My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1690: Different concept

Chen Yang raised an eyebrow and asked Tax: "Duan Yifeng's uncle is an elder, who is it?"

Tax Road: "His uncle's talent is not particularly high, but after entering Yaoling Branch, his performance has been good. Finally, he stayed in Yaoling Branch and became a white robe elder. The cultivation is a purple house, and his strength is probably about Mushan The elder is almost the same. His name, I remember, is called Duan ... By the way, Duan Chengchun. "

Chen Yang groaned: "I killed Duan Yifeng. It seems that his uncle would find me in trouble."

"On the bright side, he won't take you, but secretly, it will definitely embarrass you."

The tax did not go too deep, but the word "embarrassment" meant that Duan Chengchun might try to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded. He was at Yaoling Branch and had to be careful.

He changed the subject, took out the identity token of Yaoling Branch, and asked, "Yes, taxes, what are these contribution points?"

Tax Road: "Contribution points are more useful. At Yaoling Branch, in addition to the regular training resources in the hospital, other things must be contributed points in exchange. Different resources require different contribution points. A hundred points of contribution, not much to say, but for freshmen who have just entered the branch, it is already considerable. "

Resources, that is, spiritual stones, elixir, cheats for exercises and so on.

Chen Yang is really not short of these things.

However, although there is no shortage of elixir, some rare cultivation resources are still worth the contribution points.

For example, Ling Wang Shui is not made by Chen Yang.

Therefore, the contribution point is still very useful.

Just as Chen Yang spoke with the tax, the reward was released, and Elder Solitary Evangelist said to everyone: "You can become the top ten heroes in each region and have fully demonstrated your strength in the same stage. There will also be an assessment to really determine your talents. "

"Now, one by one, you enter the Longwu Palace one by one in order to test your talents. After entering, someone will naturally lead you."

As soon as the words fell, the closed gate of Longwu Hall creaked open.

There was nothing in the black hole in it.

Under the arrangement of Elder Mushan and other elders in white robes, everyone entered the Longwu Palace one by one. Each person did not consume much time, and came out in about ten minutes.

Strangely enough, almost everyone has ten minutes, no more and no less, and it doesn't look like a coincidence.

As for what was born inside, it seemed that they were concealing it intentionally, and no one said.

After a while, it was Chen Yang's turn.

He walked into the Longwu Palace, stepped into the dark space, and the scene in front of him changed into a desert.

Looking out, it is the boundless yellow sand.

"Fantasy ?!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked behind him. Where was the gate of the Longwu Palace?

"Now, in your own way, find the exit and leave Longwu Hall."

There was a voice in the void.

"Testing talent means cracking the illusion?"

Chen Yang felt that this test was a bit weird.

Just when he thought so, a force of consciousness appeared in the consciousness of the sea out of thin air.

The strength of this consciousness, not strong or weak, is exactly the same as Fan.

And this power of consciousness has no subjective consciousness, but just scurrys in the consciousness of the sea, impacting it.

"Test of consciousness?"

Chen Yang's mouth evoked a playful smile, but a consciousness equivalent to ordinary ordinary duality was too weak for him.

After all, his current consciousness is already equivalent to Fansi.

As soon as he thought about it, he entered the God-consciousness body that knew the sea, and then he instantly collapsed and disappeared.

Brush brush ...

Then, in the desert around him, gravel flows, and several huge monsters are drilled from under the gravel, all composed of gravel.

There were a total of seven monsters, and each time they moved, they bit up towards Chen Yang.

"The gate of the Longwu Palace, if it is a teleportation array, what I see in front of me is true."

"If the door is a fantasy, everything in front of you is an illusion."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and was more willing to believe that the door was a fantasy.

Since it is a fantasy, why bother with these grit monsters.

The grit monster's big mouth, biting on Chen Yang's body, did not feel pain.

Just when Chen Yang thought that there was a follow-up.

Suddenly the scene changed, and he was back in this world, and behind him was the gate of the Longwu Palace.

"You can come out."

A flash of joy flashed in the eyes of the elder Duke, greeting Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was puzzled. This talent test was really confusing.

He shook his head, didn't care, and walked out of the Longwu Hall.

"It just lasted less than three minutes. It was funny."

"It seems that the first place in the nine kingdoms of Beishan is a false name."

"He's so heavy, don't hope too much."

Everyone whispered, and expressed disdain for Chen Yang's achievements.

Chen Yang didn't take it for granted. It was just a fantasy and it was necessary to test a person's talent. In his opinion, it was too childish.

Not to mention, sometimes chance is more important than talent.

He was given "The Book of Immortals and Magic" and became a real apprentice to Hao Lan, and he was doomed to be ordinary in his life.

A short while later, a total of 39 people were tested.

"Well, let's step back."

Elder Duke did not announce his results, he waved his hand, motioned to the four elders in white robes to take everyone away.

Everyone looked suspicious, and that was the end of the test?

Someone asked: "Elder Solitary Solitary, take the liberty to ask, what is the result of our talent test?"

The elder Duke stopped and said calmly: "It's almost the same, but some people stand out."

Curious, the crowd asked, "Who is the elder alone?"

The eyes of Elder Duke fell on Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang."

"Ah ?! Is he ?!"

The crowd stunned and laughed mockingly.

"Saying he stands out means he's particularly weak."

"Don't laugh at him, he's just a fan, sticking to it for three minutes, that's great."


Hearing the crowd's discussion, Elder Duke frowned, and groaned, "I mean, he is particularly good."

Laughter came to an abrupt halt ~ ~ The freshmen were all embarrassed.

Three minutes turned out to be outstanding?

Someone asked, "Elder Duke, he only persisted for three minutes. Is he better than the one who persisted for ten minutes?"

"Who says it's great when it's long?"

Elder Duke glared at the crowd, and Shen said, "You were thrown out of the Longwu Hall. He came out by himself. How can this be the same?"

After speaking, the elder Duke was too lazy to explain and left.

(End of this chapter)

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