My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1768: Natural enemy

"It turned out to be the young man at Yaoling Branch."

The middle-aged man smiled and said to Chen Yang: "I'm Wu Junyan, the boss of Wujiabao. Forgive me, this visit of Chen Shaoxia really helped us to deal with the extraordinary nine monsters in Wujiabao?"

Speaking of the words "Extraordinary Nine Heavy", Wu Junyan aggravated his tone, seemingly afraid that Chen Yang heard the wrong thing.

Chen Yang knew what Wu Junyan was thinking, and said, "Master Wubao is assured. Although this task is a bit difficult for me, I still have confidence and can help you get rid of the monsters."

"Slightly speaking, but those two extraordinary nine monsters, can you do it?"

After waiting for Wu Junyan to speak, Yuqin next to him was ridiculous.

Wu Junyan frowned and turned to look at Yuqin, Shen said, "Yuqin, you need help from the third son, you can help her."

"Yes, father."

Yuqin responded respectfully and glanced at Chen Yang with disdain, driving Huomao away.

After Yuqin went away, Wu Junyan said to Chen Yang: "Chen Shaoxia, I'm really sorry, that was the servant of the dog. Some are out of courtesy, please forgive me."

Seeing Yu Qin's father named Wu Junyan, Chen Yang thought he was his daughter.

Wu Junyan is kind to others, but Yuqin is weird and angry. It really does not look like father and daughter. It turned out to be daughter-in-law.

Chen Yang waved his hand to Wu Junyan and said, "It's just a small matter, Lord Wubao is polite."

Wu Junyan said: "Since Chen Shaoxia is confident that he can defeat the extraordinary Nine Monsters, please invite Chen Shaoxia to follow me into Wujiapu and settle down before we discuss it in detail."

Chen Yang said: "Then worry about Ubao Lord."

Wu Junyan brought a group of fire horses to Chen Yang to ride, and then he led the way and entered Wujiabao.

I have to say that the fire horses raised in Wujiapu are really unusual.

The fur, head, muscles and other aspects are better than the fire horses that Chen Yang has seen before.

After entering Wujiapu, Wu Junyan first took Chen Yang around and then reached a dome fortress located in the center of Wujiapu.

The buildings in Wujiabao are made of megaliths and are very distinctive.

According to Wu Junyan, the central fortress is a complete megalith, hollowed out from the middle.

To repairers, building such a house is nothing.

However, it takes a lot of effort to build the entire Wujiabao.

Moreover, Chen Yang also noticed that the distribution of various buildings in Wujiabao actually formed a formation method to guard the entire Wujiabao.

But unfortunately, the method of the people who set up the array is not too clever.

After the beast attack, the array of aura of this formation is exhausted and is useless.

Chen Yang followed Wu Junyan and entered the main fort.

He originally thought that when he arrived, Wu Junyan would convene a high-level family to discuss how to deal with monsters.

Unexpectedly, there was no one in the great fortress.

"Chen Shaoxia, be careful."

When he was wondering, suddenly, Wu Junyan suddenly shot and attacked him.

"Bajun fights!"

As soon as Wu Junyan shot, it was a superb supernatural power.

With his extraordinary strength, he played to the extreme and moved with anger. With his fists, he formed eight horses and went straight to Chen Yang to attack.

At the same time, a virtual shadow of a fiery horse appeared over his head.

The general trend he realized turned out to be fire.

For a moment, the horse's hissing voice echoed in the main fortress, and it was fierce.

"Material must be reversed!"

Seeing the shadow of eight horses coming in, Chen Yang brushed out of the ring, took out the black lightsaber, and slashed it out.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The sword is not out of the air, the trend is ahead.

The raging flames were generated around his body, and he took the initiative to control the gathering. Otherwise, the flames spread and the temperature of the terror was enough to burn everything in the house.

A sword energy that was condensed with vitality, carrying the trend of flames, intercepted Wu Junyan's eight fist shadows.

Sword power rises steadily.

When hitting the fist shadow, the energy reached the extreme, bursting.


There was a loud noise, and the shadows of eight fists all broke up.

Jian Qi Yuwei went straight to Wu Junyan.

Wu Junyan was another punch, which blocked the aftermath of sword energy.

At this time, the energy in the room opened, and the stone-carved furniture could remain in place because it was connected to the main fort.

But all the other pieces were blown to the corner.

Fortunately, Chen Yang and Wu Junyan are both controlling energy fluctuations. Otherwise, powerful energy will hit the open and closed main fortress will be burst instantly.

"Chen Shaoxia, offended just now."

Wu Junyan arched his hands at Chen Yang, showing respectful eyes.

He tried a trick just now, and already knew the depth of Chen Yang, at least a little stronger than him.

Extraordinary sixfold, to reach such strength, but also realized the fourth major trend.

Even if Chen Yang could not beat the extraordinary Nine Monsters, it would be enough for Wu Junyan to admire him.

Not to mention that Chen Yang has not yet exerted the power of that superb sword.

"Master Wubao, you suddenly shot and startled me ~ ~ Chen Yang smiled, and was not assured about Wu Junyan's test.

After all, his realm is too low, and Wu Junyan doubts his strength, which is justified.

What's more, this matter has a bearing on the survival of Wujiabao, Wu Junyan naturally needs to be more cautious.

"Brother, what happened?"

"Father, what's wrong?"

"Brother ..."

At this time, many people came in from the door.

These people all heard the voice from the main castle and hurried over.

Seeing the mess in the house, everyone was puzzled.

"Don't worry."

Wu Junyan calmed down and introduced Chen Yang to everyone.

Knowing Chen Yang's identity and everyone's thoughts are similar to those of Wu Junyan before, doubting whether Chen Yang's strength can deal with the extraordinary Nine Monsters.

After all, Chen Yang's realm is extraordinary.

Without waiting for everyone to question, Wu Junyan said, "I have already done a lot with Chen Shaoxia just now, and his strength is stronger than me."

Hearing that everyone was shocked.

Since Wu Junyan said so, it must be true.

Extraordinary six, stronger than Wu Junyan, this person is definitely a genius.

Although everyone didn't know their heart, they no longer despised Chen Yang.

Wu Junyan said to everyone: "Let's talk about it first, how to deal with monsters."

Chen Yang sat down and asked, "Master Wubao, what are these two extraordinary nine monsters?"

Wu Junyan's face was positive, and Shen said, "Two monsters are of different species. One is a scarlet poison lizard, and the other is a purple firebird."

Hearing that, Chen Yang unexpectedly said, "Isn't the scarlet poison lizard and purple cricket flamingo natural enemies? Are they attacking Wujiapu together?"

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