My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 1889: Battle Liu Henfei

Guo Yunhan's attack was instantly smashed and smashed, without even the slightest resistance.

Then, Jian Qi and Snow Mountain continued to fall.

A thump banged on Guo Yunhan.

Guo Yunhan's body burst out of a mist of blood, and he hurled down towards the sea surface, crashing into the sea ice and crashing into the sea water.

"The praying arm is the cart."

Gan Jungan put away his sword and looked at the sea lightly, his eyes full of pride.

Although it was a trick to win, the audience did not seem too surprised.

Because all this is completely expected.

Guo Yunhan is just the ninth-ranked disciple of Meigu Branch, where is No. 1 seed Gan Jungan's opponent.

If he can defeat Gan Jungan, that is the real shock of the audience.

Duan Lian announced that Qian Jungan had won. Heimang Branch was cheering and excited, and even some people scattered flowers ...

It seems that they are quite well prepared for the celebration of victory.

However, this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by Qian Jungan. Other disciples in Heimang Branch have no such treatment.

Qian Jungan slowly landed in the stand of Heiman Branch, then sat down.

He looked calm and didn't squint, as if the cheers around him didn't get into his ears.

After the people at Meigu Branch rescued Guo Yunhan from the seawater, the fighting continued.

"It seems that Gan Jungan is really strong. But this guy is too pretentious."

Chen Yang looked at Gan Jungan, and found that he still had some obstacles if he wanted to win the first place in the battle for the branch.

Of course, the premise is that he does not need the wrath of the sky and the attack of consciousness.

Looking at Yan Guinan, he asked, "Brother Yan, besides Gan Jungan, who else is stronger and needs attention?"

Yan Guinan glanced at the other six grandstands and groaned: "The seven branches, according to the rankings of previous branch battles, the Heimang Branch is the strongest, and then Tianfeng Branch, Chuhe Branch, Meigu Branch, Xihai Branch, Yaoling Branch, Huoze Branch. "

"Every branch, the disciple who can be ranked first, has great strength. Even if it is not as good as Gan Jungan, there will never be much difference. However, besides Gan Jungan, there is Du Keyou at Tianfeng Branch. He is especially outstanding. It is said that he can fight against the disciples who ranked second to fourth in the Tianfeng Branch, and he can choose one or three to stay in the wind. "

"You hit the face of the Tianfeng Branch yesterday. If you meet Du Keyou, you have to be careful. He will definitely try his best to defeat you and get back to where he was yesterday."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "What about the others?"

Before Yan Guinan answered, it was Du Keyou's turn. Yan Gui said: "Look at Du Keyou first."

The battle ended very quickly. With only three moves, Du Keyou resolved the battle and defeated the opponent.

Although Du Keyou was not as pretentious as Qian Jungan, his shot was quite fierce, leaving Chen Yang deeply impressed.

He even felt that if life and death were decided, even if it was Gan Jungan, it might not be Du Keyou's opponent.

"It seems that Du Keyou's strength is stronger than expected."

Yan Guinan commented, regained his gaze, and then introduced Chen Yang to other strong students in the other branches.

After speaking about the first place in each branch, Yan Guinan looked at the stand of Heimang Branch and said to Chen Yang: "Yes, Liu Henfei, who came to challenge you the day before yesterday, you must also be careful. It is said that this person was in a different space and got an adventure. The strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and now Heiman Branch has only Gan Jungan who can beat him. "

Chen Yang looked at the match table in front of the stands and found that if Liu Henfei could win two games in a row, then Chen Yang would meet him in the third round.

In the end, Chen Yang concluded that the number one disciple in the seven branches is definitely the strongest.

He observed it, but I didn't know if it was a coincidence or intentional. Seven people including Qian Jungan, Du Keyou, and Yin Tianfeng did not meet before the top ten battle.

In other words, as long as no dark horse defeated them, they basically locked seven top ten places.

In fact, this is understandable. After all, even the strongest disciples in each branch can't enter the top ten, then the contention for the place of the Xihai Ruins will definitely be considered unfair by the branch.

Seven places are basically determined, and the remaining three places are very important.

Chen Yang looked again. Yan Guinan had better luck. According to the information of the match table, he would not meet the strongest disciples in the branches before the fourth round.

In this way, the probability of him competing for the top ten is even higher.

Chen Yang himself is also good. Before the top ten, apart from meeting Liu Henfei, he did not meet other competitive opponents.

Moreover, his luck was better, because thirty of the seventy were promoted, so in the second round, one of them took the vacant turn.

The man in the air, from the point of view, is exactly him.

Although he is confident, it can be a good thing to play one less.

However, Yu Ziwen's luck is not very good.

Not surprisingly, in the third round, she would meet Cao Yiqiang, the first person in the Huoze Branch, but she did not know if she could advance.

Soon, the first round was over.

The results of Yaoling Branch were very good. In addition to Chen Yang, Yan Guinan, Yu Ziwen, and Yin Tianfeng, two other disciples advanced.

Among the seven branches, the number is second only to Heiman Branch.

Heiman Branch deserved to be the first in the last session, with profound heritage, and seven people advanced to the second round.

Without breaks, the second round continues.

Chen Yang did not play by turns.

In the end, thirty-four people battled out and seventeen were decided.

Together with Chen Yang, there are eighteen people.

It has to be said that the Yaoling Branch was a great show this time. Of the eighteen people, four places were occupied: Chen Yang, Yan Guinan, Yu Ziwen, and Yin Tianfeng.

Even the Heiman Branch has only three people in the top eighteen.

This made Ke Zeyong laugh so tightly that at least from the current situation, there is almost no problem for Yin Tianfeng to enter the top ten.

Yan Guinan and Yu Ziwen, there are no too strong opponents, and the probability is very high.

The only thing you need to worry about is Chen Yangle ~ ~ Liu Henfei is not a good role to deal with.

In the third round, according to the match table information, eighteen people advanced to nine and entered the top ten.

The last place was created among the other nine eliminated, and the elimination system was also adopted. The first of them became the tenth place in the battle for the branch.

Once the second round is over, the third round continues.

With the gradual promotion, the remaining people's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the battle becomes more and more exciting.

In many cases, it is already affecting people's nerves and it is difficult to understand.

Of course, if they encounter Du Keyou and Gan Jungan, the two are still too strong. Although they have more moves, they still win overwhelmingly.

Moreover, they apparently haven't tried their best to spare any effort.

After a while, Duan Lian announced: "Chen Yang of Yaoling Branch, battle, Liu Henfei of Heimang Branch."