My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2028: Old man

The cannon swallowed the Wan Yaoling. Chen Yang had expected that one day, some strong people would find the strangeness of the cannon.

Unexpectedly, the first to find the weird cannon was a monster.

At this moment, when he saw Xuechen mentioning it, he thought that it seemed that Di Ying was obsessed with the cannon, and did not know what he was doing.

But from the current point of view, at least Di should not see the details of the cannon.

"The cannon was at Dragon's Back Academy and didn't come with me."

Of course, Chen Yang would not tell Xuechen that the cannon was in his appetite.

"Unfortunately, I want to see it."

Xuexue shook his head slightly, then laughed: "But it doesn't matter, I think I must have a chance to meet him."

Hearing that Chen Yang wondered, these monsters are so powerful, why not leave here?

He tentatively said: "In that case, you can go with me to Longji College and see the Chinese pastoral dog."

Xuechen's eyes narrowed and he said, "Forget it, I don't want to leave Yaoling Mountains."

Don't want to?

In my opinion, I dare not.

Chen Yang could see that the snow marks were obviously inexplicable.

Although these monsters are strong, they have not left the Yaoling Mountains on a large scale. They must be afraid of someone or a certain force.

Lu Tianhe?

Zuo Yinhan?

Or, did Di Ying have signed an agreement with others today, and the Yaoling Mountains must not be expanded?

What happened, Chen Yang could not get the answer for a while.

He glanced at the beasts around him, and was not in the mood to stay in this environment, so he said to Xuexue, "Is there anything else? If not, I will leave first."

"never mind."

Xue Hen smiled and said, "Yes, you have to remember the agreement with Di Ying. Although he trusts you, I think it is necessary to remind you."

Chen Yang knew that this was not a reminder but a threat.

If he doesn't cooperate with Di Ying anymore, he believes that the next time a monster looks for himself, this is not the situation today.

Chen Yang jumped on the iron hoofed horns and looked at the snow marks and other monsters: "Farewell."

Xuexian said: "You can just go out, other monsters, see these two iron hoof horns, they will not stop you."


Chen Yang responded, riding a cow, and hurried toward the outside of the Yaoling Mountains.


When Chen Yang left, three-eyed Jaguar said to Xuexue, "Queen, this kid, can he lift the seal of the king?"

Xuexian said: "The king's spirit possessed the monster and told me that he is probably an apprentice of Hao Lan's real person. Now that Hao Lan's real person doesn't know where he is going, he wants to save Wang from the seal. Come out and rely on him. "

Three-eyed Jaguar said: "What if he is not a real apprentice to Hao Lan?"

"No, then kill him."

Xue marks flashed killing in his eyes, and said coldly.

Three-eyed Jaguar said: "Unfortunately, we have an agreement with the Holy Emperor. Otherwise, why bother to lie in the Yaoling Mountains, we would have left long ago to find the real apprentice of Hao Lan and help the king break the seal formation. "

Xuechen said: "The Holy Emperor is a real apprentice to Hao Lan, so what?"

Three-eyed Jaguar said: "The Holy Emperor cannot be measured by common sense. Even if we know his identity, we dare not ask him. After all, he is too strong."

Snow marks coldly: "No matter how strong the emperor is, can he be stronger than the king? If the king was not suppressed by Hao Lan, how would we promise the unequal treaty of the emperor. As long as the king breaks the seal, then , Our previous account, we must find the Holy Emperor to clear. "

Three-eyed Swift Panther said: "Humans and monsters are incompatible. One day, we monsters will make a comeback and recapture our own Chongwuxing."

Hearing such a **** word, the monsters around him were full of excitement in their eyes, and they wished to start working now.

But they all knew that before the return of Wang Diying, their strength was not enough to shake the situation of the entire Chongwuxing.

Snow marks his eyes rolled, thoughtfully.

She didn't go on, and curled up on the ground, yawned, and said to the monsters around her, "I'm a little tired, you all go back."

All the monsters present at the scene left one after another, leaving only Xuexue alone.

After a while, there was silence around, and the snow marks seemed to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a black lacquer shadow enveloped in a black robe appeared beside the snow mark.

Behind the figure, another man with a stingy figure was also shrouded in a black robe and could not see it.

Xuechen stood up, looked at the man in black robe in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "White, you don't practice well and recover. What do you do now?"

The man in the black robe uncovered the hood on his head, revealing a determined face, it was Bai Qi.

And the man behind him was Yu Ji.

Their second demon, after being defeated by Chen Yang in Fenglin Island, came to the Yaoling Mountains. It was not expected that the Yaoling Mountains were conquered by Di Ying a long time ago. The powerful monsters here are all under the control of Di Ying ~ ~ So they stayed, practiced here, and restored their realm.

With the help of monsters such as Xuechen, Bai Qi has been restored to the early stage of the real government, and Yu Ji has also reached the late stage of the false government.

And the recovery speed of the two is getting faster and faster.

As long as you concentrate on cultivation here, you can return to the peak in three to five years.

At present, Bai Qi also calmed down, and did not always think of expanding the power and sought revenge from Chen Yang.

Rather than being busy, it is better to upgrade his own strength first, and then unite the monsters of Chong Wuxing. He believes that he can fight against humanity.

Not to mention, Chong Wuxing, and a powerful demon king like Di Ying, that is the biggest card.

Unfortunately, Di Ying is now missing.

At this time, both Bai Qi and Yu Ji were practicing in retreat, but just now he felt a very familiar atmosphere, so he couldn't help but came out to investigate.

Looking up at Xuechen, Bai Qi asked, "I was just underground, and I smelled a familiar taste. Is it a human taste? Is there a human here?"

Snow marks: "Yes."

He raised his eyebrows and wondered, "Strange, why did you let humans come in and let go of that human being? I just sensed that that human being is extraordinary?"

Xuexue said: "That man is truly extraordinary, but he is the key to receiving the king, so we let him go."

Bai Qi asked: "I feel very familiar with that person's breath. Who is he?"

Xuechen looked at Bai Qi suspiciously, and said, "His name is Chen Yang. Do you know him?"

"Chen Yang?!"

Hearing the name, Bai Qi's complexion changed greatly, describing Xue Yang's face to Xue Hen, and asking, "Is this Chen Yang?"

Xuexue nodded, and she was puzzled next time: "How do you recognize Chen Yang?"