My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1840: Mei Hu Fa

"Earthbound Blood Ritual ?!"

Hearing the name of the formation, the audience was bewildered. ┡eΩΩ1xiaoshuo

Because no one has heard of this formation.

With a somber face, Min Wenfeng shouted at Zhuang Shixiong, "Zhuang Shixiong, are you crazy? How dare you! What's going on ?!"

He didn't stop talking, and suddenly exclaimed.

The sound of rumbling sounded, a force of terror came out from the ground, and brought great pressure.

Immediately afterwards, the ground cracked and the boulder squeezed upward. Min Wenfeng had no time to dodge and was squeezed by the boulder in the middle.

"Asshole, Zhuang Shixiong, what have you done ?!"

Min Wenfeng was violently struggling while scolding.

However, no matter how he moved, even if he exhausted all his strength, Boulder still did not shake passively.

He was anything but heavy, but after being trapped, he couldn't move.

It can be seen that the power of this formation method is strong!

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked.

"Everyone is flying fast, beware of being trapped."

I don't know who it was, and shouted.

The crowds returned to God and wanted to fly quickly, but it was too late.

Throughout the hall, the rumbling sound was shaking violently, and the boulder was squeezed upwards. The speed was extremely fast, and everyone in the hall was trapped in the boulder.

Even Shi Qingxuan, who was standing on the stage, was not spared. She was smashed into the high platform by a boulder and wrapped her up.

The audience was horrified, and unexpectedly, the ground-bound blood sacrifice array in Zhuang Shixiong's mouth turned out to be so strong.

At this moment in the boulder, everyone only felt that the boulder was under extreme pressure, as if to crush all the human bones and muscles, making people breathless.

Although Zhen Qi can operate freely, even if the power is exerted to the extreme, no one can shatter these boulder.

Everyone only showed his head, looking at Zhuang Shixiong, his eyes were full of fear.

Now, no one can move this situation, only people can be slaughtered.

Just then, a silhouette appeared in the air.

Everyone was trapped, but one person flew up from the ground in time to avoid the boulders.

That man, it was Liu Henfei.

"Zhuang Shixiong, you are too naive. Do you think that this formation can trap me? Huh, you look down on me."

Liu Henfei looked complacent, brushing out a ten-piece pattern of the best earthenware sword, with a movement, attacked Zhuang Shixiong.

"It's water Liu!"

"Breakwater Liu shot, Zhuang Shixiong is dead."

"It is worthy of being an elite disciple of the Heiman Branch, and indeed, the strength is not comparable to ordinary people."

"Fortunately, he is here, or today we would all have to die here."

Seeing Liu Henfei's shot, all the people trapped in the hall were relieved and had high hopes for Liu Henfei.

"Zhuang Shixiong, come here."

Liu Henfei shot his sword and attacked Zhuang Shixiong, his eyes were full of confidence.

The moment he waved his sword, a giant image of a ghost appeared above his head, hissing, and a huge elephant trunk was waving, as if to break the void.

"The third colossus is on the rise!"

Liu Henfei's momentum suddenly changed, from the previous elegant, to the thick at this moment, as if a sword fell down, and the entire ground would collapse.

"Treaded out!"

Liu Henfei wielded his sword and cut it out. The sword gas actually formed a shape like a leg, reaching a length of more than ten meters. He fell from the air and stepped on Zhuang Shixiong.

At the same time, the giant elephant phantom that emerged from Liu Henfei's head, acted swiftly, the right front leg and elephant leg sword shadow coincided, and the power became more powerful.

"So strong!"

"Is this the power of breaking water?"

"Zhuang Shixiong is dead."

When people saw Liu Henfei's blow, his face was full of admiration.

At the same time, rest assured.

They didn't believe that in this blow, Zhuang Shixiong could survive.

A proud smile appeared on Liu Henfei's face, and his eyes flashed with pride.

However, when he saw Zhuang Shixiong's expression, he couldn't help wondering, because Zhuang Shixiong looked calmer than him, as if he didn't see his attack at all.

At this moment, banging, suddenly, the ground was cracked open, and a tentacle formed by a boulder condensed.

The tentacle was three or four meters wide and kept protruding from the ground. I didn't know how long it was, and swept away towards Liu Henfei.


Liu Henfei exclaimed, his body moved, and he evaded quickly.

However, the ground-bound blood sacrifice array is a sublime heavenly array, which Liu Henfei can't handle at all.

With a thump, a boulder hit him, and a burst of blood mist burst out of him. The entire person lost control and was surrounded by the tentacles made of stones.

Although the tentacles are made of stone, they are very flexible.

After grabbing Liu Henfei, he pulled the tentacles to the ground, booming, and the ground was full of smoke and dust. Liu Henfei was lying on the ground with stones and was very embarrassed.

The giant elephant disappeared and disappeared. The sword qi released by him disappeared without the blessing of the general trend, and his attacking power decreased sharply.

Liu Henfei couldn't move, looked up at Zhuang Shixiong on the stage, his face was ashamed.

At the scene, I calmed down at once ~ ~ All the people who had high hopes for Liu Henfei just now were all frightened.

No one expected that Liu Henfei went offensive, but was torn directly by the formation and then stuck.

This front-to-back gap has a huge impact on human senses.

"Liu Shui Liu was also caught. What should I do now?"

"I'm afraid that no one wants to leave today."

"What happened to Zhuang Shixiong, what does he want to do?"

The crowd came back and whispered, and the people closer were discussing each other's measures.

However, everyone now shows that everyone is trapped and cannot fight back at all.

Zhuang Shixiong ignored the people present, looked towards the crowd, bowed slightly, respectfully said, "Mei Hufa, please preside over the ground-bound blood festival."

Mei Hufa? !!

The people looked suspicious and turned around.

I saw Zhuang Shixiong's man who was a short, middle-aged man.

This person is impressively Guo Qi.

The crowd did not notice just now that he was not trapped by the boulder.

"Ah! Isn't this Guo Qi in Duyun City?"

"How did Guo Qi become Mei Hufa?"

"what is the problem?"

"Zhuang Shixiong is Fan Jiong, why is he so respectful to Guo Qi Fan Ya?"

Everyone looked towards Guo Qi, eyes full of doubt.

Guo Qi looked indifferent, without squinting, and walked towards the high platform.

Just as he stepped, the dealers bowed down to salute him throughout the hall.

It wasn't until he got on the high platform that he slightly raised his hand, the dealer's man, and then stood upright.

"Introduce yourself before the blood sacrifice."

Guo Qi turned to look at the crowd, and spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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