My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2162: Your own way

"What is Chen Yang doing, even challenging Ren Zifei!"

Yu Ziwen murmured, his expression was very solemn.

Yan Guinan groaned, "Come on, let's catch up and persuade him."

Nangong Yunshang nodded: "Be sure to dissuade him. Ren Zifei is too strong. In three months, he is not enough to be promoted to compete with it."

Thinking about this, Yu Ziwen four people flew forward quickly to catch up with Chen Yang.

They really condensed, and they talked to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang only returned a word to them: "Relax, I can do it!"

Seeing that Chen Yang was iron-hearted, he had to fight Ren Zifei. The four of Yu Ziwen had no choice but to worry in his heart.

"Chen Yang is too arrogant!"

Zhou Yuerong followed the crowd, frowning, and felt unreasonable for Chen Yang's behavior.

In her opinion, Ren Zifei ranks thirty-fourth among the disciples and is extremely strong.

Even if Chen Yang has a higher talent, he will not be Ren Zifei's opponent for three months.

However, Chen Yang actually challenged Ren Zifei and challenged him to death.

This behavior is too irrational and too reckless.

She sighed secretly and flew towards the Dragon's Back Hall. To stop this battle, she could only ask the Dean to use a special order to temporarily close the dead cage challenge platform.

Soon, she arrived at the Dragon's Back Hall and asked Yu Qingfeng for details.

After listening, Yu Qingfeng showed an unexpected look, and groaned, "Chen Yang has such great courage to dare to challenge Ren Zifei. He is too confident in his own strength."

Zhou Yuerong said positively: "Dean, it is not too late. Please use special orders to close the dead cage challenge. Otherwise, Chen Yang will be killed by Ren Zifei three months later."

"Chen Yang's talent is extremely rare, and he is a rare arrogant. If nothing else, he can at least become the top figure in the West. In the spirit world, there is also a chance."

Yu Qingfeng praised Chen Yang, and the words turned around, and said to Zhou Yuerong: "However, even a strong genius must be tempered to grow up. Now, it is the temperation of Chen Yang. Moreover, his own character So, you should be responsible for your actions. This time we stopped him, but next time? "

This sentence left Zhou Yuerong speechless.

Yu Qingfeng continued: "This is Chen Yang's own path. He wants to go down by himself. No one can control him, and no one can guard him forever. Elder Zhou, you go down. Death after three months Cage challenge, I will pay attention. "

When it comes to this, Zhou Yuerong has no other choice.

What's the use of Yu Qingfeng's attention?

Is it possible to help Chen Yang defeat Ren Zifei in the dead cage challenge.


Chen Yang received the death cage challenge order in the deacon hall, and three months after registration, he executed the death cage challenge.

Then, he gave one of the dead cage challenge orders to Ren Zifei.

Ren Zifei is still a helpless expression, as if this battle, he did not want to participate at all, was forced by Chen Yang.

"After three months, I hope that Master Chen can improve significantly and leave."

Ren Zifei sneered in his heart, but on the surface it looked like a righteous speech. He turned away and returned to Shang Qingfeng.

It was an excitement to see another dead cage challenge settle down and follow me to see the lively disciples.

For this battle, everyone does not expect results.

Because, Ren Zifei will definitely win.

The disciples who were previously pitted for contribution points, at this moment, just think about it. At that time, there will be a prize quiz again to win back the lost contribution points.

Of course, the premise is that Chen Yang has one million contributions today, and he will use it to vote for himself.

Chen Yang's message about Ren Zifei's death cage challenge soon spread to Longji College, and received more attention than the previous battle.

Because Zheng Yanzhou challenged before, no one knew who his opponent was.

This time, regardless of whether Chen Yang or Ren Zifei was at Longji College, they were more famous disciples.

Especially since Chen Yang entered the academy, although his combat strength has not yet reached the top, but because of the anti-natural talent, he has become famous.

Of course, after everyone knew it, they all agreed.

This time, Chen Yang could never have played Ren Zifei.

What others said, Chen Yang didn't care.

After initiating the death cage challenge, he returned to his residence in Shangyunfeng, intending to continue to refine his five-stripe celestial device.

Yu Ziwen and Nangong Yunshang had wanted to go up and talk to him, but everyone thought about it, Chen Yang had three months left, so it's better not to disturb him.

Maybe, during this time, he concentrated on cultivation, really can be promoted to, and can compete with Ren Zifei?

Although this probability is very small.

The four people of Yu Ziwen returned to Zhongyunfeng with anxiety.

As soon as their forefoot left, Zhou Yuerong went from the Dragon's Back Hall to Shangyun Peak and came directly to Chen Yang.

"Elder Zhou ~ ~ Are you asking me something?"

Chen Yang looked at Zhou Yuerong standing outside the door and smiled.

Seeing that Chen Yang was still a relaxed look, Zhou Yuerong felt very helpless. The boy challenged Ren Zifei's death cage, but now, nothing seems to happen.

She walked into Chen Yang's courtyard, closed the door, went straight to the subject, and asked, "Are you sure you want to fight Ren Zifei?"

Chen Yang said: "There is no absolute certainty, but three months should be enough for me to advance to the top of the fake house. By then, I will have a battle."

In fact, as long as Chen Yang advances to the peak of the false mansion, the magical power can reach more than 700, plus the doubling of the knowledge of the sea vortex, the spiritual power can almost reach 1500.

After the practitioner advances to the real government period, the consciousness will enter a bottleneck period and the promotion will be very slow.

Even in the latter part of Zhenfu, it may not have 1500 levels of consciousness.

Therefore, at that time, Chen Yang is confident that the 1500th level of consciousness can suppress the consciousness of Ren Zifei. As long as he uses the consciousness to disturb, he can defeat it.

Seeing Chen Yang's calm tone, Zhou Yuerong was silent, so she didn't ask any more. She turned her gaze and looked at the cannon lying in the yard and asked, "Yes, what kind of monster are you? "

Chen Yang said: "Chinese pastoral dog."

Zhou Yuerong froze and said, "Why haven't you heard of this monster? But it seems that he is very powerful."

Chen Yang said: "It's okay. It's delicious and lazy. It can't help much except for chaos."

Hearing this, the cannon glanced at Chen Yang grievously, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Zhou Yuerong was amused by the expression of the cannon, and then she looked upright and said to Chen Yang: "In addition, the last question, I hope you answered truthfully. Did you defeat Zheng Yanzhou just now, did you use conscious attack?"