My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1754: Only 19 steps

"What, give the chance to Sister Yushi, he's crazy."

"That's the purpose of the spirit and martial arts. I don't know how many people want to get involved. He has to give up."

"Such a good opportunity, if it were me, I would never let it to anyone."

Upon hearing Chen Yang's words, the disciples present were all surprised.

Whether he can make it into the top three is not important now.

The important thing is that his request was incredible.

It is equivalent to giving others the opportunity to grow.

Is there such a good person in the world?

In fact, Chen Yang doesn't want to participate in the enlightenment of Shen Wuwu.

However, when he and Zeng Yingli were in a contract, Yu Ziwen did not hesitate to give him the scented flowers that can elevate to another level.

Now, if he enters the top three and gives the opportunity to enlighten God's soulful intentions, what else is he doing.

Ke Zeyi looked at Chen Yang with a look of surprise, and asked, "Why did you decide so?"

Chen Yang calmly said, "Because, Yushi once helped me today."

"it is good!"

Ke Ze shouted well, his eyes flashed with admiration, and he said to Chen Yang: "Since this is the case, I agreed."

"Thank you Dean."

Chen Yang arched his hand to thank him, then looked back at Yu Ziwen, and blinked and smiled.

On Yu Ziwen's cold face, it turned out to be invincible, and two faint blushes appeared.

You know, even when Chen Yang entered Tianzi No. 27 when she was wrapped in a bath towel, she never blushed.

But at this moment, she just felt her own heart and fluttered.

When Chen Yang did this to her in front of so many people, wouldn't she be touched inside.

But soon, she recovered calmly and secretly said: "This guy must know himself, he can't get into the top three, and he can't get the first place, so he asked the dean to show me his goodness."

"Okay, let's get started."

Now that the terms have been discussed, Ke Zezheng can't wait for Chen Yang's results.

Everyone else was also curious what Chen Yang would achieve.

"I can only go all out."

Chen Yang walked to the obsidian crystal, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand and placed it on the obsidian crystal.

I only felt a strange energy fluctuation, which was uploaded from the black crystal, Chen Yang closed his eyes, and his consciousness was all brought out.

The gray lines gradually light up.

One, two, three ...

Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

When the 19th level was reached, no more gray lines lit up, and the results seemed to be fixed here.

Everyone held their breath and stared, all looking forward to Chen Yang's extraordinary achievements.

But I didn't expect it was the nineteenth stage.

This result is above the average level, and has even ranked fourth, behind He Ling, Zhang Xin and Yu Ziwen.

However, this achievement did not meet everyone's expectations for him.

"Isn't he an alchemist or a tamer master? How come he's nineteenth?"

"Maybe, he's just a spiritual alchemist."

"He has tamed the Golden Sword Bird, no matter how, he is also a middle-level demon tamer."

"So what, the fact is in front of him, his consciousness is nineteenth order."

Disciples present, whispered, can not help but feel disappointed with Chen Yang.

Zhang Xin showed disdain, and said to Yu Ziwen: "Sister Yushi, it looks like Chen Yang is terrific, but that's what happened. But he has to, he pursues your means, very bright. Just that Paragraphs are enough to entice women. However, sister Yushi, have you forgotten Brother Chen? "

"Shut up!"

Yu Ziwen looked cold and stared at Zhang Xin, causing Zhang Xin to tremble, but she was so scared.


Zhang Xin snorted, took a few steps to the side, and avoided the fish Ziwen.

"It's only nineteenth level, it's not right."

Seeing the results on Hei Lingjing, Ke Zeyi frowned secretly.

Although he did not know how strong Chen Yang's consciousness was, he intuitively told him that it should not be lower than the 20th level.

What's more, Chen Yang's arrogant words just now have a strong position to fight against each other, giving people too much anticipation.

Now it's only nineteenth, don't be the first, and the first three have no chance.

"Looks like he has taken a detour. If he changes his formation, I will teach him well. His consciousness may not be able to improve."

Ke Zeyi thought so, and said to Chen Yang, "Okay, Chen Yang, you can step back."

After hearing this, everyone knows that today ’s test is over.

However, Chen Yang was still standing in front of the Hei Jingjing, his eyes closed, and his right hand was placed on the Hei Jingjing.

"What else is he doing, do you want to test?"

"It's been so long. His consciousness is nineteenth level, and it is impossible to improve."

"It looks like he is uncomfortable with this achievement."

Everyone looked at Chen Yang, all shaking their heads secretly.

Zhang Xin glanced at Ziwen and walked out to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, since the results have already come out, you should accept the reality. You hold onto the black crystal, do you still want to take it away?"

This ridicule is a laugh for other disciples.

Seeing this, Ke Zeyi was disgusted.

Seeing his face cool down ~ ~ the crowd hurriedly silenced, and the scene fell into silence.

"What is he doing?"

Ke Ze glanced suspiciously at Chen Yang, thinking for a moment, and said to everyone: "Wait a minute first, maybe there is a change."


The results have come out, where did they change.

Although everyone disagreed, since the dean is so, everyone can only obey.

No one bothered Chen Yang any more, hoping that he could end the test as soon as possible.

At this time, Chen Yang turned into a ray of consciousness and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just now, he has exerted his conscious power.

But it has reached the nineteenth stage and no longer continues to grow.

However, he has a feeling that what he has exerted is only brought about by the area of ​​the sea. The pure consciousness fluctuations, not his consciousness.

Divine knowledge is by no means as simple as knowing the size of the sea.

Otherwise, there will be no exercises to cultivate consciousness.

Not to mention the existence of conscious attacks.

"My godly power is half played."

"My knowledge of the sea still has a lot of potential that can inspire."

"If the sea can be completely released, my divine power will increase at least 70%."

"But what should I do? '

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

If it was his own test, he might give up.

But today, he wants to get a chance to realize the intent of the gods.

He also wanted to help Yu Ziwen get the chance to break into the monster ridge tower.

Therefore, he is never satisfied with the 19th grade.

His goal is to impact first.


After a while, he knew the color of the sea, Chen Yang's god-like body, and the joy of his face, finally thought of a way.

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