My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1800: Come bad

When Jiang Zetao agreed to Chen Yang's conditions, Jiang Wentao was very dissatisfied.

But the dean had already spoken, and he had nothing to say, so he could only sullen in his heart secretly.

Yan Guinan was very angry, and smiled at Chen Yang: "Brother Chen, I hope that by then, I will get some more treasures. In this way, we will get a little more. In addition, you can bring it to the Daxia royal family. There are more things. "

Chen Yang said to Yan Guinan: "If Brother Yan has a fancy baby, then you can choose first."

"Haha, Brother Chen is very kind."

Yan Guinan laughed.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Ke Zexuan was relieved.

If even Yan Guiguinan has a sharp personality, then this team cannot go any further.

At that time, without having to explore the ancient tomb, I trembled in advance and started fighting by myself.

Now that Yan Guinan leads the team, it can be more reassuring.

Ke Zeyi continued: "I don't know what's in the tomb, so after entering the tomb, you must be careful and not take risks easily. If you can't break through, you will return to the same way, not for treasure, I lost my life. Now, I will give you the map. Follow the map and you will find the entrance to the tomb. "

As a result, Ke Zeyi gave a hand-drawn map to Yan Guinan.

Obviously, the location of the entrance to the ancient tomb must be very hidden.

Otherwise, it would not be until now that the tomb was discovered by Ke Zeyi.

Therefore, this map is still necessary, otherwise Chen Yang's four, don't try to find the entrance.

"In addition, I have four blood-stained Dan here, which can inspire 30% of your potential and enhance your combat power at critical moments. If you encounter a difficult crisis, you can take this Dan."

Ke Zexuan took out another dan bottle, and when it was opened, the inside smelt out. The faint medicine fragrance made people feel refreshed.

He poured out four blood-red elixir from the bottle, and gave it to Chen Yang four, one for each.

Yan Guinan looked at the elixir dripping in the palm of his hand and frowned and asked, "The dean, the elixir that stimulates the potential generally brings side effects. This prickly ash does not affect us?"

Ke Ze said: "Side effects are definitely unavoidable. However, the side effects of lanceolate are that after the effect, you will fall into a period of weakness. As long as you recover, it will be fine and will not affect you for a long time."

Hearing this, Yan Guinan put away the lancet.

If Lancet Dan will affect future ascension, then he will never swallow elixir. After all, that would be equivalent to ruining his future.

However, after taking elixir, there is a short period of weakness, and they must also pay attention.

After all, during the period of weakness, if you encounter danger, you can be in trouble.

After Ke Zeyi told him something, Chen Yang and the four of them returned to their residences, took all the things with them, and then gathered at the flight point to be led by Yan Guinan.

"I don't have anything to take. I'll go directly to the flight point."

Out of Yaoling Hall, Yu Ziwen said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang squeezed his eyes and said to Yu Ziwen: "Sister Yushi, have you forgotten that your thing has not been taken yet."

Yu Ziwen saw that Chen Yang had any points. Although he was puzzled, he nodded, and walked towards Chen Tianhao accommodation area with Chen Yang.

"Pretend, I don't know what fame to go back to."

Jiang Wentao snorted, staring unhappyly at the back of Chen Yang and Yu Ziwen.

Yan Guinan glanced at Jiang Wentao and solemnly said, "Brother Jiang, this time we explore the ancient tombs, we need to cooperate sincerely. I hope you can put down the mustard with Chen Yang and save time for mistakes."

"Yes, Brother Yan. I'll go back and get something too, and I'll see you later."

Jiang Wentao answered, then left.

He has a lot of respect for Yan Guinan.

Because he knew that Yan Guinan was much stronger than him, he did not dare to provoke Yan Guinan.

When Chen Yang, Yu Ziwen, and Jiang Wentao all left, Yan Guinan's face showed thought and walked towards the flight point.


Back at the 27th day of the word, Yu Ziwen looked at Chen Yang and asked, "You asked me to come back, what do you want to tell me?"

Chen Yang said: "You wait first."

After that, she got into her practice room.

After a while, he came out of the practice room, and he had two white pills in his hand, exuding a hint of medicine.

He handed one of the elixir to Yu Ziwen, and said, "After the effect of thorn blood dan will disappear, there will be a period of weakness for half an hour. This is too dangerous, so I refined the bleed dan to exactly offset the thorn. Side effects of Xuedan. At that time, if you are going to take thorn blood dan, you can take it with entrained dan. "

Yu Ziwen took Qiqi Dan, his eyes flashed with surprise, and said: "It seems that your alchemy attainment is already very high. Actually, it was made so quickly that Dan can relieve the side effects of lancet Dan. Medicine comes. "

Putting away the elixir, Yu Ziwen asked again, "Can this entrain Dan be completely relieve the side effects?"

Chen Yang replied: "It is completely lifted, but it is still not possible. After all, 30% of the potential is stimulated. It is impossible to have no side effects. However, Qidan can shorten the period of weakness to five minutes ~ ~ and After that, the speed of recovery will be faster. "

The period of weakness, shortened from half an hour to five minutes, is already very powerful.

Yu Ziwen nodded and said to Chen Yang: "This elixir, do you give Yan Guinan and Jiang Wentao?"

"Jiang Wentao, I didn't think about it."

Chen Yang poked his mouth and said, "As for Yan Guinan, I still have a panacea in his hand. Although he is friendly, he still waits after the tomb and observes. I will then decide whether to give him gas. . "

Yu Ziwen said: "That being the case, let's go fly."

Chen Yang nodded, put the cannon in the ring, and rushed to the flying spot with Yu Ziwen.

Yan Guinan and Jiang Wentao have already waited here.

Seeing Chen Yang's arrival, Jiang Wentao was not very angry: "You two have gone back to pick up something, and it took so long to come."

He had a bad tone, but Yan Guinan frowned, and said in a deep voice; "Master Jiang, I hope you can be friendly in the next journey. Now, we are not opponents, but teammates."

Afterwards, Yan Guinan said to Chen Yang and Yu Ziwen: "Since it's all here, let's go to the Longwu boat."

The four people boarded the Longwu ship, and the Longwu ship took off and flew towards the north.

Just after Longwu Ship left, less than half an hour later, an empty ship engraved with a Phoenix landed at the flying spot of Yaoling Branch.

Next to the flight point, Ke Zeyi brought a group of high-level staff at the Yaoling Branch to greet the people on board.

A deputy dean of the Yaoling Branch looked at the landing ship and whispered, "We haven't had much contact with the Fuling Branch of the Fengling Institute. Why did Yuwen Cangsheng suddenly bring someone to visit?"

Ke Ze narrowed his eyes and groaned, "I feel that the visitor is not good.

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