My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 2241: Heart Stealing

Chen Yang knows that he must be remembered by Chen Hanyu, but he doesn't know what way Chen Hanyu will deal with himself.

However, he is not an unhappy person, and does not worry about his safety all day, but devotes himself to cultivation.

His blood, true element, and star power are all steadily improving.

And with the help of the new leaves of the underworld tree, after breaking the wall of devotional consciousness, his devotional power is advancing by leaps and bounds, reaching Level 1000 after just one month.

You must know that the 1000 levels of divine power, the average person is restricted by the wall of divine power, and needs to advance to the real government to reach this level.

And some runes masters may not be able to break the wall of the gods at the peak of the false house even if they practice the gods.

Even if there are treasures, they must be supported by powerful exercises.

Therefore, Chen Yang's 1000-level consciousness is already a horrible figure at the peak of his fake house.

Then use the vortex of the sea of ​​knowledge, that is, in a short period of time, the consciousness of level 2000 can erupt.

Chen Yang thought about it. Even in the real government period, there are very few practitioners who can practice to the 2000 level.

If he can develop a new method of attacking the consciousness, then relying on the 2,000 level of consciousness, it will be much easier to deal with the real government period.

In China, there are many ways to attack the consciousness.

Fire-Eye Pupil: It is a kind of pupil technique, which can disturb the mind of the opponent by looking directly into the other's eyes. Cultivate to a very high level, and even control each other.

Phantom space: Use powerful divine power to create a third-party illusion, completely control everything in the illusion, and change objects, characters, and even the time and space of the illusion. Outsiders cannot distinguish the phantom space. After entering, they will not be controlled by the releaser, but they will treat all the illusions as entities.

Divine magic: Divine knowledge is transformed into divine thoughts, retaining its own body of consciousness, and detached from the body, it can seize the house to survive, form a second self, and have independent thinking. Cultivated to be extremely powerful, able to achieve billions of avatars.

Illusion Mind: Create a space of consciousness, completely under your control, and be able to enter it, practice ideological cultivation, and transform the results of the cultivation into entities.

Concentrated method: By attacking the opponent's knowledge and digging into the memory of the other party, the negative emotions of the other party will be amplified, and the other party will die under the torture of negative emotions.


Chen Yang looked at various methods of using the consciousness, thinking that instead of calling it a method of attacking the consciousness, it was better known as the method of consciousness.

Because these methods are not all used for attack, there are all kinds of magic methods.

Among them, Chen Yang thought, it should be that Hao Lan was transformed into 3.6 billion gods, and the technique used was extremely exquisite.

In addition, Lu Tianhe should have practiced a similar technique, but it is much lower, leaving only the idea body instead of the entity in the relics of the West Sea.

"If I could practice this technique, wouldn't it be immortal."

Chen Yang thinks this way, but he doesn't expect it, he can practice it now, because the techniques he just saw are very clever gods.

Fire eye pupil, phantom space, magical spirit, magical heart magic, mindfulness ...

These sophisticated techniques require very demanding cultivation conditions.

Chen Yang's 1000-level consciousness now is a hundred thousand miles away from the bottom line that can be cultivated.

Of course, these techniques are also recorded at the back. This is the technique that can only be practiced in the later period.

In the front, in addition to the disturbance of the initial level of consciousness, and then gradually improved, there are several relatively simple methods of consciousness.

But it's relatively simple, and it's actually a very clever and esoteric method of consciousness.

Chen Yang was also not so good as Gao Yuanyuan, and chose a method of consciousness behind the disturbance of consciousness, called "the trick of magic".

This technique creates a hallucination with strong divine power.

As for what an illusion is, it cannot be controlled by the releaser, but is determined by the environment of the scene and the thinking of the opponent.

So what the opponent will see, the releaser does not know.

Perhaps the illusion of the opponent will make him completely lack of fighting spirit, or kill each other ...

But it is also possible that the hallucinations that have appeared will make the opponent's fighting spirit rise and the fighting spirit will be stimulated ...

That is to say, the "magic art" is not completely controlled by the releaser, and may weaken the opponent or increase the opponent.

But the trick is not completely uncontrollable.

If you find that the opponent ’s hallucinations have no attack effect, you can immediately interrupt the trick.

But in doing so, the loss of divine power is huge.

If you want to use the trick again, it may be a bit difficult.

From this point of view, it seems that the trick is not even disturbed by divine knowledge.

However, the perplexity of divine knowledge is useless for more than the real period, but the trick of tricks can be.

At this stage, Chen Yang can only practice the tricks.

He also wanted to cultivate other gods, but unfortunately his strength was not good enough.

After making a decision, Chen Yang immediately tried.

He first took subtle control of his divine power in accordance with the recorded method ~ ~, so as to achieve the invasion of the enemy's sea of ​​knowledge without the enemy's **** knowing it.

After all, after the Manchu period, the consciousness is very strong, and it is easy to sense the external consciousness attacks. If defense is made, the trick of magic will not work.

Therefore, it is necessary to perform subtle manipulations on divine power.

I have to say that Chen Yang has a very high talent in the aspect of consciousness.

A few days later, he had the subtle control of divine power.

Next, he should make a real combat attempt.

However, he did not have a suitable experimental goal.

Thinking about it, he set his gaze on the cannon in the yard.

Lying on his back with the cannon basking in the sun, he didn't notice anything, scratched his belly, and had a good time.

Chen Yang walked over, holding the cannon's hind legs directly and dragging the cannon into the practice room.

The cannon, like boneless, was suspended in Chen Yang's hands and dragged into the practice room.

"Wangwang ..."

The cannon was still lying on the ground, sobbing twice, as if complaining about Chen Yang, not letting him take a good rest.

Chen Yang said positively: "Cannon, you are delicious and lazy all day long, do nothing, now is the time for you to exert light and heat."

The cannon seemed to have an ominous premonition, shrinking its neck and staring suspiciously at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang continued: "Don't be nervous. In fact, it's nothing. I just want you to practice a method of consciousness and make me a living target. Rest assured, I will never hurt you."

"Wangwang ..."

The cannon made a few throats and turned and ran.

Chen Yang grabbed the hind legs of the cannon and pressed it to the ground. The cannon was already a ridiculous expression.

Although he didn't know what the consciousness was, he understood that it was never a good thing.