My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1839: Will die here

Chen Yang thought that he and Liu Henfei could be regarded as the same. They all came from the branch of Longwu University.

He originally planned that Shi Qingxuan would come forward to mediate, so the matter was so forgotten.

Unexpectedly, Liu Henfei also provoked.

He shook his head with a smile and said to Liu Henfei: "Since you want to be beaten, I can only fulfill you."

After hearing the words, Liu Henfei's eyes brightened and he said to Shi Qingxuan, "Master Boss, you heard it. He wanted to fight with me."

Shi Qingxuan glanced at Chen Yang complainingly, trying to persuade a young man to come over.

This man is the person in charge of the Toray Chamber of Commerce in Dupeng County.

With a look of respect to Shi Qingxuan, he said, "Miss Shi, Ma has started."

"it is good."

Shi Qingxuan nodded, glanced at Chen Yang, and urged: "Don't get in trouble again, we'll get together when the martial arts exchange meeting is over."

After that, Shi Qingxuan hurried away with the people that year.

After the teacher Qingxuan left, Liu Henfei sneered at Chen Yang: "Boy, after the end of Dan Medicine, it is a martial art exchange. At that time, I hope you will not slip away."

After speaking, Liu Henfei took everyone in the Su family and turned away.

Su Kunji wanted to come over and talk to Chen Yang, but was pulled away by Su Bin.

Guo Qi took a meaningful look at Chen Yang and smiled, "I never expected that Chen Gongzi was a real person."

Chen Yang glanced at Guo Qi, showing gratitude, and said, "Boss Guo, thank you for your help."

Guo Qi waved his hands and said, "I didn't help either. Besides, Chen Gongzi knows the boss of the teacher, and he is strong enough. He doesn't need me to help at all."

Chen Yang glanced at Chen Xinlan and said to Guo Qi: "Boss Guo, now, I need your help."

Guo Qidao: "Gong Chen, please."

Chen Yang said: "I want to borrow Sister Xin Lan and talk to her."

"Yes, I have to go and see the elixir."

Guo Qi looked very interesting and immediately turned away.

Looking at his back, Chen Yang's eyes flashed cold, this guy is not ordinary cunning.

I just don't know if the ground-bound blood sacrifice array is related to him.

"This time, we have come to the Chamber of Commerce and entrusted Hushan Manor to organize this. We want to take this opportunity to launch some elixir in Dupen County.

At this moment, Shi Qingxuan shouted loudly at a table in the center of the hall.

Seeing this, Chen Yang knew that his guess was correct, and Shi Qingxuan really came to promote elixir.

He didn't pay attention to the process. He looked at Chen Xinlan and said, "Sister Xinlan, now, you know I'm not kidding you?"

Chen Xinlan trembled, looked at Chen Yang nervously, and said, "You ... who are you?"

Chen Yang laughed: "Sister Xinlan, don't be nervous, I'm Xiyue's husband."

Chen Xinlan was silent, showing her hope, and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, can I please, please do me a favor?"

Chen Yang put away a smile, and said in full color: "Do you want me to help you out of Guo Qi's control?"

"Ah, how do you know?"

Chen Xinlan was shocked.

Chen Yang said: "Sister Xin Lan, what did Guo Qi do to you?"

Chen Xinlan's eyes flashed with fear, hesitated, and looked at Guo Qi in the distance, and said, "Guo Qi is weird, he doesn't invade my body, he just swallows my blood, and then keeps giving I repair my body, and when I recover, I **** my blood again. Moreover, his friendliness in front of people is all pretended. He is actually very evil and gloomy. "

Chen Yang frowned and asked, "Why don't you leave him?"

Chen Xinlan smiled bitterly and said sadly: "I also want to leave him, but if I leave him, he will kill me. I die, I am not afraid. But he threatened me, and as long as I dare to leave him, he would leave me orphan All the children in the courtyard were killed. So, I ... can only stay with him. "

This answer, like Chen Yang's guess, was really for the orphanage, and was threatened by Guo Qi, so she would stay with Guo Qi.

Chen Yang said: "Sister Xin Lan, leave this to me, I will set you free."

Chen Xinlan's eyes were full of hope. Thinking of Chen Yang and Shi Qingxuan making good friends, Guo Qi also respected Shi Qingxuan. She thought that she had a great chance to be free.


After Shi Qingxuan introduced the elixir, he had people try Xipindidan, Pindidan, and Pindidan.

The powerful medicine surprised the audience.

In the end, Shi Qingxuan displayed the Dan bottle in her hand and said, "Now, who is going to try Jidan Di Lu, Lu Chan Dan?"

"I'll try."

A tall and thin young man emerged from the crowd.

This year, he was dressed in a black robe and had two beards. His temperament was extraordinary. It was the owner of the dealer, Zhuang Shixiong.

Zhuang Shixiong did not squint. He stepped onto the stage and came to Shi Qingxuan.

"Bookmaker, tired."

Shi Qingxuan handed the Dan bottle to Zhuang Shixiong, said.

Zhuang Shixiong took the Dan bottle, poured out the Luchan Dan, and swallowed it.

The majestic power is felt even by those who have not taken the elixir.

Zhuang Shixiong said nothing, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

His momentum increased with it.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, his gaze flashed, and he stood up.

"Bookmaker, how effective is this meditation?"

Crowd, someone asked Zhuang Shixiong.

"Effect, very good."

Zhuang Shixiong said calmly, but before everyone was cheering, he shook his head, and then added: "However, you will never taste the elixir."

When he said this, the whole audience was bewildered.

No one understood what Zhuang Shixiong meant.

"Zhuang Shixiong, what are you talking about?"

The crowd, an extraordinary strong man stood up and asked Zhuang Shixiong ~ ~ This strong man was the Min homeowner, Min Wenfeng, of Duyue City.

Zhuang Shixiong glanced at Min Wenfeng, a flash of wicked murderous intention flashed, and sneered: "Because you will all die here, so you can't taste the elixir."

Die here? !!

Feeling Zhuang Shixiong's intention to kill, the audience was stunned.

We don't understand why Zhuang Shixiong suddenly became so weird.

The crowd, a calm old man, Shen said: "The owner of the dealer, you said you would kill us. Could you fight against the entire Dupont County? Do you think that the strength of the dealer can beat so many of us? More Besides, this place is very close to Heiman Branch. If someone reports, you think you can still be fierce? "

"Hahaha ..."

Zhuang Shixiong laughed and said coldly, "You think that if you are trapped in the blood sacrifice array, you still can't leave alive? Now, let you see how powerful we have been for five years. "