My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2002: 1 pick 2

Looking at the two monsters in the early days of the fake house, Chen Yang felt a lot of pressure.

If it weren't for the fragmentation of windstorm mood and the wrath of the sky, he would not dare to be so bold to challenge the two monsters in the early stage of the fake house.

Not to mention two, even one is enough.

"First use the wrath of the sky to kill one, but the rule says that if one person challenges two monsters of the same or higher rank, the monster Dan belongs to him. If I get a monster Dan, I will And another monster ... hey, is there surveillance? "

Chen Yang was thinking, his eyes fell on the walls in the Tamer Field, where there was a tiny rune engraved, which was an image array transmitting the picture images.

The image array is not a very high-level array, but the material of the array is very difficult to find, so it is rare.

"It looks like the elders and teachers of the college are staring at the fighting in the battlefield."

"However, the battle is changing rapidly, and unless they stay by their side, even if it is fast, there is no time to rescue."

"Perhaps, they set up this formation, they just want to see which students have potential."

"But in this case, if there is a secret, it is not exposed."

"Hey, but you want to peek at me, sorry, I won't give you a chance."

With a smile, Chen Yang turned into a god-conscious body, constructed a vortex in the sea of ​​knowledge, put his right hand out of the air, and was ready to modify the image array.

Although the image array will not be destroyed by the attack, it is too easy for Chen Yang to modify it.

As long as it is modified, others cannot see the picture through the image array.

After getting ready, Chen Yang moved into the battlefield.

The moment he entered, the sword-backed bear and the god-eye falcon, which were still motionless, rushed towards him.

The god-eye falcon is extremely fast, turning into a black afterimage. The sound of crickets from the air is washed away to form a turbulent stream.

The speed of the Swordback Bear was a little slower, but the footsteps landed, making a rumbling sound, with great momentum.

Seeing that he was about to rush to Chen Yang, the sword-backed bear suddenly choked, because when Chen Yang played to the extreme speed, his eyesight was not strong, but he didn't respond for a moment.

However, the God-Eyed Falcon responded very quickly and immediately turned to chase after Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry to deal with the monsters, his goal is to change the runes.

Just in a blink of an eye, he reached the stone wall, his fingertips were released, and his hand swept across the surface of the rune very quickly.

The original runes were destroyed by him instantly.

There was a strong sense of crisis behind him. He was moved with a sense of consciousness. The wrath of the sky appeared in his hands, and his right hand rested on the bowstring. At the moment of turning, the condensed dark red arrows were released toward the god-eye falcon that came after him. go with.

The God-Eyed Falcon did not expect that Chen Yang, an extraordinary eight, could release such a terrible attack.

At this time, it was less than thirty meters away from Chen Yang, and no matter how fast it was, it couldn't escape the wrath of the sky.

After a few breaths, it was overtaken by an arrow and crashed to the ground.

Although it is not dead, it is already dying.

Chen Yang rushed over immediately, waving the sword in his hand, killing it completely, taking out the evil spirits, collecting them into the ring, then turning to look at the sword-back bear.

The slow Swordback bears did not react until the God Eye Falcon had completely died.

It looked into Chen Yang's eyes, with doubt and fear.

The attack of the Wrath of Heaven just made it instinctively dangerous, and even the god-eye falcon couldn't escape. If the human in front of him throws an arrow at himself, it will undoubtedly die.

"The wrath of the sky has absorbed all of the star energy, and now I have no star energy, and I have to be careful with this sword-back bear."

Chen Yang clenched the ink-blade sword in his hand and did not think about killing the sword-back bear. After all, the sword-back bear's defense is strong. Now he has no star power and his combat effectiveness has been reduced by at least 50%.

In other words, he now relies on the true energy after a turn, and the fragmentation of the wind and mood.


The sword-backed bear couldn't sit still, and raised a roar, his thick limbs left deep footprints on the ground, and thundered toward Chen Yang.


At the bottom of Juxiu Cave, there is a room with an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

On the east wall of the room, there are large and small light curtains, one hundred and twenty-three light curtains, corresponding to the one hundred and twenty-three Doraemon fields in the Juxiu Cave.

These light curtains appeared in different colors, dim and dull, which proved that the corresponding Doraemon field had not been opened.

The bright scenes prove that this demon field has disciples of Dragon's Back Academy who are fighting the monsters inside.

At this time, 37 of the 123 light curtains were bright.

The light curtains were moved to the center of the wall to facilitate observation by the five deacons responsible for the place.

Today, as usual, there are no special incidents in the battlefield.

Only when such outstanding disciples as Lin Wuyi and Chen Hanyu entered the battlefield can they attract special attention.

Of course, even if they are calm, they dare not care.

Because if the disciples die in the battlefield, they must report it and explain why.

Otherwise, they will take responsibility.


Just then, a deacon issued a surprise.

He pointed to one of the light curtains ~ ~ to the others: "Look at this, is this disciple Chen Yang who has just started?"

Everyone looked at the light curtain he was pointing at, and saw a young male disciple, entered the black gate, and went to the Dou Yaochang.

Another deacon who had met Chen Yang showed surprise, and said, "Ah, isn't this exactly Chen Yang? What is he doing to challenge the monster?"

"This kid is crazy. Can he deal with the monsters in the early days of the fake house?"

"Which battlefield is this?"


"What, twenty-fourth! There are two fake monsters in the early stage of the mansion, sword-backed bears and god-eye falcons. As long as this boy enters, he will be killed."

"No, you must stop him. I heard that President Yu Qingfeng is optimistic about him. If he died here, how can we explain."

Suddenly, the five deacons couldn't sit still.

Just then, the door of the room opened and a woman of good appearance and figure walked in.

This woman is Zhou Yuerong.

Seeing the ten deacons nervous, she asked, "What happened to make you nervous like this?"

One of the deacon hurriedly reported the matter to her.

In addition to her identity as a teacher, she is still the elder of Juxiu Cave and is in charge of all matters of Juxiu Cave.

After listening, she fluttered her heart, looking at the light curtain, just to see Chen Yang crossed the transparent barrier and entered the Dou Yaochang.

"This boy is really arrogant."

Zhou Yuerong's complexion changed greatly. As soon as he was in shape, he immediately left the room and shouted, "He is extraordinary and heavy. Whoever put him in the Juxiu Cave is too messy. It was completely let him die!"

Although Chen Yang had not attended class before, Zhou Yuerong was upset.

However, seeing that Chen Yang was in danger, she rushed out and tried her best to save Chen Yang.