My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1838: Old friend

"Isn't that Liu Liu?"

"He seems to be in conflict with others, what is going on?"

"Who knows, that talented man is at the peak of his life, and he dared to provoke the Liushui Liu, it is just death."

Seeing a quarrel between Liu Henfei and Chen Yang, people not far away murmured.

The crowd, Liao Zhenghong is also among them.

His eyes were cold and staring at Chen Yang, and he secretly said: "There is Guo Qi to help you out, our Liao family can't take you for the time being, but you provoke Liu Henfei, it is Guo Qi, and it cannot help you."


Seeing a dispute between Chen Yang and Liu Henfei, Chen Xinlan was frightened.

Liu Shui Liu's reputation is really too great.

To the people of Dupengshire, he is a super big man.

Such a person, Chen Xinlan can hardly imagine how Chen Yang would end up after being provoked.

At this time, Guo Qi began to persuade Liu Henfei and said, "Liu Gongzi, what did this little brother do? He only reached the peak of Dan, why do you embarrass him?"

"The peak of Dandan?"

Liu Henfei sneered, and said, "This man's real state is obviously extraordinary, but he hides his practice and pretends to be the peak of Dan, which is really insidious."

What, the extraordinary sevenfold?

Hearing Liu Henfei's words, the faces of all changed, and they all looked at Chen Yang in shock.

Liao Zhenghong was on the spot. If Chen Yang was really extraordinary, then he was a middle shot at the entrance of the jewellery shop, and he couldn't get through.

Chen Xinlan's expression was also full of surprise, can't believe what Liu Henfei said.

Guo Qi glanced at Chen Yang, silent, and said to Liu Henfei: "Liu Gongzi, are you sure that he is extraordinary and seventh?"

Liu Henfei said: "It's true."

After getting a definite answer, Guo Qi glanced suspiciously at Chen Yang and said to Liu Henfei: "Liu Gongzi, you don't need to embarrass him, right?"

Liu Henfei glanced at Su Kunzhan, and said in a deep voice: "This kid hurt my teacher. This is a provocation to Heimang Branch. Do you want me to swallow it?"

That being said, Su Kun's appearance was ugly.

He intentionally concealed the facts and did not say these things to anyone, but was unexpectedly told by Liu Henfei.

At this moment, everyone's eyes came over, he only felt hot, and he lost his face.

Even the rest of the Su family didn't look good.

When the crowd heard Liu Henfei's words, it was a noise.

"What, that man defeated Su Kunzhan?"

"You know, Su Kunzhan is the younger elite of Dupeng County, and he paid a visit to Heiman Branch, which is of great strength."

"Who the **** is that?"

"Regardless of who he is, Liu Shui Liu has to deal with him now. You think he can fight Liu Shui Liu."

"It is also said that Liu Shui Liu is in the Heimang Branch, but the top five exist."


The crowd talked for a while. Liu Henfei heard praises for himself. His face looked even more proud. Looking at Chen Yang's eyes, he looked down, as if looking at an ant.

Guo Qi looks like a good old man, but also persuade Liu Henfei to let go of Chen Yang.

However, without waiting for him to speak, Chen Yang took a step forward, shrugged, and said to Liu Henfei: "You don't have to swallow your voice, it's a big deal, I'll beat you up."

When this word came out, everyone was stunned.

Chen Xinlan sank in the bottom of his heart, saying that how Chen Yang could provoke Liu Henfei, wasn't this a dead end?

The crowd of Liao Zhenghong was secretly rejoicing. As long as Liu Henfei took the shot, in his opinion, Chen Yang had to peel off without dying.

Liu Henfei is an elite disciple of Heiman Branch. He has a good reputation in Dupeng County and is respected everywhere. He has never been despised.

At this moment, when he saw Chen Yang, he was still arrogant. He suddenly became furious and yelled, "Boy, what are you talking about? Are you looking for death?"

Chen Yang calmly repeated: "I said, you don't have to swallow your voice, it's a big deal, and I'll beat you up."

"Too arrogant!"

Liu Henfei screamed angrily, letting out his anger, suddenly attracted the eyes of the entire hall.

He pointed to Chen Yang and yelled, "Boy, you despise Heimang Branch. I won't kill you today, I won't call Liu Henfei."

The atmosphere was tense, and it started immediately.

"Chen Yang!"

At this moment, a female voice came from not far away.

I saw a shadow of Qian, who flew over to Shi Qingxuan.

She was just busy preparing for her own affairs, but she didn't see Chen Yang. It wasn't until Liu Henfei yelled, she glanced at this side that she found Chen Yang.

Originally, she was not in charge of the affairs in Dupeng County.

However, she passed on the news of Guan Xiyue to Chen Yang, and speculated that Chen Yang would come to Dupeng County if she could.

So she took a try and took the matter of Dupeng County.

Unexpectedly, I was really here and met Chen Yang.

For some reason, she was very happy to see Chen Yang, and even a little excited.

Chen Yang was very happy to see Shi Qingxuan and asked, "Qing Xuan, why are you here?"

Shi Qingxuan smiled and said, "This time, use Dupeng County as a pilot to develop the market."

Hearing that, Chen Yang understood that Tonglai Chamber of Commerce intends to try to open up the monopoly market of elixir in Dupeng County.

The martial arts of Dupont County is prosperous, and it is close to the Heiman Branch, which is indeed a very good pilot.

The martial arts exchange meeting, the gathering of experts in Dupont County, was a very good opportunity to promote the elixir.

At this time, people around him saw Chen Yang and Shi Qingxuan know each other, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

"What exactly is he?"

Chen Xinlan looked at Chen Yang, full of doubts.

She could see clearly just now. Both Guo Qi and others were very respectful of Shi Qingxuan.

But Chen Yang actually made good friends with such people.

This made Chen Xinlan unbelievable.

"Master, do you know?"

Guo Qi looked at Chen Yang and Shi Qingxuan, wondering.

Shi Qingxuan nodded and said, "Chen Yang is my old friend."

An old friend clarified Shi Qingxuan's position.

Hearing this sentence ~ ~ Liu Henfei couldn't help but look down and said to Shi Qingxuan: "Master Boss, your old friend, is too crazy, and actually said he was going to hit me."

Shi Qingxuan knew Chen Yang's temper. She glanced at Chen Yang and said to Liu Hengfei: "Liu Gongzi, look in my face. Forget it."

Liu Henfei frowned.

Although he didn't know Shi Qingxuan's background, judging from the attitude of the head of the Tonglai Chamber of Commerce in Dupeng County towards Shi Qingxuan, he can be sure that Shi Qingxuan must be the senior executive of Tonglai Chamber of Commerce.

You know, though, the Tonglai Chamber of Commerce is not as good as Longwu College.

However, Shi Qingxuan is a high-ranking officer, but Liu Henfei is just one of the disciples of Longwu College and many branches in various continents.

Considering that he is an elite, he did not dare not give Shi Qingxuan face.

For a moment, Liu Henfei hesitated.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes and said to Chen Yang: "If you are a man, don't stand behind a woman."