My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2003: Unexpected

Seeing Zhou Yuerong rushing out of the room, the five deacons all looked bitter.

They could see that the elder in Juju Cave was obviously angry.

But then again, the extraordinary Bae was put into the Juxiu Cave, and the two on-duty disciples in charge of the guard really did something wrong.

One of them said: "Call Zhang Duo and Zeng Qiu and ask what is going on. If Chen Yang is dead, we won't carry this pot."

Another deacon walked outside the door and said to a duty disciple who was guarding outside: "You go to Zhang Duo and Zeng Qiu, quickly, let them come over"

The on-duty disciple didn't know what happened, but he hurried out of Juju Cave to find Zhang Duo and Zeng Qiu who are responsible for guarding the entrance today.

"Well, why did the picture disappear."

Someone cried suddenly in the room.

"What's going on, hasn't happened like this for so many years."

"Strange, has anyone cracked the method of transmitting pictures?"

"The formation method was laid by Dean Lu Tianhe at that time. No one but him knew where the formation method was and what it looked like. How could Chen Yang crack the formation method."

"So what's going on?"

"Who knows, I'll ask Chen Yang later."

"In the face of the sword-back bear and the god-eye falcon, is he still alive or not, how do I ask him?"


Zhou Yuerong played to the extreme speed, and soon rushed to the gate of the 26th Doraemon field, using all the tokens that are accessible to the Doraemon field, opened the door directly, entered the channel, and went straight to the Doraemon field.

"Chen Yang is too self-righteous. Can you deal with the two monsters in the early days of the fake house?"

"Well, although I came quickly, God Eyed Falcon and Swordback Bear teamed up to kill him in just a few seconds."

"Hope, oh ..."

Zhou Yuerong didn't dare to continue thinking, and frowned, his expression on his face became more dignified.

Finally, she crossed the transparent barrier and entered the Doraemon field.

However, the scene she saw in front of her was far from what she thought.

Not far away, God's Eye Falcon died there, and Yao Dan had been taken away.

On the other side, the sword-backed bear was covered with scars. Although they were minor injuries and not fatal, they looked very embarrassed.

At this time, Jianbei Bear seemed very angry, and sent a fierce roar towards Chen Yang in the air. Zhou Yuerong had never seen that scarlet bloodthirsty look.

"What's going on? He's extraordinary, so how can he kill the god-eye falcon under the siege of the two beasts in the early days?

"And what on earth did he do to provoke the sword back bear?"

"This is Chen Yang's kid ... what's the secret?"

The scene in front of her surprised Zhou Yuerong, but at the same time, she was full of doubts.

She found that her perception of Chen Yang should be changed.

Perhaps this freshman is more talented and stronger than she knows.

Chen Yang had a fight with Jianbei Bear for a while. Although he suffered some injuries, he was faster than Jianbei Bear and was not hit by the front, so there was no major problem.

He was about to continue attacking, but unexpectedly a woman appeared in the battlefield.

Moreover, she is still a real woman.

As for the realm of the real government period, Chen Yang's current practice cannot be fully understood.

"Who is she? The elder of the college?"

Chen Yang glanced at Zhou Yuerong and said secretly.

At this moment, the sword-backed bear turned suddenly, stepped on, and hurled towards Zhou Yuerong, and seemed to vent all the anger just now on Zhou Yuerong.


It roared, stood up abruptly, opened a pair of claws, and patted it towards Zhou Yuerong.

"Get away!"

Zhou Yuerong didn't evade and didn't do anything, but she looked up at the sword-back bear that was two or three meters taller than herself and uttered a rage.

Suddenly, a powerful momentum emanated from her.

The original aggressive sword-backed bear suddenly stopped, with fear in his eyes, leaned down, ran back in a hurry, hid in the corner, and shivered.

The monster's instinct told it that the woman in front of her was very powerful.

It's powerful enough to kill it.

"So strong!"

Chen Yang looked at Zhou Yuerong with a look of surprise on his face, guessing that Zhou Yuerong's realm had reached at least the middle of Zhenfu.

If I fight with Zhou Yuerong, I'm afraid that I can't get through even one move.

"Chen Yang, come out first."

Zhou Yuerong glanced at Chen Yang, turned around and stepped out of the transparent barrier and entered the passage connecting the Dou Yaochang.

Chen Yang was unknown, but still walked out of Dou Yaochang and asked Zhou Yuerong: "Hello, may I ask you ..."

Zhou Yuerong said: "I am the elder of the Juxiu Cave, Zhou Yuerong."

The elders in the town are all late in the real government.

Chen Yang showed respect, and arched to Zhou Yuerong: "It turned out to be Elder Zhou, disrespectful."

Zhou Yuerong nodded slightly, raised her finger to the dead God-Eyed Falcon in Dou Yaochang, and asked, "Chen Yang, you are extraordinary and stern. By what means, you killed that God-Eyed Falcon?"

Chen Yangdao: "Elder Zhou ~ ~ I'm really sorry, this is my secret, I can't say."

Zhou Yuerong frowned. Although she was very curious, she pressed her hold and did not continue questioning.

However, she did not give up.

I was going to ask the deacons who watched the light curtain later. Through the image array, they must know how Chen Yang killed the god-eye falcon.

Seeing Zhou Yuerong not talking, Chen Yang asked, "Elder Zhou, why are you here?"

Zhou Yuerong also did not hide it, truthfully said: "Every battlefield has a video array set up, and your battle process will be transmitted. Just now a deacon discovered that you entered this battlefield, I am worried about your safety, so come here Take a look. Unexpectedly, your strength is so strong that you can deal with the two monsters in the early days of the fake house with an extraordinary eightfold.

In fact, Chen Yang was only dealing with a sword bear.

As soon as he opened, he killed the god-eye falcon with the wrath of the sky.

Otherwise, he can't deal with it.

After learning that Zhou Yuerong was here to save himself, Chen Yang was moved and wanted to thank him. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuerong was stern and then said, "However, although you are talented, you are too arrogant and arrogant. If you do not learn to be humble Convergence, your future achievements will definitely be limited. "

Seeing a bit of resentment in Zhou Yuerong's tone, Chen Yang was immediately confused.

Didn't you come to save me, why did you suddenly say that I was arrogant?

Seems to be aware of the doubts in Chen Yang's heart, Zhou Yuerong said: "I am a teacher of the college except for the elders in Juxiu Cave. I haven't been to my class before. I hope you can give it now. I have a satisfactory answer. "

Hearing that, Chen Yang then figured out what was going on.

The teacher was angry because he dared not go to class.