss, this division is too big, it's not fair to us."

"Second boss, you shouldn't have agreed to this condition."

Regarding Guan Heju's views, the other two also echoed.

There was a look of discomfort in his eyes, and he groaned, "So how do you think?"

Guan He cried, "In my opinion, the man was sitting on a fishing boat, and at most he gave him half of his income, which was already kind to him."

"Half done!"

Exclaimed, and then laughed: "Hahaha, Guan Heju, haven't you seen clearly, why can we monopolize the elixir market? Why can we make money?"

Guan He cried, "Of course I see clearly ~ ~ Because we refining the alchemy, we sell, everything we do."


Lengheng said, "Yes, we are doing things. But the core Danfang is provided by others, and the sales model is also proposed by others. Without Danfang, what do you think we can get?"

Guan He lifted a sneer: "Dan Fang is on your body. We want to refining Dan. Is there anybody who can't stop it? I said just now that the half of the income given to that person is already a favor.

His face was cold: "You mean, you want to cross the river to dismantle the bridge and kick our partner?"

"Don't speak so badly." Guan He held up: "For more than a month, the income of the medicine has been distributed to him at least 80,000 spirit stones. According to this, this amount is not small, even if he has a big appetite, I'm afraid I'm full too. Now is the time to let him out. "


He vetoed, saying: "At the time I signed the agreement with him, we naturally have to abide by the agreement. Although the Tonglai Chamber of Commerce is savvy, it has always been a fair business. When did this insidious thing happen. , It must be a laughingstock. "

Guan He smiled disapprovingly and said, "Now Dan Fang is in your hands, we only need to terminate the agreement with that person, and then you hand over Dan Fang, we will refining as usual, and rename the medicine. Did n’t this elixir have been developed by ourselves? ”

When I heard this, I couldn't hold it, I patted it on the table, and said angrily, "Guan Heju, you are too much."

"Excessive? Huh, this is for the benefit of the chamber of commerce. Is it just like you, that 70% of the income you give to others is free?"

Guan He lifted his face and looked up, and stood up and said coldly, "In addition, I tell you, Shun'an City Tonglai Chamber of Commerce, I am the boss!"