My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1867: Outside cold inside heat

Several people in the Sun family next to Sun Zhe were incomprehensible when he suddenly stopped talking.

Looking at him, when he saw that he was expressionless and his eyes were empty, it was as if he had lost his soul.


A man behind Sun Zhe, patted Sun Zhe's shoulder, Sun Zhe's body fell, and he fell to the ground.

The people next to him quickly helped him.

Otherwise, he just happened to be standing on the edge of the suspended road and had to fall straight into the bottomless abyss.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, master!"

The people of the Sun family surrounded Sun Zhe, shouting his name constantly, but did not respond at all.

I saw Sun Zheming open his eyes, but his eyes were empty and gloomy.

Checking his health again, everything is fine.

This is really weird, why did he suddenly lose consciousness?

"Be careful."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

But when he shouted, it was too late.

Yu Ziwen was not threatened, she immediately shot with a sword, and a sword directly cut off an unprepared Sun family person.

His head rolled on the floating road, then fell into the endless abyss.

The dungeons are all repairers, so although the road is suspended, there is no fence.

"kill him."

The people of the Sun family reacted and yelled in unison, drew their swords and attacked Yu Ziwen.

Yu Ziwen's face was full of dignity, and he hurried back.

Although she is extraordinary in talent, she is not sure that she will be able to defeat if the other three are nine and seven are eight.

Seeing that the other party was attacking, at this moment, five of them shot the bleeding line on the chest, and when they were crooked, they fell to the ground.

The attack came so quickly that no one even saw what was happening.

Of the five, three were nine and two were eight.

Two of them fell into the abyss, and without screaming, they disappeared into the darkness.

Yu Ziwen's face was astonished. In this way, only Yu Jianzhong or Sun Jiayu could do it with all his strength.

The remaining five octodes, all changed greatly, stopped the offensive, and looked nervously behind them.

Chen Yang landed from the air, but did not look at the five people, nodded at Yu Ziwen, and greeted, "Sister Yu, are you all right?"

Yu Ziwen naturally understood that it was Chen Yang who had just shot and killed the enemy.

But she couldn't figure out how Chen Yang did it?

"I'm fine."

Yu Ziwen responded to Chen Yang's sentence, holding a water sword in her hand, her cold eyes locked the other five.

"kill him!"

"Kill him first!"

The five people turned their eyes and roared, attacking Chen Yang.

Persimmons must be softly pinched, and in their eyes, the seven heavy Chen Yang must be easier to deal with.

As for the attack just now, they would not believe that it was Chen Yang.

Unfortunately, their judgment was wrong.

"A purple sword."

Chen Yang's black lightsaber suddenly struck.

In an instant, five times in a row.

Five subtle sword qi, flashing faint purple, like a flying needle, suddenly emerged.


Five of the Sun family were taken aback.

They hurriedly tried to dodge and resist, but the subtle sword qi seemed to move instantly, and the sound of gurgling and gurgling sounded passed through their five hearts.

Blood burst out, and the five of them died with fear in their eyes.

Seeing this, Yu Ziwen was even more shocked.

Thinking that even the three fans of Jiuzhong were killed by Chen Yang immediately, she realized that Chen Yang's combat power had been greatly improved.

You know, this master in front of you has been in Yaoling Branch for less than half a year.

When he first came in, Cai Fanyi was not the opponent of Yu Ziwen.

But now, Chen Yang has reached the seventh level, and his real combat power, I am afraid that among the disciples of the entire Yaoling Branch, he is second to none.

Chen Yang's talent is called evil!

Yu Ziwen withdrew his thoughts and said to Chen Yang, "Congratulations, you have improved a little bit."

"It just became a magical power."

Chen Yang answered the sentence, walked to Yu Ziwen's side, and looked at the Yu family and Sun family who were fighting fiercely.

After I saw Sun Jiayu was injured, at this moment Yu Jianzhong was in an advantage and led the entire Yu family to counterattack, taking the absolute upper hand.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before the Yu family can win.

Seeing this, Chen Yang put away the black lightsaber.

He didn't need to fight in this battle.

He looked at Yu Ziwen and asked, "Sister Yushi, why are you here?"

Yu Ziwen's eyebrows frowned slightly, and Chen Yang briefly explained what happened during this time.

It turned out that Yu Ziwen now has a seedling of Phyllanthus sylvestris. After eating this thing, it can enhance a small realm.

Under the service of the people who are nine heavy, even if they can not promote a small realm, they can also make great progress, which is of great help in consolidating the virtual purple house and impacting the fake house period.

However, after realizing Ling Xuezhu, Yu Ziwen thought that it had a greater effect on Chen Yang, so he tried to contact Chen Yang with a walkie-talkie.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she talked, she met Sun Zhe and his party.

After a bitter battle, there were many people on the other side, and finally she was captured ~ ~ to the dungeon.

The Hualing Xuezhu seedling fell into Sun Zhe's pocket.

Sun Zhe moved his mind to Yu Ziwen, so he didn't rush to kill her and planned to take her back to Sun's house.

Unexpectedly, just after returning, they encountered two battles with Sun Yu. Sun Zhe kept on, and immediately came to help the Sun family again.

But he came late, the two sides have been fighting for a while, and the Sun family has the upper hand.

So he took a group of people and watched the battle beside him.

After Chen Yang arrived, it was the next thing to happen.

After learning that things happened, Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Although Yu Ziwen was cold, her heart was very good. The Hualing Xuezhu seedlings also worked well for her, but she wanted to give it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang searched Sun Zhe for the seedlings of Hualing Xuezhu and could not help but say that it was stuck in Yu Ziwen's hand and said, "Sister Yushi, Hualing Xuezhu, use it yourself."


Yu Ziwen opened her mouth, and Chen Yang interrupted, "When we first met, you gave me a bloodthorn flower, which allowed me to advance to a higher level. Now this seedling of Hualing Xuezhu, what do I say? It can't be. In addition, I have gained something, I don't need this thing. "

Yu Ziwen hesitated, and calmly said, "Since you don't want to, then forget it. In addition, I'm not helping you, but I'll give you the favor of" Xuan Nu Tian Jing ". By the way, Zhu Yandan is also good Yes, thank you. "

"As long as Sister Yushi is happy."

Chen Yang smiled and said casually.

But this sentence actually made Yu Ziwen's heart tremble.


At this moment, Sun Jiayu, who was fighting Yu Jianzhong, was killed by his own son, Sun Zhe, and he looked towards him with astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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