My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1865: Snatching Spiritstone Ore

The volcano that Chen Yang and Yu Gang entered was an extinct volcano.

After reaching the bottom of the volcano, Chen Yang saw that there were at least a few hundred holes in the inner wall of the volcano.

These openings look exactly the same and have no logo.

"These openings are passageways to different places in the 13 districts."

Yu Yan explained the sentence, flew towards one of the holes, and entered the passage.

Chen Yang followed, and there was a faint light in the passageway, and the fluorescent grass was planted along the way.

Fluorescent grass is also a kind of spirit grass. It can't make elixir, but it can emit a faint light, so it is sometimes used for lighting.

Along the passage, it meandered and zigzag. After more than a dozen forks, Chen Yang deliberately remembered it, so he remembered the passage.

Moreover, some forks, and the formation of shrouds, will constantly change direction.

If it wasn't for Chen Yang's understanding of matrix formation, otherwise, he would not be useful even if he remembered the directions of these forks.

"You guys are really complicated."

Chen Yang sighed.

"I grew up here since I was little, and I'm used to it."

Yu Yan said: "It is these channels that help us defend the monsters. Otherwise, the monsters cannot attack the people on the floating island, and they would have attacked us long ago."

"However, because of these passages, humans between the various areas of the dungeon do not know how to go through each other's passages, resulting in reduced communication and it is difficult to form alliances.

Chen Yang asked, "So, are the various regions of the underground city autonomous?"

Yu Yidao said: "The codes are similar. There is one strongest person in each district, called the high priest, who controls the order of the entire district. However, the rule of respect for the strongest still exists here."

As the two spoke, the passage finally came to an end.

Chen Yang stood at the entrance of the passage and looked forward, and saw that it was a huge grotto.

Just how big it is can only be described by margins.

At least Chen Yang looked at it and couldn't see his head.

Under his feet, there is a suspended passage, about five meters wide, which extends forward and connects with other identical passages.

Throughout the grotto, there are many such passages, which are intricate and complicated, but they also imply regularities.

On the inner walls of the grottoes, houses were excavated.

These houses are large and small, gorgeous and simple.

Chen Yang noticed that some of the houses were shops, including tailor shops, restaurants, inns, and management shops.

At this moment, there was a lively scene in the cave.

This scene is similar to the city of Chongwuxing, except that it has changed its geographical environment.

However, Chen Yang wondered, where did the light come from?

He raised this issue while walking forward with Yu Zheng.

Yu Xun waved his hand in the void, and said to Chen Yang: "There is no record of where the light comes from. However, some people speculate that the underground city of Pluto Xia has light energy particles that provide light and heat for the underground city . "

"Light particles!"

Chen Yang raised her eyebrows and sensed the surrounding air, but nothing happened.

He stopped investigating this issue and asked Yu Yi: "Yes, where is your family?"

Yu Yan said: "Three hundred miles away."

Then, Yu Xuan rose into the air and flew towards the obliquely downward direction.

What she said was not three hundred miles away from the horizontal plane, but three hundred miles deep underground.

Chen Yang followed him, constantly flying underground, passing through the bustling area and passing through the wilderness.

"It's my house in front."

Yu Zheng pointed to the front and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at the environment around him. According to the geographical location of the underground city, the area where the Yu family is located should be called a suburb.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise ahead.

Powerful fluctuations came, apparently before the battle.

Yu Yan took a closer look, his face changed drastically, and he frowned, "It's not good, it's the Sun family, besieging my house."

After speaking, Yu Yan rushed forward immediately.

"Don't worry, you can't help if you pass now."

Chen Yang quickly grabbed her and asked, "Tell me first, what the **** is going on?"

With a look of anxiety, Yu Yan said to Chen Yang very quickly: "In the underground city, there are rich spiritual stone mines. The families and various forces, the biggest reliance is these spiritual stone mines. Who has more spiritual stone mines? The home can cultivate the strong and have wealth. "

"The other day, our Yu family unexpectedly appeared in the stone wall at the back of our house. There was actually a vein of the second-grade spirit stone. Although it is not particularly large, the purity and content of the spirit stone is very high. Get this vein , We Yujia, will inevitably increase strength. "

"But I didn't expect that the news was learned by the Sun family. The strength of the Sun family was slightly stronger than our Yu family, so they came to negotiate with the owner and wanted to take away half of the veins. Of course, the owner does not Promise, the Sun family fought against us. "

"At the time of the war, the Sun family was repelled, but he let go of his ruthless words and said he would definitely make a comeback. In order to avoid the war, the owner sent several of the tribe to go to the high priest ~ ~ hope The priest came to calm the situation. Now, presumably the Sun family, want to take down the Yu family while our Yu family is no longer there. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang was speechless for a moment.

It was obvious that the war was about to happen, and they even sent someone to find the high priest to take charge. This is also a very peaceful person.

"Let's go and see if we can help."

Chen Yang gave Yu Yan a color. The two leaned against the stone wall and approached the Yu family by covering with raised rocks.

After approaching, Chen Yang took a closer look and saw that most of Yu's building had been destroyed.

The Sun family's combat power is obviously better, and the Yu family has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a heavy helmet was fighting against an old man with a sharp-billed monkey cheek. Both were in the middle of a fake house and were inextricably linked.

In addition, other people also played very fiercely.

The old man with a sharp-mouthed beak shouted and shouted, "Yu Jianzhong, as long as you divide my veins half of my grandson's family, I will stop the attack immediately. Otherwise, you Yu family, it will be destroyed today."

The middle-aged man with a heavy helmet is Yu Jianzhong.

He yelled, "Sun Jiayi, you are so shameless that you want to take away the veins from my Yu family, you are just dreaming."

Sun Jiayi sneered: "Huh, this world is the strongest. You are weaker than me, and of course I can grab your veins."

Yu Jianzhong yelled, "Sun Jiayu, aren't you afraid that when the high priest comes, will you punish you?"

Sun Jiayi said disapprovingly: "When the high priest arrives, you are dead. Do you think he will punish me? Yu Jianzhong, since you are stubborn, don't blame me and kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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